A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

  1. The Cluster Buster. =======================

Generally speaking, Arabic does not tolerate three or more consonant clusters. The common practice to deal with such a phonological environment is to insert a short or long vowel in between. We mentioned earlier the use of the short helping vowel. A good example for the use of a long vowel is when we have an attached object pronoun for transitive verbs which have أنتم   as a subject. Notice the use of the long vowel (و ) to break the cluster in the following sentences:

**شاهدتـُموها في السوق ِ.**

You (mp) saw her in the market.

**قابلتـُمونا في المقهی.**

You (mp) met us in the cafe.

**علمتـُموهُ العربية َ.**

You (mp) taught him Arabic.