A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

  1. In the Subjunctive Mood ===========================

In the Subjunctive Mood of the Arabic verb, the final (نَ  ) of the third person masculine plural is dropped and replaced by a silent (ا ) .

they (m) go                        يَذهبونَ

in order for them (m) to go         لِيذهبوا

In addition to**(** لِـ ) , other particles of subjunctivity which express purpose/intention and, thus, mean “in order to, so that.” include حتـَّی ، کي ، لکي .

**سافروا إلی مصرَ** لِيدرسوا **هُناكَ .**

They (m) traveled to Egypt in order to study there.

The original form of the underlined verb is  ( يدرسونَ )

Please note that the final ( نَ )  of  the second person feminine singular should also be dropped, but without replacement with silent (ا).

**                     you (f.s.) study تـَدرُسينَ**

**     so that you (f.s.) study            لکي تـَدرَسي**

**سافرتِ إلی مصرَ لکي تـَدرُسي **هُناكَ .****

You (f.s.) traveled to Egypt in order to study there.

* * *The original form of the underlined verb is * ( تَدرُسينَ )