A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

  1. The Dropping of the Shadda of إنَّ and her sisters لکنَّ ، کأنَّ ، أنَّ ===========================================================================

Arab grammarians call this** تـَخفيفُ النون** . It was mentioned earlier that these particles change the subject's vowel marker from nominative to accusative case. When the Shadda is eliminated, the subject maintains its nominative case marker (a). Furthermore, these particles will tolerate the use of verbs (b) after them.

**سَمِعتُ أنَّ** الأستاذة **َ قادِمَة ٌ.    **

(a) سَمِعتُ أنْ الأستاذة ُ قادِمَة ٌ.

I heard that the professor (f) is coming.

**سافـَرَتْ جارتي إلی بغدادَ لکنَّزَوجَها سافـَرَ **إلی القاهِرَةِ.   ****

(b)سافـَرَتْ جارتي إلی بغدادَ لکنْ سافـَرَ زَوجُها إلی القاهِرَةِ.

My neighbor travelled to Baghdad, but her husband travelled to Cairo.