A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

  1. The Cognate Accusative  المَفعولُ المُطلق =============================================

The Cognate Accusative  المَفعولُ المُطلق is a vebal noun, which is derived from the same verb of the sentence, and it does come in a phrase as:

a. indefinite that is followed by an adjective

**يُحِبُّ هذا الرَّجُلُ بَلَدَهُ** حُـبَّا ً عظيما **ً.**

This man loves his country a lot.

b. definite as a part of Idaafa or following بَعضٌ ، کـُلٌّ

**تـَحترِمُ اُستاذتـَهااحترامَ البنتِ لأمِّها **.****

She respects her professor (the way) a daughter respects her mother.

**ساعَدَها أهلـُها** کـُلَّ المساعَدَةِ **.**

Her family helped her greatly.

Please remember that the Cognate Accusative phrase functions as an adverb to modify the verb of the sentence.