A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

  1. The Derivation of the Active Participle. =============================================

The Active Participle derivation pattern for verb Form I is usuallyفاعِل . For the other forms (II-X), the pattern is to prefix (مـُ ) to the stem. The stem vowel on the second radical is always Kasra. An exception to that is for pattern IX, which has to be FatHa. Notice the following examples:

**** (IV** ** ** ،  مُقبـِل ( (III)  ، مُساعِد**(II)** مُدرِّس**

** (VII) ، مَنصَرِف** ** ) VI)  ، مُتراسِل (V) **مُتکـَلـِّم **  **

(X) مُستـَقبـِل     ، (IX)  ، مُحمَرّ **(VIII) ** مُستـَمِع