A Muslim in Society

Spending Wealth

The Messenger of Allah (s) said:

“We (prophets) were not sent to amass the wealth, but to spend it.”

Indeed Allah created the earth and supplied it with ample provision for all human beings. In it we find grains, fruits, vegetables, trees, animals, seas, fish, metals like iron, gold, silver, platinum, copper, etc., and oil. Other materials lie in the depths of the earth to satisfy the needs of the people, like diamonds, coal, etc.

If these provisions are distributed equally among mankind, no one on this earth will remain in poverty.

People are classified into two groups:

  1. The first group are those who work in fields such as agriculture, industry, technology, science, etc., and earn their living and needs through working. They do not need help.

  2. The second group are the old, orphans, refugees, poor and disabled who need help because they are unable of doing such work. There are also people who can work but either cannot find work, or work but their salary does not cover their needs.

It is obligatory for the first group to spend out of their possessions and to pay the poor-rates zakat in order to provide the second group with their needs so they do not remain in want.

The Prophet of Allah (s) explains to the Muslims how to distribute property, provisions and charity to all people. He says: Surely Allah sent the prophets to spend wealth on the needy and to teach people the way of spending. Allah never sent prophets to amass wealth and forget the poor. The prophets forbade the rich from amassing wealth and saving it in banks and treasuries while others are left to live in miserable poverty.”

The Prophet of Allah (s), through this tradition, explains to the Muslims that he came to teach them how to spend their wealth on the poor by charitable deeds, like building mosques, schools, hospitals, bridges, irrigation systems, roads, etc., and forbid them from amassing wealth and depriving the poor of a reasonable standard of living by refusing to spend their wealth in charitable and beneficial ways.