A Muslim in Society


The Messenger of Allah (s) said:

“No foot of a servant (of Allah) will move on the Resurrection Day before being asked about four things: his years and how he spent them, his body and how he used it, his wealth and how he earned and spent it, and about his love towards us, the Ahlul Bayt (a) [^1]

The Prophet of Allah, Muhammad (s), teaches us, through this glorious tradition hadith, that it is obligatory to make use of the blessings and bounties that Almighty Allah granted us. It also explains to us that we are held accountable for the way we use our time, property, health and strength, and we should use them properly in the life of this world.

Surely Allah, the Most High, created man and gave him life for a certain time. He gave him wisdom, strength, free will, wealth, etc. to enable him to use them in doing good and useful deeds, obtaining knowledge, and worshipping Him.

If man wastes these blessings and bounties without taking any advantage of them, undoubtedly he will be held responsible for them on the Resurrection Day.

Accordingly, man must be aware of his responsibility. He must feel a responsibility to Allah on the Resurrection Day. Thus Allah, the Almighty, will hold him to account on that Day for the wealth that He gave him and how he obtained and used it. Did he obtain it through lawful means like agriculture, industry, trading and the like, or through unlawful ways like deceiving others, robbery, oppression and the like? If he earned it through unlawful actions, his lot will be punishment and torture. If his wealth was gained through lawful means, most surely Allah will reward him and be pleased with him.

On the Resurrection Day, man will be questioned about the property that he owned in the life of this world and how he used it. Did he spend it on forbidden deeds such as drinking alcohol, gambling, frivolous entertainment, etc? Or, did he spend it on himself and his family, participating in establishing useful and charitable projects and foundations to help the poor and needy?

He will also be questioned in the Hereafter about his time and youthful strength and health. Did he use them in doing good deeds and in obedience to Allah?

He will also be questioned about his love for the Ahlul Bayt (the Prophet's pure and sinless Household). Definitely, the love of Ahlul Bayt (a) is an obligatory duty upon all Muslims.

Through the narrations and traditions of the Prophet of Allah (s) it is clearly obligatory for every Muslim to love the Ahlul Bayt (a) and obey them, be faithful to them and act according to their instructions and guidance.

The Holy Qur'an also makes clear to us that the love of the Ahlul Bayt (a) is obligatory:

“...say: I do not ask of you any reward for it (the message) but love for my near relatives...” Holy Qur'an (42:23)

The Prophet of Allah (s) interpreted and explained this verse to the Muslims by saying that 'near relatives' referred to the household of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (s).

When they heard this verse the Muslims asked the Holy Prophet (s), “Who are your near relatives, whose love Allah has made obligatory on us?” The Apostle of Allah replied: “Ali, Fatimah and her two sons (Hasan and Hussein).”[^2]

So, we understand that love for Ahlul Bayt and their offspring is an obligation upon all Muslims. On Judgement Day they will be questioned about this love, and whoever departs from the love of Ahlul-Bait indeed departs from one of the obligatory duties of his religion and becomes distant from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s).

The Best wisdom is to Fear Allah.

[^1]: This hadith is narrated by Suyyoti in Ihya' al Mayyit, p.36.

[^2]: Al-Zamakhshari, Tafsir al-Kashshaf.