A Quick Look in the Holy Book


Surely, a human being cannot be a perfect being unless he is under the direct supervision of the Mighty, Perfect God. On the other hand, the Almighty Creator of this world should be perfect in every way, making no mistakes at all.

If a human being, with his/her imperfections, writes a book, that book will be written on his/her level and time will show his/her mistakes. History will reveal them.

In the ancient ages, people believed that the earth was flat! The sun revolved around the earth! At the time, they were known facts. Where are these facts today?

Theories come and go and humans live and die. So is the way of the world. But the One, the Everlasting, is always here with us and so is His Book. The Almighty Lord's Book must be perfect, with no mistakes. Should any mistake be detected, then we must deduct that the Book could not have been written by Him or under His supervision by His Prophets.

The Books which dominate the world today as Gospel, the Books of God, are the Bible and the Qur'an. We should research these two Books. We should not rely on the words, "Just believe". After all, we have a device to think with, we have a tool to undo the mistakes with, and to enable us to distinguish between right and wrong. If we did not have such power, then it really would not matter what book we followed or what belief or religion we adopted. We might as well be as animals, just eat and sleep...

As God’s book is perfect, I am a faulty, small creature in His kingdom with many mistakes, wishing by His grace to lift me up.

Imam Jowad Al-Ansari PhD candidate