A Shi'ite Creed

Concerning Justice (al-'adl)

Concerning Justice (al-'adl)[^1]

Says the Shaykh Abu Ja'far: Verily Allah, Who is Blessed and Exalted above all others, has commanded us to be just, while He Himself treats us with something even better, namely, grace (tafaddul[^2]). And that is because He, the Glorious and Mighty says:

“Whoso bringeth a good deed will receive tenfold the like thereof; while whoso bringeth an evil deed will be awarded the like thereof; and they shall not be wronged” (Qur'an 6:160).

Justice (al-`adl) means that He requites[^3] a good act with a good act and an evil act with an evil act. The Prophet said: No man ever enters Paradise by virtue of his (good) actions (alone), except by the mercy of Allah the Glorious and Mighty.

[^1]: On God's Justice see MC, 60-63 (Fiqh Akbar II, art. 22), 195, 234; BHA, has a very long and elaborate section on Allah's Justice, arts. 1 I 1 -151 , but this contains good and evil, free will and predestination, taklif, etc. But see principally, nos. 149 -- 151. The Shiites lay great stress on `adl; not so the Sunnites. See BHA, 95, note to no.111;Shahrastani,29;Macdonald,Development, 136; the only reference in Taw. is on p.61. FC, no. 84.

[^2]: Compare BHA, no. 151.

[^3]: Reading with D يثيب N. err. يثبت