Al-mawaaizh ( the Sermons )

Supplement 2

ثمّ قال صلّى الله عليه وآله لسلمان الفارسي رحمة الله عليه: يا سلمان، إنّ لك في علّتك إذا أعتللت ثلاث خصال: أنت من الله تبارك وتعالى بذكر، ودعاءك فيها مستجاب، ولا تدع العلّة عليك ذنباً إلاّ حطّته متّعك الله بالعافية إلى إنقضاء أجلك.

ثمّ قال رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وآله لأبي ذرّ رحمة الله عليه: يا أبا ذر، إيّاك والسؤال، فإنّه ذلّ حاضر، وفقر متعجّل وفيه حساب طويل يوم القيامة. يا أبا ذر تعيش وحدك، وتموت وحدك، وتدخل الجنّة وحدك، يسعد بك قوم من أهل العراق يتولّون غسلك وتجهيزك ودفنك.


O Salman, when you become sick, you win three things: you mention Allah continuously, your praying is answered, and all your sins are pardoned due to that ailment. Allah may make you enjoy good health up to the time of your death.27


O Abu Tharr, beware of petition, for it is present humiliation, current poverty, and will cause long judgment on the Day of Resurrection. O Abu Tharr, you will live alone, die alone, and enter Paradise alone. Some Iraqi people will be delighted because of you. They will wash your (dead) body, arrange your funerals, and bury you.


  1. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:375 H. 5762, al-Khissal; 1:170 H.224, al-Amali; 377, Bihar ul-Anwar; 77:62 H.3 and 81:185 H.37.

يا أبا ذرّ لا تسأل بكفّك وإن أتاك شيء، فاقبله. ثمّ قال صلّى الله عليه وآله لأصحابه:

ألا أخبركم بشراركم؟ قالوا: بلى يا سول الله. قال: المشّاوؤن بالنميمة، المفرّقون بين الأحبّة، الباغون للبراء العيب. O Abu Tharr, do not ask from people directly, but if something is offered to you, you should accept it.28


May I inform you of the evilest of you? "Yes, you may, Allah's messenger," answered they. He (s) said: They are the talebearers who sow enmity between the associates and stick defects to those who are acquitted of defects.29


  1. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:375 H. 5762, al-Khissal; 182 H.249, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Mekarim ul-Akhlaq; 445, Bihar ul-Anwar; 77:62 H.3.

  2. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:375 H. 5762, al-Khissal; 182 H.249, Alikhtisas; 342, Mekarim ul-Akhlaq; 445, Az-Zuhd; 6 H.8, Keshf ur-Rayba; 41, Bihar ul-Anwar; 77:62 H.3.

مواعظ رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) الموجزة ومن ألفاظ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الموجزة الّتي لم يسبق إليها:

(2) اليد العليا خير من اليد السفلى. (3) ما قلّ وكفى خير ممّا كثر وألهى. (4) خير الزّاد التقوى. (5) رأس الحلم مخافة الله عزّ وجلّ. (6) خير ما اُلقي في القلب اليقين. (7) الارتياب من الكفر.


The following are the first-time brief sermons of the Prophet (s):

(2) The high hand is better than the low.30 (3) The few that is sufficient is better than the much that diverts.31 (4) God-fearing is the best of provisions.32 (5) The head of clemency is to fear Allah, Powerful and Majestic is He.33 (6) Conviction is the best thing that is thrown in hearts.34 (7) Doubt is a part of atheism.35


  1. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5763, al-Khissal; 182 H.249, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Ibn Shahrashoub's al-Manaqib; 3:257, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Tuhaf ul-Uqoul; 380, Tanbih ul-Khawattir; 2:229, Irshad ul-Quloub; 73, Awali ul-La'aali; 1:141 H. 55 and 368 H.6, Bihar ul-Anwar; 71:379 H.12.

  2. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5764, As-Saduq's al-Amali; 478 H.1, Qurb ul-Isnad; 16, al-Khissal; 182 H.249, Alikhtisas; 234 and 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Irshad ul-Quloub; 73, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Mishkat ul-Anwar; 282, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Sharhu Nahj ul-Balagha; 12:32.

  3. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5765, As-Saduq's al-Amali; 478 H.1, Alikhtisas; 234, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Irshad ul-Quloub; 73, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216.

  4. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5766, al-Khissal; 111 H.83, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Irshad ul-Quloub; 73, Mishkat ul-Anwar; 120, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:211 H.2 and 77:175 H.43.

  5. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5767, As-Saduq's al-Amali; 417 H.1, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Bihar ul-Anwar; 70:173 H.25.

  6. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5768, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:211 H.2.

(8) النياحة من عمل الجاهليّة. (9) السكر جمر النار. (10) الشعر من إبليس. (11) الخمر جِماع الاثام. (12) النّساء حبائل إبليس. (13) الشباب شعبة من الجنون. (14) شرّ المكاسب كسب الرّبا. (15) شر المآكل أكل مال اليتيم ظلماً. (16) السعيد من وعظ بغيره. (17) الشّقي من شقي في بطن اُمّه، والسعيد من سعد في بطن اُمّه.

(8) Lamentation is a non-Islamic deed.36 (9) Drunkenness is the firebrand of Hell.37 (10) Eblis is the source of poetry.38 (11) Wine is the collector of all sins.39 (12) Women are snares of Eblis.40 (13) Youth is a branch of insanity.41 (14) The worst of gains is the gain of usury.42 (15) The worst of food is to seize the estate of an orphan wrongly.43 (16) The true happy is that who learns lessons from others.44 (17) The true unhappy is that who was unhappy in his mother's womb (before he was born), and the true happy is that who was happy in his mother's womb. 45


  1. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5769, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:211 H.2 (in which the word 'desertion' replaces 'lamentation'.) and 77:135 H43.

  2. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5770, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:211 H.2 and 77: 135 H.43.

  3. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5771, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:211 H.2 and 77: 135 H.43.

  4. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5772, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:211 H.2 and 77: 135 H.43.

  5. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5773, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Nahj ul-Balagha; 18:199, Irshad ul-Quloub; 72, Jami' ul-Akhbar; 158, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:211 H.2, 77: 135 H.43, and 103: 249 H. 38.

  6. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:376 H. 5774, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Irshad ul-Quloub; 73, Awali il-La'aali; 1:291 H 153, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:211 H.2, and 77: 135 H.43.

  7. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:377 H. 5775, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Irshad ul-Quloub; 73, Jami ul-Akhbar; 158, and Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:211 H.2, 77: 135 H 43, and 103:120 H 28.

  8. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:377 H. 5776, As-Saduq's al-Amali; 487 H. 1, al-Khissal; 621, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Tanbih ul-Khawattir; 2:92, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:211 H.2 and 77: 135 H 43.

  9. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:377 H. 5777, As-Saduq's al-Amali; 487 H 1 and p.503 H. 1, al-Khissal; 621, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Nahj ul-Balagha; 2:226, 6:353, 10:121, 12:13, 17:14, and 20:289, Tanbih ul-Khawattir; 2:47 and p.211, Awali il-La'aali; 1:296 H.196, Irshad ul-Quloub; 73, Tuhaf ul-Uqoul; p.88, 100, and 249, Bihar ul-Anwar; 71:324 H.13 and 77: 138 H

  10. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:377 H. 5778, As-Saduq's al-Amali; 487 H. 1, At-Tawhid; 356 H.3, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:227 and 291, Mutashabah ul-Qur'aan; 1:179, Awali il-La'aali; 1:35 H.19, Ibn Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Az-Zuhd; 14 H.28, Bihar ul-Anwar; 5:153 H.1 p.157 H.10 and 77: 117 H.8.

(18) مصيركم إلى أربعة أذرع. (19) أربى الربا الكذب. (20) سباب المؤمن فسوق، قتال المؤمن كفر، أكل لحمه من معصية الله تعالى، وحرمة ماله كحرمة دمه. (21) مَن يكظم الغيظ يأجره الله. (22) من يصبر على الرزيّة يعوّضه الله. (23) الآن حمي الوطيس. (24) لا يلسع المؤمن من جحر مرّتين. (25) لا يجني على المرء إلاّ يده. (26) الشديد من غلب نفسه.

(18) The end of you all is that four cubits (grave).46 (19) The worst usury is untruth.47 (20) To revile at a believer is (regarded as) commitment of sins, to fight him is atheism, and to backbite him is an act of disobedience to Allah. The believers' estates are as sanctified as their souls.48 (21) Allah will reward him who suppresses his rage.49 (22) Allah will recompense him who is steadfast against misfortunes.50 (23) Now, the heat of battle is fiery.51 (24) The believers should not be stung in the same place twice.52 (25) Nothing wrongs a man except his own hand.53 (26) The true strong is that who overcomes his own whims.54

____________ 46. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:377 H. 5779, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:291, Bihar ul-Anwar; 77: 135 H.43. 47. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:377 H. 5780, Alikhtisas; 342, Bihar ul-Anwar; 77: 135 H.47. 48. Refer to al-Mahaasin; 102 H.77, Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:377 H. 5781, Thawab ul-A'maal; 240, Alikhtisas; 342, Fiqh ul-Qur'aan; 1:283, Tanbih ul-Khawattir; 2:65 and 209, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Mekarim ul-Akhlaq; 469, A'lam ud-Din; 148 and 201, Jami ul-Akhbar; 160, Az-Zuhd; 11 H.23, Munyat ul-Mureed; 328, Bihar ul-Anwar; 75: 160 H.33. 49. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:377 H. 5782, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:212 H.2 and 77: 135 H.43 . 50. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:377 H. 5783, Alikhtisas; 342, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:288, Kenz ul-Fawa'id; 1:216, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:212 H.2 and 77: 135 H.43. 51. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:377 H. 5784, al-Irshad; 1:143, Ibn Shahrashoub's al-Manaqib; 1:211, Keshf ul-Ghumma; 1:223, al-Qummi's Tafsir; 1:288, A'lam ul-Wara; 115, Ar-Rawandi's Qassas ul-Anbiyaa; 350 H.425, Bihar ul-Anwar; 21:151 H.1, p.157 H.6 and 33: 445 H.656.

  1. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:377 H. 5785, Ilal ash-Sharaayi'; 49, Alikhtisas; 345, Awali il-La'aali; 1:228 H.122, al-Kharaij wal-Jara'ih; 149, Nahj ul-Haqq; 520, Bihar ul-Anwar; 20:79 H.16 and 76: 362 H.67.

  2. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H. 5786.

  3. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H. 5787.

(27) ليس الخبر كالمعاينة. (28) اللّهم بارك لاُمّتي في بكورها يوم سبتها وخميسها. (29) المجالس بالأمانة. (30) سيّد القوم خادمهم. (31) لو بغى جبلاً على جبل لجعله الله دكّا. (32) أبدأ بمن تعول. (33) الحرب خدعة. (34) المسلم مرآة لأخيه. (35) مات حتف أنفه. (36) البلاء موكل بالمنطق.

(27) Reporting is not like witnessing.55

(28) O Allah, bless my people who wake up (or settle their needs) early on Saturdays and Thursdays.56 (29) Sessions should be kept secret.57 (30) The master of a people is their servant.58 (31) If a mountain oppresses a mountain, Allah will turn it into dust.59 (32) Begin with your dependants.60 (33) (Strategies of) War is trickery.61 (34) The Muslims are mirrors of each other.62 (35) He died despite of his nose.63 (36) Misfortunes follow the utterance.64


  1. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H. 5788, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Nahj ul-Balagha; 7:220 and 253 and 11:11. 56. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H.5789, al-Khissal; 394 H.98, Uyounu Akhbar ir-Ridha; 1: 34 H.73, Sahifat ur-Ridha: 51 H.48, Bihar ul-Anwar; 59: 35 H.3 & 47 H.5 and 103:41 H.1.

  2. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H.5789, At-Tousi's al-Amali; 2:7, Tanbih ul-Khawattir; 2:65 and 70, Mekarim ul-Akhlaq; 469, A'lam ud-Din; 202 and 209, Ma'dan ul-Jawhar; 33, Bihar ul-Anwar; 75: 465 H.7 & 467 H.16. The narration, as recorded by al-Majlisi in his Bihar ul-Anwar (and quoted from At-Tousi's al-Amali) is as follows: Jabir bin Abdillah: The Prophet (s) said: Sessions should be kept secret except those in which a respected soul is killed illegally, a chaste honor is violated illegally, and an ill-gotten estate is seized illegally.

  3. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H.5791, Mekarim ul-Akhlaq; 469, Bihar ul-Anwar; 76: 273 H.31

  4. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H.5792, Thawab ul-A'maal; 275, Tanbih ul-Khawattir; 1:53, Bihar ul-Anwar; 75: 275 H.10 and 13. 60. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H.5793, Alikhtisas; 219, Fiqh ul-Qur'aan 1:238, and 2:101, Awali il-La'aali; 1:141 H.55 & p. 368 H. 69, Tuhaf ul-Uqoul; 348 & 380, Bihar ul-Anwar; 47: 234 H.22 & 13.

  5. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H.5793, Waq'atu Siffeen; 170, al-Irshad; 1:163, Ibn Shahrashoub's al-Manaqib; 4: 31, Keshf ul-Ghumma; 1:231, Irshad ul-Quloub; 246, As-Sirat ul-Mustaqeem; 1:150, Mutashabah ul-Qur'aan; 1:226, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Sharhu Nahj il-Balagha; 3:325, 6:131, 15:32, 16:23, and 17:17, Bihar ul-Anwar; 20: 207, p.246 H.11 & 100:42 H. 53. As a comment on this hadith, al-Majlisi, in his An-Nihaya; 2:14, says: This hadith has many meanings. It may mean that a fighter will be finally terminated if he is trapped by a single trickery. This is, however, the most accurate meaning. It may also mean that war is misleading. Finally, it may mean that war promise men of good return but it is not faithful.

  6. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H.5795, al-Khissal; 618, Tuhaf ul-Uqoul; 108, Bihar ul-Anwar; 74: 233 H.29. 63. This is a famous Arabic expression, which means 'he dies a natural death.' It is mentioned here for the handsome rhetorical feature that the expression draws. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H. 5796. 64. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:378 H.5797, Bisharat ul-Mustafa; 265, Jami' ul-Akhbar; 93, Mishkat ul-Anwar; 174, Rawdhat ul-Wa'idheen; 469, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Sharhu Nahj il-Balagha; 4:127 and 13:316, Bihar ul-Anwar; 71:286 H.42.

(37) الناس كأسنان المشط سواء. (38) أىّ داء أدوء من البخل. (39) الحياء خير كلّه. (40) اليمين الفاجرة تذرّ الديار من أهلها بلاقع. (41) أعجل الشرّ عقوبة البغي. (42) أسرع الخير ثواباً البر. (43) المسلمون عند شروطهم. (44) إنّ من الشعر لحكمة، وإنّ من البيان لسحراً. (45) ارحم مَن في الارض يرحمك مَن في السّماء. (46) مَن قتل دون ماله فهو شهيد.

(37) People are equal like the teeth of a comb.65 (38) There is no malady more extremely than niggardliness.66 (39) Pudency is good all in all.67 (40) Perjury changes countries into deserted wastelands.68 (41) Aggression is the quickest in punishment.69 (42) Charity is the quickest in rewarding.70 (43) Muslims should respect their stipulations.71 (44) Some poetry is (words of) wisdom and some speech has magical influence.72 (45) Compassion them who are on this earth and you will be compassioned by Him Who is in the Heavens.73 (46) Those who are killed during defending their wealth are shahids.74

____________ 65. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:379 H.5798, Tuhaf ul-Uqoul; 368, Bihar ul-Anwar; 61:65 H.51 and 78:251 H.108 66. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:379 H.5798, Ilal ush-Sharayi'; 548 H.4, al-Ayyashi's Tafsir; 2:244 H.26, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Sharhu Nahj il-Balagha; 19:217, Bihar ul-Anwar; 12:174 H.1 and 22:106 H.106.

  1. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:379 H.5800, Me'aani al-Akhbar; 409 H.92, Tanbih ul-Khawattir; 2:2566, Bihar ul-Anwar; 71:335 H.15.

  2. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:379 H.5801, As-Saduq's al-Amali; 422 H.1, al-Khissal; 124 H.119, Me'aani al-Akhbar; 264 H.1, Thawab ul-A'maal; 226, al-Mufid's al-Amali; 98 H.8, Tanbih ul-Khawattir; 2:256, al-Wasila; 349, Bihar ul-Anwar; 104:209 H.17.

  3. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:379 H.5802, Tuhaf ul-Uqoul; 49, Ghurar ul-Hikam wa Durar ul-Kelim; 457 H.10452, Bihar ul-Anwar; 75:275 H.11 and 15.

  4. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:379 H.5803, al-Khissal; 110 H.81, Thawab ul-A'maal; 166, al-Mahaasin; 292 H.447, al-Mufid's al-Amali; 67 H.1 and 278 H.4, Alikhtisas; 228, Keshf ul-Ghumma; 2:118, Az-Zuhd; 8 H.13, Bihar ul-Anwar; 12:150 H.30, 72:195 H.18, and 75:47 H.6.

  5. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:379 H.5804, Qurb ul-Isnad; 124, Da'aayim ul-Islam; 2:44 H.106, p.54 H. 143 & 311 H.1175, Awali il-La'aali; 2:257 H.7, Bihar ul-Anwar; 2:277 H.30.

  6. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:379 H.5805, Mutashabah ul-Qur'aan; 2:23, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Sharhu Nahj ul-Balagha; 7:39, Bihar ul-Anwar; 79:290 H.5.

  7. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:379 H.5806, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Sharhu Nahj ul-Balagha; 17:117, Bihar ul-Anwar; 77:169 H.4.

  8. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:379 H.5807, al-Khissal; 607, Uyounu Akhbar ir-Ridha; 1: 124 H.1, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Sharhu Nahj ul-Balagha; 19:213, Awali il-La'aali; 1:38 H. 30, As-Sawarim ul-Muhriqa; 31, Bihar ul-Anwar; 79:195 H.6.

(47) العائد في هبته كالعائد في قيئه. (48) لا يحلّ للمؤمن أن يهجر أخاه المؤمن فوق ثلاث. (49) من لا يَرحم لا يُرحم. (50) الندم توبة. (51) الولد للفراش وللعاهر الحجر. (52) الدال على الخير كفاعله. (53) حبّك للشيء يعمى ويُصمّ. (54) لا يشكر الله من لا يشكر الناس.

(47) Those who withdraw their gifts are as same as those who swallow their vomit.75 (48) It is illicit for two believers to desert each other for more than three days. 76 (49) He who does not have mercy upon others will not enjoy others' mercy.77 (50) Sorrow is repentance.78 (51) The baby is for the owner of the bed, and the share of the prostitute is the stone.79 (52) The guide to a good deed is (rewarded) as same as those who fix to it.80 (53) The love of something causes blindness and deafness.81 (54) He who does not show gratitude to people will not show gratitude to Allah. 82


  1. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:380 H.5808.

  2. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:380 H.5809, al-Khissal; 607, Rawdhat ul-Wa'idheen; 368, Awali ul-La'aali; 1:162 H. 158, Keshf ur-Rayba; 81 H.4, Bihar ul-Anwar; 75:189 H.14.

  3. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:380 H.5810, Ibn Shahrashoub's al-Manaqib; 3:384 & 4:25, Tanbih ul-Khawattir; 1:113, Rawdhat ul-Wa'idheen; 369, Awali il-La'aali; 1:89 H. 23, al-Umda; 401 H.819, Bihar ul-Anwar; 22:151 H.1 & 82:76 H.10.

  4. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:380 H.5811, Uyounu Akhbar ir-Ridha; 1: 137, Tuhaf ul-Uqoul; 55, Awali il-La'aali; 1:292 H.168, Bihar ul-Anwar; 8:34 H.5 & 77:161 H.1-2.

  5. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:380 H.5812, al-Khissal; 211 H.35, Keshf ul-Ghumma; 1:418, As-Sirat ul-Mustaqeem; 3:45, Tanbih ul-Khawattir; 1:38, Alihtijaj; 297, Tuhaf ul-Uqoul; 30, Fiqh ur-Ridha; 262, Mesaa'ilu Ali bin Ja'far; 110 q.24, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Sharhu Nahj ul-Balagha; 1:126, 5:35, and 15:177, Awali il-La'aali; 2:132 H. 359, Bihar ul-Anwar; 33:211 H.492 & 104:64 H.12.

  6. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:380 H.5813, al-Khissal; 134 H.145, Alikhtisas; 240, Tafsir of Imam al-Askari; 363 H.252, Bisharat ul-Mustafa; 137, al-Ja'fariyat; 171, Awali il-La'aali; 1:376 H. 101, Bihar ul-Anwar; 75:18 H.5 & 96:175 H.1.

  7. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:380 H.5814, Keshf ul-Ghumma; 1:145, Ibn Abi al-Hadid's Sharhu Nahj ul-Balagha; 11:78, 16:117, and 18:392.

  8. Refer to Men La Yahdhuruh ul-Faqih; 4:380 H.5815, Bihar ul-Anwar; 71:44 H.47.