Al-muqaddimah Al-ajurrumiyyah [on the Science of Arabic Grammar]

The Chapter on the MUBTADA’ and the KHABAR

The Mubtada’ is an Ism that is Marfū‘ and is stripped of verbally expressed ‘Awāmil[^50] .

The Khabar is an Ism that is Marfū‘ and is predicated to it (i.e. the Mubtada’, so as to give information about it) like when you say:

زيدقائم                      (Zaydis standing )

الزيدانقلئمان (The two Zaydsare standing )

الزيدونقائمون             [The Zayds (pl.)are standing ]

and structures similar to that.

The Mubtada’ is (of) two types: Ḍāhir and Muđmar.

The Ḍāhir has (already) been mentioned.

The Muđmar is twelve and they are:

أنا                            [I (masc. fem.)]

نحن                           [We (masc./fem. dual/pl.)]

أنتَ                          [You (masc. sing.)]

أنتِ                          [You (fem. sing.)]

أنتُما                         [You (masc./fem. dual)]

أنتُمْ                          [You (masc. pl.)]

أنتُنَّ                          [You (fem. pl.)]

هو                            He

هي                           She

هما                            [They (masc. dual)]

همْ                            [They (masc. pl.)]

هنَّ                           [They (fem. pl.)]

Like when you say:

أنا قائم                                  [I (masc.) am standing]

نحن قائمون                [We (masc. pl.) are standing]

The Khabar is (of) two types: Mufrad (single word) and Ghayr al-Mufrad (not a single word i.e. compound).

The Mufrad is like:

زيدقائم                      (Zaydis standing )

The Ghayr al-Mufrad is four things:

the Jarr wa Majrūr

the Ẓarf

the Fi‘l with its Fā‘il

the Mubtada’ with its Khabar

زيدفي الدار                 (Zaydis in the house )

زيد عندك                    (Zaydis with you )

زيدقام أبوه                  (Zayd,his father is standing )

زيدجاريتُه ذاهبةٌ           (Zayd,his maid is going )