Al-muqaddimah Al-ajurrumiyyah [on the Science of Arabic Grammar]

The Chapter on the MAṢDAR


The Maṣdar is an Ism that is Manṣūb and comes third in the conjugation of the Fi‘l:

ضرب - يضرِب -ضَرْبا ً                      (hit - hits/will hit -hitting )

It is of two types: Lafđiyy and Ma‘nawiyy.

If its form (Lafđ) agrees with the form of its Fi‘l, then it is Lafđiyy, like:

قتلْتُهقََتْل اً                (I killed hima killing i.e. I killed him definitely)

If it agrees with the meaning (Ma‘nā) of its Fi‘l, then it is Ma‘nawiyy[^71] , like:

جلستُقعوداً              (I sata sitting i.e. I sat definitely)

قمتُ وقوفاً                  (I stooda standing i.e. I stood definitely)

and what is that are similar to that.