Al-muqaddimah Al-ajurrumiyyah [on the Science of Arabic Grammar]

The Chapter on the MAKHFŪḌĀT AL-ASMĀ’

(the Places of Khafḍ/Jarr in the Ism)

The Makhfūḍāt are of three types:

the Makhfūḍ by means of the Ḥarf

the Makhfūḍ by means Iḍāfah, and

the Tābi‘[^86] of something that is Makhfūḍ.

As for the Makhfūḍ by means of the Ḥarf it is that which is Makhfūḍ by means of:

مِنْ            (منك ومننوحٍ )[^87]

إلى            ( إلىاللهِ مرجعكم جميعاً ) ( وإليه ترجعون )[^88]

عن            ( رضي الله عنالمؤمنين ) (رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه )[^89]

على           (وعليها وعلىالفلكِ تحملون )[^90]

في            ( وفيالسماءِ رزقكم) ( وفيها ما تشتهي الأنفس) [^91]

رُبّ            (ربرجلٍ صالح ٍلقيتهما)[^92]

الباء          ( قولوا آمنا بالله ) ( أولئك يؤمنون به ) [^93]

الكاف                 ( ليس كمثلِ ه شيء) [^94]

اللام          ( ل ـلهِ ما في السموات وما في الأرض ) ( ول هم فيها دار الخلد ) [^95]

as well as the Ḥurūf of Oath, and they are:

الواو           ( واللهِ )[^96]

الباء           ( باللهِ )[^97]

التاء           ( تاللهِ )[^98]

and (also) by means of:

واو "رُبّ"     (وليلٍ كموج البحر أرخى سدوله)[^99]

مذ             (ما رأيتُه مذيومِ الجمعة) (ما رأيتُه مذيومِِ نا) [^100]

منذُ            (ما رأيتُه منذيومِ الجمعة) (ما رأيتُه منذ يومِِ نا) [^101]

As for that which is Makhfūḍ by means of Iḍāfah, it is like when you say:

غلامزيدٍ         (Zayd’s servant)

It is (furthermore) of two types[^102] :

(1) that which is implied by means of the اللام, and

(2) that which is implied by means of مِنْ.

As for that which is implied by means of the اللام it is like:

غلامزيدٍ                     (Zayd’sservant orthe servant belonging to Zayd)

As for that which is implied by means of مِنْ (of the type) it is like:

ثوبخزٍّ                     (a garment made ofsilk orsilk garment)

بابساجٍ                    (a door made ofteak/Indian oak )

خاتم حديدٍ                 (a ring made ofiron or aniron ring)

والحمد لله رب العالمين