Alone With the Beloved: the Words of ʿalī B. Al-Ḥusayn Inthe Ṣaḥīfa Sajjādiyya


In His Name the Most Elevated

Firstly I would like to express my thanks to the Lord of ʿAlī b. al-Ḥusayn for allowing and honoring me to undertake this study. Secondly I would like to thank The Guide of the Time and ʿAlī. b. al-Ḥusayn (peace be upon them and their noble Household) whose treasured words are as alive today as they were centuries ago, striking the hearts of human beings then as today.

Many thanks are also due to Al-Mahdi Institute in Birmingham for allowing me to use their resources and particularly Ḥujjatul Islam, Shaykh ʿĀrif ʿAbdulḥussain, my Friend, Brother and Mentor, for his invaluable assistance and also Shaykh Michael Mumisa.

I can of course also not forget the Department of Theology at the University of Birmingham for providing me with a scholarship and all their staff, particularly my supervisor Dr. Haifaa Jawad.

Finally I would like to thank my family and parents for enduring with me and encouraging me through this long journey, specially my Father who introduced me to the Ṣahīfā, and my Mother, Wife, Children and Brothers who never ceased encouraging and supporting me.

May God bless All of them.