An Introduction To : the Truth of the Existing Christianity

Chapter 7: the Prophecies of the Gospels

There may be few people who could imagine that there are sentences in the Holy Scripture of the Christians that is the New Testament, which clearly and expressly prophesy the advent of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (P.B.U.H).24 Although the holy fathers had made their best to either omit or revise the sentences dealing with the prophet of Islam, yet in the pages of the present Gospels one can come across sentences whose implicit meanings clearly attest to the coming of the great prophet of Islam.

Here are but few examples of such prophecies:

Prophet of Islam, the Comforter The Gospel of John says: "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever." (John 14:16) "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send to you from the Father, even the spirit of truth, which proceeded from the Father, he shall testify for me." (John 15:26)

"Nevertheless I tell you the Truth. It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart, I will send him unto you." (John 16:7)

The Comforter is not the Holy Spirit

Should it be said that by the Comforter it is meant the Holy Spirit' one must say that there are evidences contrary to this notion, some of which are briefly outlined here.

The sections quoted above give the prophecy of the advent of an individual after Christ and state that his coming depends on the departure of Jesus. His great spiritual personality is so much superior to that of Jesus that Christ's departure in order to make possible the coming of that glaring sun is a very great advantage to humanity.

These descriptions do not fit the Holy Spirit, for he is an angel carrying the divine revelation to the prophets. He used to come to prophets during their divine appointment inspiring them with heavenly messages and verses and his coming down did not depend on Christ's departure. Furthermore, the existence of the Holy Spirit is no more beneficial to humanity than that of Jesus and his going away is more beneficial.

In the "Presentation of Truth", there is a quotation made from the "Quintessence of Histories" written by a Christian. It says: At the time of Muhammad, both Jews and Christians were awaiting the promised messenger. This favorable background was of great advantage to Muhammad to claim that 24-(P.B.U.H) Stands for (Peace be upon him) and is used after the names of the Prophets as a sign of reverence. he is the promised messenger."25 Of course the declaration of the prophet of Islam was thoroughly based on facts, for the signs given both in Torah and the Gospels describing the last of prophets, Muhammad, completely fitted him and hence a large number of fair and truth-seeking Jews and Christians come to profess faith in Muhammad.

Nejashi, the Abyssinian King, upon receiving the letter of the prophet of Islam, said: "By God, he is the same prophet whom the followers of the Book are awaiting."

All of what have been noted so far is based upon the Persian version of the Gospel, but studying the various Gospel translations and comparing them with the Hebrew version of the Bible make the fact clear that the Persian and the Arabic versions of the Gospel were not translated from the original text. The Hebrew version of Elz Evir Gospel had been translated from the Latin version belonging to 1624 AD,

wherein it had used Pericles meaning Ahmad - the Illustrious or Praiseworthy instead of Paraclete which means the comforter. The Christian priests and holy fathers made alterations in the Greek version and changed Pericles into Paraclete, which in turn has been translated as the Comforter in the Arabic and Persian versions, 50 that the people would not find out that this promise is about the great prophet of Islam.

But truth shall always prevail at the end, and it would eventually become known that the one who, was promised by Jesus, to come, was Ahmad - the most praiseworthy -that is, the prophet of Islam. The Holy Qur'an says: "And then Jesus, son of Mary, said: O Children of Israel, surely I am the messenger of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of Torah and giving good news of a messenger who will come after me, his name being Ahmad." (The Holy Qur'an 61:6)

The Prophet of Islam is the Spirit of Truth

The Gospel of John says: "I have got many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, and he will show you things to come." (John 16:12-13)

The "Spirit of Truth" is an epithet given to him, which indicates to the Comforter, who, as we have already come to know, is the prophet of Islam, Muhammad. Another point learnt from the quoted section, is the incompleteness of the religion of Jesus, for he says: "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you to all truth..."

25-Presentation of truth. Vol. 2; p.281.

This show that Jesus had not brought all the truth and had left the task to the Prophet, who would succeed him and whose Holy Religion is complete and all laws therein conform to the requirements of mankind.

Who is the Prince of the World?

"Hereafter I will not talk much with you, for the prince of this world cometh, and has nothing in me." (John 14:30)

The Prince of the world is the prophet who comes after Jesus, for the humanity is religiously and spiritually led by great divine prophets, who are God's appointed guardians and representatives upon earth. Moreover, the prince of the world is not Lord himself, for in the afore-mentioned quotation Jesus prophesies that the prince of the world will come later.

Priest Fender, a German clergyman, who has failed to identify the term "Prince of the World" with the Holy Spirit or even Christ himself, has succumbed to idle talk saying: "The Gospel commentators (that is, those who have altered the original Gospel) unanimously say that the Prince of the world is the Devil, who is the Prince of the Sinners and the Misguided."

One does not need to think long to conclude that this very justified is the work of Satan himself who through the narrow - mindedness of the Gospel commentators has called himself the prince of the world and made the pretence of being the Periclete promised by the Gospel. The fact is that the Prince of the world is a divine agent. The verse 8, chapter 16 of the Gospel according to John has called him a divine agent who would force the world towards righteousness and judgment.

From what has been said so far we would clearly understand that the prophecies of the Bible deal with a Prophet whose status is higher than that of Christ and who would complete his religious law, hold the spiritual and eternal leadership over humanity and would bring majesty and greatness to Christ. That person is none other than Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), the Prophet of Islam.

Chapter 8: What the holy fathers have done

A youth who is in touch with Christians and constantly reads their missionary books, has made some points on Christianity, some of which you have already read in Chapter 5. Now, here are the rest of his observations:

"It is convenient here to point out to the abhorrent acts of a group of holy fathers who have toyed with the destiny of many scientists, so that all those who have never had the opportunity to read about the details of those crimes, may know what sort of crimes these holy fathers have committed in the name of Jesus Christ, the innocent prophet of God."

"Yes! It was these holy fathers who killed Ramus the Philosopher. It was the holy fathers who first cut off the tongue of the Italian philosopher, Vanini, then choked him to death and later burned his body at the stake."26

"Were the perpetrators of these inhuman tragic crimes other than the holy fathers, these shepherds and sheep of God? It was they who sold forgiveness in order to squeeze money out of people, who in return for money would forgive all the sins of a person and give him, a signed deed of ownership over a section of paradise. In your opinion, what could these acts be termed except demagogy?"

"Even if someone raised his voice in protest, he would immediately be executed. Even those who way of thinking was in opposition to this ominous method were tortured under Inquisition and after making confessions were sentenced to severest punishments. It is impossible for me to understand why these churchmen who have committed such crimes still insist on introducing themselves as patrons of science and humanitarians.

"In 'Two Faiths' written by Marcel Cauchon we read:

During this period, five million people were either hanged or kept in dark and damp dungeons because of freethinking and violation of Papal order. Only between 1481 and 1499, i.e. a period of 18 years, 10220 people were burned at the stake; 6810 were slaughtered and 97023 died under torture upon the orders of the Inquisition."

"Were these the result of Jesus Christ's teachings or the whim of the holy fathers who under the disguise of faith and in order to achieve both power and wealth had committed all these murders, and who nonetheless are offering sympathy towards or shedding crocodile tears for the people in Africa and Asia?"

"The clergy and holy fathers prescribe celibacy, and apparently practice it themselves. But they are unaware that this is not right and that it would have grave consequences. The facts show the tragic effects of their shameful sexual relations."

26-History of civilization; ps. 376,661,662.

"A typical description of these practices is to be found in Boccaccio's' "Decameron" or in Jean Jacques Rousseau's "Confessions". Nothing is wrong with satisfying sexual desires in a natural and legitimate way enjoined by Islam. Then what has made these people deviate from it and commit these obscene Epicurean sexual acts?"

The young man continued: "Let us leave this subject and return to the subject "God" presented by the clergy. Well, is it not ridiculous in the space - age and the epoch of science and knowledge that their transformed Bible should declare that God is composed of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and that God sent 'His only Son' to live among us? In the Gospel of John we read: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God...

And the word was made Flesh, and dwelt among us. And we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Fathers! (John 1:1 - 14). 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son...' (John 3:16)."

"These holy fathers," continued the young man, "have gone so far as to make everyday new revisions in the Gospels to suit their own desires or the expediencies of the time. Nevertheless, through Western governments, they charge people with 'Church tax' to translate and print these Gospels into every language without pausing for a moment to think about the consequences thereof or at least make a revision in the concept of the Trinity."

"I have recently read in a periodical that new manuscripts have been discovered which somewhat differ from the existing texts of the Bible, but that the holy fathers have ignored them."

"According to a London Times report from Tel Aviv: "Researchers at Hebrew University in Jerusalem have asked for a new scientific review and reassessment to be carried out concerning the advent of Christianity in. the light of new written scrolls, belonging to a Christian sect,

dating from 1500 years ago. This sect believed that they were the successors of the very Disciples of Christ. These scrolls show the life - style of the early Christians who lived in Jerusalem, who considered Jesus the messenger (and not the Son) of God and who were strict in observing the injunctions of Torah…"

"These manuscripts have inconsistencies with the New Testament and according to Times' report, they would seriously confirm that Judas of Iscariot may have carefully selected someone to be crucified in place of Jesus.'27 The young man also said: "It is not clear why the Christian authorities did not act in accordance with the advice of Hebrew University and refused to carry out a review of the Christian teachings in the light of these newly - discovered manuscripts."

"However, whether or not the Christian authorities and holy fathers accept to scrutinize the newly - discovered manuscripts, one thing has become clear for 27-Taken from young Pakistan' Newspaper.

the researches: the teachings of Jesus Christ have been altered by his followers and we could never be confident of the authenticity of the present Bible and the teachings thereof, since the numerous Bible versions available along with the inconsistencies therein prevent us from gaining any such confidence at all." In conclusion the youth added: "O great Lord! Guide the misguided wherever and whoever they are. Show them the correct and right path, so that they, too, may find salvation."

Chapter 9: Forgiving of Sins & Heaven sold off!?

All divine religions and faiths try to prevent their followers from committing sins. But unfortunately, the religious teachings and books of the Christians, which are the inventions of the Church, unlike those of other religions, draw people towards committing sins.

The reason for the departure of Christianity from the rest of the divine religions in this respect is that Christian bishops and cardinals, though apparently associated with Jesus Christ, in effect bear no such relationship whatsoever,

and are not aware of his behavior and deeds, having thus miscomprehended his real goal. Christ had but One God; his so-called followers have "created" three gods to worship. Jesus forbade people from evil deeds; these persons encourage people to commit them through their letters of forgiveness and forgive committed sins in exchange for money!28 Judging from history it becomes obvious that the root of all these deviations and fallacies could be traced back to a certain man called "Paul."

Formerly a Jew, Paul was instrumental in altering the truth of the original Gospel revealed to Jesus by God, replacing it by the superstition and delusions of the Roman and Greek polytheists.

Paul's writings are available today under the name "The Epistles of Paul the Apostle" and are considered one of the religious books of the Christians. Paul has written in his Epistles: "Jesus is the Son of God and has inherited the Divinity from His Father! And the Son was ordered by His Father to come upon the earth to live among people and know the human condition.

But later the Jewish servants rose against the Son of God and crucified him in the worst manner. The Lord, because of the hardship and sufferings inflicted upon and occurred to His Son, showed mercy and forgave the sins of all His servants and abolished all the obligations of His servants, and people were only obliged to have faith in Jesus, the Son of God, and love him, for whoever loveth Jesus with his whole heart would have all his sins forgiven." (1)

Where did the thoughts of Paul originate from? The idea that a person could wash away the guilt's of his people through his death or by his blood is an ancient belief existing since the time immemorial. The peoples of Egypt, Asia Minor and Greece believed for a long time in gods such as Osiris, Athena and Dionysos, who came in human shape down to the earth to save humanity and who died in order to have the sins of people forgiven.29

A group of Buddhists believe the same thing about Buddha. In their opinion, God descended upon the earth for the ninth time and took the guise of Buddha to save mankind from errors and sins.30

28-History of civilization; vol.18; ps. 36 - 41 29-The Manifestation of Jesus Christ; p 69. 30-Farid Vejdi encyclopedia; vol. 2. p.391

Adopting the ideas of Roman and Greek polytheists, Paul transformed the monotheism of Jesus and Moses into polytheism and introduced God as the Father, and Jesus, who was simply a Prophet of God, as the one borne out of the Essence of God. The people of that time, who were already familiar with polytheistic ideas, accepted these superstitious concepts and really came to believe in Jesus as the Son of God and as the one who had been crucified in order to absolve the sins of people.

In fact one should say that following the Crucifixion of God's only begotten Son, there is no need to observe the Divine precepts mentioned in Torah, for a Christian is absolved of all responsibilities since the blood of Christ is the ransom paid for the sins of Christians!

All of us, however, know that God never had a son, for having a son is confined to those who are finite and possess physical bodies, so that a part of their bodies may be detached from them to grow into a child. On the other hand, the infinite Lord, who is free and pure from any restriction and incarnation, could never be imagined to have a son. Thus the Holy Qur'an considers God a truth not born and not likely to bear a child: "He begets none, nor is He begotten".

Christians and their followers had never given a moment of thought that if God had wanted to forgive His servants, He would not have needed to resort to such an absurd act of putting an immaculate person into trouble or on the Cross for a few days as a sacrificial ransom for recompensing the human sins.

Instead, out of His boundless mercy, He would have ignored the wrong- doings of some evil4oers and forgiven them, and would, owing to an act of justice, have punished others since their sins would afflict their very own selves.31

The Buying and selling of Paradise and the Letters of Forgiveness

The paying of ransom for crimes committed, while being a relevantly simple and straightforward issue during Paul's time, later on gained a new aspect under the Church authorities and Holy Fathers.

In Paul's creed, only the Father and the Son were recognized. The Holy Fathers, however, added yet another god -Holy Spirit- and thus made them three. Also according to Paul, with Jesus being crucified, all sins of mankind were automatically forgiven, but the Holy Fathers fabricated new rules governing the absolution from sins. According to these rules, it was necessary for a sinner to first confess to his sins to the priest, then offer some cash or credit to His Holiness the Pope so as to have his sins forgiven. It was thought that when the priest utters the words: "I forgive thee", God will have no alternative but forgive and absolve.32

31-The Holy Qur'an (chapter An'am; V:164) 32-History of church Reformations; p. 62.

Some church authorities have not insisted on penance, confession and supplication and left the purchaser free to interpret the letter of forgiveness as the certificate of exemption from anything -penance, confession, forgiveness and paying ransom for sins- and let them consider it related merely to the amount of money he pays.

About 1450, the Dean of Oxford University, Thomas Gascagne complained: "Today the sinners say: 'I have no fear of God on the account of sins and misdeeds I commit, for I would be absolved of all guilt's and sins when confessing and asking forgiveness from the priest and buying papal letter of forgiveness'…"33

We read in the book "Exposition of Christian Teachings": "Only the Catholic Church has the power to forgive sins and no outside means of absolution from sins could be found beyond this power." It adds: "It is necessary for us sinners to confess to all our sins before the priest,

for one who withholds even one Sin from the priest will not be cleared from other sins, because he has also committed a great sin of hypocrisy. It is also incumbent upon us to confess to the number of sins committed and say, for instance, that we have committed such and such a sin ten times."34

By fabricating such superstitions, Christianity has prevented many people from achieving moral perfection and spiritual virtues and caused them to plunge into crimes and backwardness. However, based upon nature, the Holy Qur'an forbids mankind from committing evil deeds and calls them towards spiritual perfection. Without resorting to superstition, it encourages the wrongdoers to repent, and thus gives them the hope that whoever "does evil or wrongs his soul, and then asks forgiveness of Allah, he will find Allah forgiving and merciful" (Holy Qur'an, 5:110).

The Qur'an considers the forgiveness of sins the sole right of the Almighty Lord: "To Allah belongs the kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth. He forgives whom He pleases and cherishes whom He pleases. And Allah is forgiving and merciful." (Holy Qur'an 48:17).

33-History of civilization Vol.18. p 37. 34-Pages 188 & 34-36; 2nd edition.