Beams of Illumination From the Divine Revelation (juz' 'amma - the Last Section of the Qur'an)

Sura 6 : Surat Al Kafirun the Deniers of Truth

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful

This surah pertains historically to a time when there was an at­tempt on the part of some of the unbelievers to enter into an exchange with the Prophet, salla-llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sallam, in order to draw him and the Muslims with him back into their old habits of idol­atry. They proposed to worship Allah for one year, following the teachings of the Prophet, and the following year they, the Prophet and Muslims included, would worship the traditional idols. They would thus alternate their practices until one way proved true to either party. Thus, according to the kafir way of thinking, if the Prophet's teachings were true, they would obtain benefit from follow­ing them, but if the kafirun's practices were true, then they and the Muslims would benefit from worshipping the idols and most impor­tantly, Islam would no longer be a threat to them. This surah is the reply of those who have trust and faith to those who do not.

1 Say: O you who deny the truth!

2 I do not worship what you worship,

This is the affirmative stand of a person who is in a state of 'man, who has come to trust that he will recognize and taste the mercy of the One Creator. Therefore, he tells those who are in denial, in kufr, "I do not worship what you worship." The person in iman, rather, worships that Source which gives him direct inner nourishment, keeps him safe from the darknesses which overwhelm others and gives him illumination and enlightenment. That Source increases him in iman by virtue of his `ubadiyah (worship) and protects him from all harm. Worship makes his journey mu`abbad (easy, level, offer­ing no resistence). By the recognition of his humility he is carried closer and closer to the Source of that spring.

3 And you do not worship what I worship.

In other words, "you have no access to that Source which I wor­ship. You do not worship that subtle energy from which all these at­tributes emanate."

4 And I will not worship what you worship,

"Nor will I ever, nor can I ever, having been enlightened, having had openings, having had knowledge of Allah, look up to or adore that which you worship."

5 Nor will you worship what I worship.

"Nor will you ever in the future worship the truth which I wor­ship." This is a prophecy which shows that those who are in kufr will persist in kufr. There are people who have been created as fuel for the Fire, as it says repeatedly in the Qur'an, and this fact cannot be al­tered. They will persist despite attempts to dissuade them, despite all efforts made to draw them into the light of the din.

6 To you your religion and to me my religion!

The person of faith and trust, who is in a state of perfect equa­nimity and who knows that everything is in the hands of Allah, says in conclusion, "You have your way of transacting, the way which you choose to replenish yourself and interact with other people, with whatever entity you consider as absolute - and I have my way! " Then those of faith and firm belief join hands following the perfected meth­od of the Muhammadi model. They are not illumined from without; their illumination comes from within. They walk along the shores of the sea of lights and these shores have their boundaries. This is the way of the mumin, the way of perfect trust.