Bilal's Bedtime Stories (part Two)

For the Sake of Allah Only

During the time of Hazrat Musa, there was a pious man, who used to pray day and night on the roof of his house. One day some people came and told him that there was a garden where a tree was being worshiped by a group of people. On hearing this, the pious man picked up an axe and went to the tree with the intention of cutting and uprooting the tree.

Satan (the devil) came to him in the form of an old man and asked "What are you aiming to do?" The pious man explained what was happening and his intention to cut the tree. The satan said "what have you to do it? If God wished the tree to be cut, he would have sent his prophet to do it"

The pious man did not listen. The two went on arguing and quarelling till they came to blows. He managed to knock the satan down on the floor and sat in him, aiming at cutting at his troat. The satan begged him for his pardon and release saying, "Let me sugest you one thing which would help you in this world as well as in the next world. I shall pay you two dinars everyday. You can pay partly to the poor and partly spent on yourself. Leave this ree uncut till God commanded whether it was right or wrong to cut it"

The pious man was misled by satan. He thought the sugestion was right and returned home. On the second day, he saw two dinars under his pillow. He was delighted with the money and spent some after the poor.

But on the folllowing day he did not see the money again as expected, so he again took over his axe and came at that tree. Again satan came to him in the form of an old man and asked him "what do you want to do?" He said, "I want to cut that tree".

Satan told him that he had no power to do it so it was better he went home. He did not agree and again they fought. This time the satan succeded in overpowering the pious man and knocked him down on the floor.

The pious man was suprised at this and asked satan why it so happened that he could not overpower him this time. The satan replied: "whoever does a good deed purely for the pleasure of God, no one can face him but if he does it with an aim of worldly gain then he looses strength and stands to fail.

Why did the pious man win on the first day and lose on the second in his fight against the Satan? Because his first intention to cut the tree, was to please God and nothing else. But the second day, his good intention had changed and it had become for the sake of money. So the God given spiritual strength which he had on the first day had then disappeared and so he lost.

During the time of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.), his enemies - ten thousand strongmen, once planned to attack him. The Muslims were then but very few. Having received the secret news of what was about to happen, the Muslims dug a very wide ditch around them for their defence so that the enemy may not attack them all of a sudden.

From the enemy side, a warrior by name 'Amr Bin Abdiwadd' who was very famous for his strength, courage and art of fighting, landed in the midst of these Muslims by jumping over the ditchl The Muslims lacked the courage to face him. Only the lion of Allah, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) came forward to challenge the intruder! Both drew their swords and were soon locked, in a fierce duel to death against each other.

At last, Allah bestowed victory to Hazrat Ali (A.S.) who threw Amr down on the ground and mounted on his chest ready to kill the arch-enemy of Islam, but before Hazrat Ali (A.S.) could do this, Amr spat in the face of our Imam.

Everybody around was certain that as a result of this insult, Amr would meet his death even faster still. But instead Hazrat Ali (A.S.) moved from Amr's chest and walked away! People around were too surprised to see why he left loose such a dangerous enemy after overpowering him. Amr attacked again and after a short while, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) again got control over him and this time he killed the enemy of Islam.

After the battle was over, people asked Hazrat Ali (A.S.) about the reason why he had spared Amr's life when he first got control over him. Hazrat Ali (A.S.) replied, "I wanted to kill him for the sake of Allah only. He spat on me and thus made me angry. Had I killed him at that moment, it would not have been for the sake of Allah only. It would have also been for the satisfaction of my anger. So I let him free. When I controlled my anger, I killed him purely for the sake of Allah."

This is how the Ahle-Bait - people of the household of our Holy Prophet, have set examples of sincere intention. Before any action we take, we must be clear in our minds that the action is in accordance with the commands of Allah. That, it is for his sake and pleasure alone.

To keep away from insincere and impure intentions is indeed difficult but not impossible. This can be done by constant thinking and true understanding of the aim of our life. We have to understand what Allah really wants from us.

Immamate - Is Guidance We Need

Basra is a big city and the main port of Iraq. It is situated at the mouth of river Euphrates. There, in a big mosque, people used to assemble to discuss various subjects on Islamic rules and laws. A famous learned Priest of Sunni Sect by name Amr Bin Ubeid was once preaching on the subject of Immamat. He was surrounded by a big crowd of people who were asking various questions on the subject.

Suddenly, a young and intelligent student of Islam by name of Hesham, entered the gathering and sat down in the first row. He addressed the priest saying that he was a stranger and would like to ask some questions. On getting the permission to do so, he asked the following:

First, Sir, may I please know if you have eyes?

Young Boy! is this a question to be asked?

Whatever it may be, this is my question to which I shall appreciate your answer. Alright! you are at liberty to ask, even though it is a foolish question.

As I have already asked, Sir, may I please know if you have eyes? Yes, I have.

For what use are they?

With eyes, I can see faces of people and colour of various things. And you have a nose also?

Yes, I do have one.

What is its function?

I smell the scent and odour by it.

And do you have a mouth?

Yes I do have.

For what use is it?

I can talk to people or taste food and drinks with it.

Do you have ears?

Yes, I have two ears.

What is their function?

I can hear voices by them.

And do you have a mind?

Almighty has bestowed me with that also. What is its use?

With that I am able to distinguish things whatever is felt by the other senses like hands, eyes, ears, nose, tongue etc. In case of a difference, I am able to solve with its help. In case doubt, I can dispel with it and be sure.

So, does it mean that despite being sound and healthy, all these organs cannot function independently without the help of the mind.

No, No! none of the organs can function independently without the help of the mind. Why is it so? After all, are the organs perfect and strong enough to differentiate between things?

Young Boy! when any organ has some doubt about a thing which it smells, sees or tastes, it brings the matter to the mind and it is the mind which confirms the truth and removes the doubt.

So, from what you have said, do you want me to understand that God Almighty has created and designed the mind to guide the organs and remove doubts. Yes! It is so.

So the mind is a necessity, otherwise the organs could not work independently. Yes.

Please Sir! proclaim your opinion with fairness and justice on this point also. If Almighty has not left the organs of mans body without the guidance of the mind, how is it possible that Almighty God could leave millions of His creatures without an IMAM to guide and solve their problems arising out of doubts and conflicts? Should not our common sense accept this fact?

On hearing this logic argument, and having no answer to give, Amr Bin Ubeid kept silent and went into deep thinking.

Hesham was a deeply learned person and one of the closest companions of Imam Jaafer Sadiq (A.S.) from whom he had obtained his knowledge.

'IMAM' is an Arabic word which literally means 'Leader'or 'Guide! Any leader or guide can be good or bad, true or false. Therefore, it is essential for every Muslim to know what makes and who is a true and good Imam. The Holy Prophet has said: "If a man dies without recognising the Imam of his time, he dies the death of ignorance."

It is of utmost importance that the Imam must be appointed by a Prophet under the command of God, nobody can be an Imam either by claiming to be so, by inheritance or by the wealth or power which he may have.

It is essential that an Imam possess certain characteristics and qualities so that a clear distinction can be made between a true and false Imam. Some of these are as under:

  1. An Imam must be free from every defect -Physical as well as Mental;
  2. He must be born of Legal Marriage;
  3. He must be Ma'sum (Infallible-Sinless) like the Prophet - from birth to death;
  4. He must possess all knowledge and be the wisest of all human beings of his time;
  5. He must know all the languages including those of animals also;
  6. He must be able to perform miracles;
  7. He must be Bold, Brave and Most Courageous;
  8. He should be most generous and be able to help needy and weak persons. In short, an Imam is the Holiest, most Pious of all - after the Holy Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.)