Causality and Islamic Thought



Al-Ash'ari, Abu al-Hasan 1980:Maqalat al-islamiyyin wa ikhtilaf al-musallin [Sayings of Muslims and Differences of Those Who Pray] 3rd edn (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1980).

Ibn 'Arabi 1859 and reprints:Al-Futuhat al-Makkiya [Revelations of Mecca], 4 Vols (Cairo: Dar al-kutub al-'arabiyya al-kubra). -1980:Fusus al-hikam [Gems of Wisdom] 2nd edn (Beirut: Dar al-kitab al-'arabiyy).

Ibn Sina. Abu 'Ali 1957-60:Al-lsharat wa al-tanbihat, ma`a sharh Nasir al-Din al-Tusi [Book of Remarks and Admonitions, with the Commentary of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi] ed. Suleyman Dunya, 4 parts (Cairo: Dar al-ma'arif).

AI-Kirmani, Hamid al-Din 1983:Rahat al-`aql [Peace of Mind] 2nd edn (Beirut: Dar al-andalus).

AI-Suhrawardi, Shihab al-Din Yahya 1952: "Hikmat al-ishraq," inOeuvres philosophiques et mystiques de Shihabeddin Jahya Sohrawardi ( 1), ed. H. Corbin, Bibliotheque Iranienne, Vol. 2 (Teheran and Paris: Institut Franco-Iranien - Librairie d'Amerique et d'Orient), pp. 2-260.

References and further reading

Badawi, A. 1972:Histoire de la philosophie en Islam, 2 Vols (Paris: J*.* Vrin).

AI-Baghdadi, Abu Mansur 1981:'Usul al-din, 3rd edn (Beirut: Dar al-kutub al-'ilmiyya).

Chittick, W.C. 1983:The Sufi Path of Love: the Spiritual Teachings of Rumi (Albany: State University of New York Press).

Corbin, H. 1964:Histoire de la philosophic islamique (Paris: Gallimard).

Fakhry, M. 1983*: A History of Islamic Philosophy,* 2nd edn (New York: Columbia University Press).

AI-Farabi, Abu Nasr 1890: Fi-ma yasihh wa ma la yasihh min ahkam al-nujum" [What is right and what is wrong in astrology], inAl-thamra al-mardiyya fi ba`d al-risalat al-farabiyya [Longed-for Fruit of Some Treatises by al-Farabi] (Leiden: E. J. Brill), pp. 104-14.

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Frank, R.M. 1966: The Metaphysics of Created Being According to Abu-l-Hudhayl al-Allaf. A Philosophical Study of the Earliest Kalam (Istanbul).

Goichon. A. M. 1938: Lexique de la langue philosophique d'Ibn Sina (Avicenne) (Paris: Desclee do Brower).

Ibn 'Arabi 1859:Al-Futuhat al-Makkiya [Revelations of Mecca], 4 Vols (Cairo: Dar al-kutub al-'arabiyya al-kubra).

Ibn Rushd (Averroes) 1992:Kitab al-kawn wa al-fasad [Book of Generation and Corruption], ed.J*.* P. Montada (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigationes Cientificas).

AI-Kindi 1948:Kitab al-Kindi ila al-Mu'tasim bi-llah fi al-falsafa al-'ula [Epistle of al-Kindi to al-Mu'tasim bi-llah in First Philosophy], ed. Ahmad al-Ahwani (Cairo).

Nasr, S. H. 1964:Three Muslim Sages: Avicenna, Suhrawardi, Ibn 'Arabi (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press).

Pines, S. 1954: "La longue recension de la Theologie d'Aristote dans ses rapports avec la doctrine Ismaelienne,"Revue des Etudes lsiamiques, 22. pp. 7-20.

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Walzer. R. 1962: "The Arabic Translation of Aristotle," inGreek into Arabic (Oxford), pp. 60-113.

Wolfson, H. A. 1965: "Mu'ammar's theory of ma'na," inArabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of Hamilton A.R. Gibb (Leiden: E. J. Brill), pp. 673-88.