Code of Ethics For Muslim Men and Women

Non-muslim Women

32 – Rule: It is not a problem to look at those parts of the body that are not normally covered by non-Mahram women who are not Muslims (whether they be from the Ahl al-Kitab, or Kuffar), with the condition that it is not done with the intention of lust. However, according to Ihtiyat Wajib, a man is not allowed to look at those parts of the body that are normally covered. KMLT

It is not a problem to look at the hair, face, head and hands of the women of the Ahl al-Kitab and Kuffar as long as it is not done with the intention of lust and one does not fear that he will commit a haram act. According to Ihtiyat Wajib, one must not look at other than what is listed above. A

It is permissible to look at those parts of the body that are not normally covered by women who are Ahl al-Zhimmah [^2], rather even those women who from the time of birth have been categorized as being Kafir, as long as it is without the intention of lust and one does not fear that he will fall into sin.B

It is only permissible to look at the face and hands of a non-Muslim woman, and according to Ihtiyat Wajib, one must refrain from looking at other than these two parts of her body. G

Looking at the bodies of women who are “common place”, who if were commanded or requested to observe the hijab would not listen, is not a problem, with the condition that the look is done without the intention of lust and no fear of falling into a haram act – and in this ruling, there is no difference between Kuffar or other women (such as Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc…). Also, there is no difference between the hands, face and other parts of the body that they do not usually cover. S

Note: In the event that the non-Mahram is a non-Muslim and her covering is less than women like her would wear, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not allowed to look at her. For example, those women who in order to sexually excite others, wear a specific type of clothing. Therefore, it is not a problem to look at the hair, hands, and feet up to the knees or any other place that non-Muslim women usually do not cover.

33 – Rule: According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not allowed to look at the private parts of a Kafir.S

34 – Rule: If one knows or fears that in the event that he will look at non-Mahram who are non-Muslims they will fall into sin or corruption, then they must not look at them.ABGKLMST

Men Looking at Children

35 – Rule: In the event that the child is a boy, it is not a problem to look at his body, until he becomes Mumayyiz, with the condition that it is not with the intention of lust. However, after he reaches the age of Mumayyiz, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not permissible to look at his private parts. GKLMST

Therefore: Fathers must be cautious in not looking at the private parts of their sons who have become Mumayyiz, whether it be in the shower, or any other place.

In fact, it is haram to look at the private parts of a boy who is Mumayyiz but has not yet reached to the of bulugh, even if it is not with the intention of lust. AB

36 – Question: What is considered to be the age of Mumayyiz?

Answer: The age at which a child understands good and bad, about the relations between men and women. AG

Answer: The age at which a child understands good and bad.B

Answer: This is the age at which a child is aware of the relationships, which take place between men and women.K

Answer: The age at which a child, who has not yet become baligh understands good and bad. Also, there is the possibility that his or her looking at the body of a non-Mahram may lead to sexual excitement. MS

37 – Rule: In the event that the child is a girl and a Mahram - such as one’s daughter, sister, brother’s daughter or sister’s daughter, etc… then to look at her body until she reaches the age of Mumayyiz is not a problem; and after she becomes Mumayyiz then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, one must not look at her private parts.KLMS

It is haram to look at the private parts of a girl who is Mumayyiz, but has not yet reached the age of bulugh, even if it is done without the intention of lust. ABT

38 – Rule: In the event that the girl is a non-Mahram and Mumayyiz, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, a man must not look at those parts f her body that girls of that age normally cover. KM

Question: It has been mentioned in rule 2447 in the Taudhiul Masail that it is allowed to look at the body of a non-Baligh girl as long as it is not done with lust, etc… but in that same book on page 578, it has been mentioned that one can only look at those parts that are not normally covered. Which of these (two rulings) is correct, thus which one should be acted upon?

Answer: You can refer to ruling 25 in the section on Marriage in the book Tahrir al-Wasilah of Ayatullah Khumayni for more information. A

Therefore: Therefore, there is no difference between the ruling of Ayatullah Araki and Ayatullah Khumayni (as was stated above).

Answer: According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not allowed for a man to look at the body and hair of a girl, who has not yet finished 9 years, but can understand between good and bad (Mumayyiz), even if it is done without the intention of deriving pleasure. B

Answer: It is not a problem to look at the face, hands and hair of a girl who is not baligh, as long as it is not with the intention of deriving pleasure and it does not lead one to sexual excitement, and by looking, one does not fear that he will fall into a haram act. L

Answer: It is haram to look at the body of a non-Mahram girl who has not yet reached 9 years of age, however, she understands between good and bad. Also, it is haram to look at her, if that look normally may stimulate or arouse sexual desires, and similarly (it is haram) to look at her hair, whether it is with the intention of lust or without. In addition, it is also haram to look at her face and hands if it is with the intention of lust and furthermore, looking at her without the intention of lust even, is not free from doubt. (This ruling comes under Ihtiyat Wajib). G

Answer: It is not a problem to look at the body of a girl who is not baligh with the condition that it is not done with the intention of deriving pleasure - with the exception of her private parts, whose ruling was already mentioned. Although according to Ihtiyat Mustahab, it is better that those parts that girls (of her age) would usually cover with clothing should not be looked at either. S

Answer: It is not allowed to look at the private parts of a child who is Mumayyiz, except in the case of necessity. T

Therefore: It is not a problem to look at the hair, hands, the feet up to the knees, neck and face of a girl who is not baligh, and who is a non-Mahram, with the condition that it is not done with the intention of lust.

Rule – 39: According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not permissible to look at the rest of the body of a girl, for example the shin, stomach, private parts, chest, etc…K

A Mumayyiz girl who is not baligh has the same ruling as that of a baligh woman whose ruling has already been mentioned (it is haram to look at her body, and according to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not permitted to look at her face and hands either, as was previously mentioned in detail).G

The Rules of Looking Related to Women

Women Looking at Other Women

40 – Rule: Women are permitted to look at the entire body of other women except the private parts, with the condition that it is not done with the intention of lust. ABGKLMST

Therefore: In public showers, swimming pools, sports halls, fitness clubs, etc… if a woman looks at other women, even the face and hands with the intention of lust, or such that she fears that she will fall into sin, then this looking is not permitted. It does not matter whether she knows the other woman or not; whether it is a young woman or and old one, whether she is ugly or beautiful. AGK

41 – Rule: It is haram for women to look at the private parts of other women, except in the case of necessity. ABGKLMST

Therefore: If the use of apparatuses that enter into the womb, or the tying of the tubes or other procedures that are used for birth control - necessitate looking at the private parts, then it is haram, except in the case of necessity. However, birth control itself is not a problem, if it does not necessitate others to look at the private parts. This is with the condition that it does not make the woman permanently sterile and if she ever wants, she can conceive once again.

For example: If a woman’s husband is a doctor, and he uses a method to prevent his wife from becoming pregnant, then it is not a problem.

Attention: Birth Control, if it does not necessitate a haram action, is not a problem; but if it involves a haram act, then it is not permitted. One’s attention must be drawn to the point that some types of birth control may involve one of the three haram acts that are stated below, whose details will come later on:

  1. Looking at the private parts of another woman, except in the case of necessity.
  2. Exposing of the private parts to a doctor, except in the case of necessity (which will follow in the Chapter on Covering).
  3. Touching of the private parts, except in the case of necessity (which will follow in the Chapter of Touching).

42 – Question: In your reply (to us) concerning the permissibility of using the IUD, you mentioned that, “If using this device (IUD), necessitates a haram touch or look, then it is not permitted.” Please inform us, is the act of placing the IUD in the womb of the mother counted as a medical condition meaning that a doctor, midwife, or in the case of necssity a male doctor can perform this act just as in other medical cases in which it is permitted, or is this issue of the IUD not a medically related case in which instance only a woman’s mahram (her husband) is permitted to place the IUD?

Answer: This action in itself, if it does not result in the abortion of the child or sterility of the woman, is not a problem; however, the prohibition of touching and looking (at the private parts) remains as strong as before, and in this case, there is no necessity (to use the IUD) since pregnancy can be prevented by other methods. ABGKLT

Answer: It is permissible for a woman to use the IUD and things such as this to prevent pregnancy as long as there is no major harm in them. However, the placing of the instrument must not necessitate one to look or touch a part of the body, which is not permitted to see or touch. Therefore, it is not permissible that someone, other than a woman’s husband performs this action, unless it is in the case of necessity; for example, if it is dangerous for the (health of the) woman to become pregnant. Also in the case that it is unclear or unknown whether this instrument (IUD or otherwise) aborts the embryo after its fertilization; and thus, according to Ihtiyat, one must refrain from this (the usage of the IUD).S

Women Looking at Men who are Mahram

43 – Rule: A woman is permitted to look at the entire body of a man who is her Mahram, with the exception of his private parts, with the condition that it is not done with the intention of lust. (One’s husband is an exception to this rule.) ABGKLST

Men and women who are Mahram to one another (for example brother and sister) are allowed to look at the body of one another, but only to that extent that is common between Maharim and in other than this, according to Ihtiyat, they must not look (at the other parts). M

Therefore: It is not allowed to look at any part of the body of a Mahram man with the intention of lust, be it one’s son-in-law, son, brother, nephew, etc… and thus one must keep away from this.

44 – Rule: It is not a problem to look at the shape of the private parts of the man from on top of the clothing, provided it does not lead to corruption. IT

If it does not lead to sin and corruption, then it is not a problem. BT Women Looking at Non-Mahram Men 45 – Rule: It is haram for women to look at the bodies of non-Mahram men with the exception of the face, hands, and that amount which men normally do not cover. AGKMST

Therefore: It is not a problem for women to look at the hair on the head, the face, the hands up to the wrist, the feet up to the ankle, and the neck of a non-Mahram man with the condition that it is not associated with lust. Thus, women are not allowed to attend sporting tournaments [such as swimming, wrestling, weight lifting, soccer (also known as football in some countries) etc…] in which men do not have proper covering.

According to Ihtiyat Wajib it is haram for a woman to look at the body of a non-Mahram man. However, the permissibility for a woman to look at the parts of the body of a non-Mahram man that are normally kept open, such as his head, is not free from difficulty, except if that looking helps and leads one to evil and sin (in which case, it is not allowed). B

It is haram for a woman to look at the body of a non-Mahram man, with the exception of his face and hands. L

46 – Rule: It is haram to look at the arms, chest, or any other part of the body of a non-Mahram man who is wearing inappropriate clothing, such as a short sleeve shirt, or has kept the collar of his shirt open, or is wearing see-through clothing, etc… even if it is without the intention of lust. AGKLMS

According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not allowed. B

47 – Rule: It is not a problem for a woman to look at the shape and figure of the body of a non-Mahram man from on top of the clothing, if it is not with the intention of lust and there is no fear of falling into sin. ABGKLT

48 – Question: Can a woman give an injection to a non-Mahram man, or do other medically-related things which involve looking at the body of the man, if it is done without the intention of lust?

Answer: It is not permitted, except in the case of necessity. AGKLMS

Answer: According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not allowed, except in the case of necessity. B

49 – Rule: It is haram to look at the body of a non-Mahram man, even so much as the face and hands if it is done with the intention of lust, or one fears falling into sin.ABGKLMST

Therefore: There is no connection between the permissibility of the woman to look at the body of a non-Mahram man and the necessity for a man to cover. Meaning even though it is not wajib for a man to cover himself completely, but it is wajib for the woman not to look at him. Women Looking at Children

50 – Rule: In the event that the child is a girl, then up until the age of Mumayyiz, a woman can look at the entire body of the child, and once the child has become Mumayyiz, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, the woman must not look at her private parts. KMLS

It is haram to look at the private parts of a Mumayyiz child. ABGT

Therefore: Mothers must pay special attention in the shower and in other places that they do not look at the private parts of their daughters or other women’s daughters that are Mumayyiz, even if it is without the intention of lust.

51 – Rule: In the event that the child is a boy, then before he reaches the age of Mumayyiz the woman can look at his entire body; and once he becomes Mumayyiz, according to Ihtiyat Wajib, she must not look at his private parts. In this ruling, there is no difference between a Mahram boy and a non-Mahram boy. AKLMS

It is haram to look at the private parts of a Mumayyiz child. BGT

52 – Question: If we are in doubt as to whether or not a child has reached the age of Mumayyiz, then what is the ruling (related to looking at him)?

Answer: His ruling would be that of a non-Mumayyiz child. AGKLMST Answer: From the point of view of looking, this child has the same ruling as a child who is not Mumayyiz, although according to reasoning, it is better to refrain from looking.B

Rules of Looking When in a State of Doubt

53 – Rule: If one doubts whether a certain person is amongst those whom it is permissible to look at or not, then one must not look at them. AGLM According to Ihtiyat, one must refrain (from looking). B

Example: If a man sees a woman in the dark, of if he sees a woman coming towards him who he absolutely does not recognize, and he doubts whether she is one of his Maharim (in which case to look at her is allowed), or if she is a non-Mahram (in which case he can not look at her), then it is not permissible to look at her.

54 – Rule: If in a group of people, one has a doubt; for example, it is known that there is a Mahram there (in the group), but one does not know which one in the group it is, then one must not look at any of them. AGLM

Example: If a woman knows that there is a Mahram man amongst a group of men that are not wearing proper clothing, but she does not know which one of them it is, then she is not permitted to look at any of them. Similarly, a man who knows that he has a Mahram in a gathering of women is not permitted to look at them in order to find her. (In the event that the women do not have the proper clothing on.)

55 – Rule: If one doubts whether or not a person is a man or a woman (for example at night time, if the person is far away, fog or for some other reason), then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, one must not look at that person. KL

Rather, it is haram to look at them. G It is not a problem to look at them. M

56 – Rule: If someone doubts whether an object is a human being, an animal or something else, then in this case it is permissible to look at that thing. AGLM

The Rules of Looking at Photographs Men Looking at the Photographs of Non-Mahram Women

57 – Rule: Men are permitted to look at the photographs of non-Mahram women who are properly observing their hijab (in the photo) with the condition that it is not with the intention of lust. ABGKLMST

58 – Rule: If there is a photograph in which a woman has not observed her hijab properly, and the man knows that woman, then he is not allowed to look at that photo. If he does not know her, then he is allowed to look at the photograph of that non-Mahram woman, with the condition that it is not with the intention of lust. BKLT

Therefore: Either the man knows the woman, or does not know her. If he does not know her, then there is no problem in looking at her photograph without the intention of lust or deriving pleasure. However if he knows her, and she is a woman who believes in observing and protecting the Islamic hijab, then he is not allowed to look at her photograph in which she is not wearing the proper hijab. If she does not believe in observing the proper hijab, then even if the man knows her, it is not a problem to look at her photograph as long as it is not with the intention of lust or deriving pleasure.

It is not a problem to look at the photographs of non-Mahram women, or films with them in it by means of the television or other than that, if it is not with the intention of lust or fear of falling into corruption and sin, even if one knows the person in the photograph. A

In the event that the man does not know the woman, then according to Ihtiyat Mustahab, he should not look at her photograph; and if he knows her, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, he must not look at her photograph, especially if it is degrading to her stature, and /or associated with corruption. G

In the event that the woman believes in observing and protecting the Islamic hijab, then looking at a photograph of her without hijab is problematic, unless the man does not know her and looking at the photograph will not lead to any corruption. M

If the non-Mahram woman in the photo has not observed the proper Islamic hijab, then in the event that the woman is not among those who do not observe proper hijab, or do not observe hijab at all and if she was told to wear it, she would not listen, and the man looking at the photograph knows her, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, he must not look at that photograph. In other than this scenario, it is not a problem to look (at that photograph) as long as it is not with the intention of deriving pleasure or enjoyment. S

Therefore: If the man does not know the woman, or the woman is one who does not observe proper hijab or does not observe hijab at all and if she was told to wear it, she would not listen; or if she has observed her proper Islamic hijab in the photograph, then it is not a problem to look at her photo.

Therefore: Men must not look at the family photo albums in which there are women family members who are not observing their proper hijab. GK

It is not a problem to look at the photographs, even if the man knows the woman, as long as it is not with the intention of lust, and there is no fear of falling into corruption.A

59 – Question: What is the ruling of looking at the photographs of non-Muslim women, or Muslim women who are not observing their proper Islamic hijab?

Answer: In the event that the man does not know the woman and there is no fear of falling into corruption, and it is not with the intention of lust. then it is not a problem, although according to Ihtiyat Mustahab he should refrain from it. ABGKLT

Answer: In the event that the woman is a non-Muslim or does not believe in observing the proper Islamic hijab, then it is not a problem to look at it (the photograph), as long as it is without the intention of lust or deriving sexual pleasure. M

Answer: In the event that the photograph is that of a non-Muslim woman or of a woman (Muslim) who does not care (if others see her) or is a common place woman, then it is not a problem to look at it if it is without the intention of lust or deriving sexual pleasure. S

60 – Rule: It is not a problem to look at the photographs of children – whether they are boys or girls, if it is without the intention of lust and there is no fear of falling into sin. ABGKLMST

61 – Rule: In the event that one fears that by looking at the photograph of someone they will fall into sin, then one must not look at that picture. ABGKLMST

62 – Rule: It is not permitted to show a photograph to someone which one knows it is haram for that person to look it. AGK

Therefore: Women are not allowed to show pictures to their husbands, brothers, or fathers in which there are non-Mahram women who are not in hijab, and also, it is not permissible for the men to look at them either.

63 – Question: What is the ruling for looking at the photographs of a woman, when she was a child, in the event that she was not properly clothed?

Answer: If looking at those photographs does not lead to her degradation and does not arouse one sexually, then it is not a problem. T

64 – Rule: It is haram to look at any photographs with the intention of lust, be it that of a man or woman; a Mahram or a non-Mahram; a human being or something else. The photo of one’s spouse is an exception to this rule. ABGKLMST

65 – Rule: The buying, selling, and keeping of pornographic photographs is haram and (if one has them in one’s possession) then they must be destroyed. AGK

66 – Question: Is it permissible for a man to look at the photograph of a non-Mahram woman who has died, in the event that he knows her?

Answer: If there is no corruption involved, then it is not a problem. A

Answer: It is a problem for a man to look at the photograph of a non-Mahram woman who has passed away. G

67 – Question: Please give us your opinion on the role for looking related to those who are specializing in a field of medicine or those students who are studying medicine, or … and because of the field of their studies, they are forced to go through scientific books and films that have indecent material in them.

Answer: If they need to look at them for learning and it is not with the intention of deriving sexual pleasure, then it is not a problem. GL

68 – Question: Is it permissible to look at non-Muslim women on television who are not wearing the proper or sufficient clothing?

Answer: It is not a problem, if it is not with the intention of deriving pleasure and one does not fear that he will fall into corruption. ABGKLMST

69 – Question: It is permissible for men or women to look at obscene or pornographic photographs, without the intention of deriving pleasure or lust?

Answer: If it is related to corruption and deriving pleasure then it is a problem, and many types of these (photographs) are definitely haram. B

Answer: Looking at these types of photographs is not permitted. T Women Looking at the Photographs of Men

70 – Rule: Women are permitted to look at the photographs of men with the condition that is not with the intention of lust, and it does not matter whether she knows the man or not, and whether the man is her Mahram or non-Mahram. K

Therefore: It is not a problem for women to look at the photographs of athletes, or martyrs, etc… unless it is associated with lust or falling into corruption.

The Rules of Watching Films

71 – Rule: Films and TV shows that are directly broadcast (live), have the same ruling as (looking at) living people, and if it is a pre-recorded broadcast, then it has the ruling of (looking at) photographs. K

Therefore: If a film or show is broadcast live, then the ruling for watching it is the same as looking at a living person. Therefore, except for the face and hands of the non-Mahram woman, men are not permitted to look at the women (with those conditions that have already been mentioned); and similarly, women are not permitted to look at the bodies of men that are in fitness or sports programs, or other than that.

Similarly, if the film or show has been pre-recorded, then for one to look at the men and women in that film or show has the same ruling as looking at a photograph. Thus, men are not permitted to look at a film in which a Muslim woman whom he knows and who has not observed the proper hijab is in. However, if he does not know her nor does he have fear of falling into sin, then he can look at her. Similarly, men are not permitted to look at the films, which have been taken during wedding ceremonies, in the event that the women are not in proper hijab, and he knows them.

Films (and TV shows), whether live broadcast or pre-recorded, have the same ruling as looking at a photograph. AGL

Therefore: According to the ruling of Ayatullah Araki, it is not a problem for men to watch films in which there are non-Mahram women, even if he knows them, with the condition that it is not with lust nor is there is no fear of falling into sin, and with the other details that were previously mentioned.

As for the ruling of Ayatullah Gulpaygani, according to Ihtiyat Mustahab, men should not watch those movies in which there are non-Mahram women, if he does not know them; and if he does know them, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, he is not permitted to watch them (along with the other details that were previously mentioned).

It is a problem to look at a non-Mahram via the television or hearing their voice, if it is going to lead to corruption or falling into sin. B

72 – Question: Is one permitted to look at photographs of naked women and or pornographic videos without the intention of deriving pleasure or lust?

Answer: It is not permitted since looking at these types of photographs or films usually has a negative and corruptive effect (on the soul). G

73 – Question: What is the ruling for women watching sporting events that are shown on television, in the event that the men participating in them do not have the proper covering on?

Answer: In the event that there is no fear of falling into sin, and it is not with the intention of lust, then it is not a problem. KLMST

Answer: Women are not permitted to, intentionally, to look at these types of programs. G

74 – Rule: As for what has been stated in the above rulings, there is no difference between films that are shown on video, movie projectors, or any other form. ABGKMST

75 – Question: If looking at a film in which non-Mahram women are playing sports, some of which are not in their hijab, may sexually excite some people who are watching it, but that same film, if others watched it, would not make them sexually excited, then is it allowed for these people to watch such a film?

Answer: If the video/program is being broadcast live, then it is not allowed to look at it with the intention of lust, whether it excites one sexually or not. However, if the show is not being broadcast live and if the person watching it will become sexually excited, then he is not allowed to view such a program, but if he will not become sexually excited, then he is allowed to watch it. T

76 – Rule: Looking at a deceased person has the same ruling as looking at a living person. GK

Therefore: A man is not allowed to look at the body of a deceased non-Mahram woman. A woman too is not allowed to look at the body of a deceased non-Mahram man, according to those rules that have been mentioned previously.

77 – Question: Is it allowed to listen to the radio or watch the television news broadcast of a woman anchorperson, or not?

Answer: It is not a problem, as long as it is not with the intention of lust or sexual excitement. BKMST

Therefore: If a person feels that he will not fall into sin, then it is not a problem, but in other than this situation, looking at her or listening to her voice is not permitted.

Answer: Looking at that has the same ruling as looking at a photograph. AG

78 – Question: It is permissible for men or women to look at obscene or pornographic photographs, without the intention of deriving pleasure or lust?

Answer: Looking at these types of movies mentioned above, that have been produced and can lead to being misled, are not permissable. L

Answer: Looking at these types of photographs is not permitted. T


[^2] Ahl al-Zhimmah are those Jews and Christians who, living under an Islamic governemt, agree to pay the special Jizya tax. These Jews and Christians are protected under the Islamic Governement and their lives and property is sacrosanct and protected.