Daily Supplications For the Glorious Month of Ramadhan

Dua For 24th Day

O Allah I beseech Thee (to make me do) that which pleases Thee, in this month. I take refuge with Thee from that for which Thou may treat me with contempt. I beseech Thee to arrange my life in such a manner that I obey Thee and never break or tamper with Thy laws, O He who liberally gives abundantly to the beseechers.

دعاء اليوم الرابع والعشرين

اللهمّ إنّي أس'ألُكَ فيه ما يُر'ضيكَ وأعوذُ بِكَ ممّا يؤذيك وأسألُكَ التّوفيقَ فيهِ لأن' أطيعَكَ ولا أع'صيكَ يا جَوادَ السّائلين.

Dua for 25th Day

O Allah let me love and cherish Thy friends, in this month, hate and discard Thy enemies, and follow the way of life of the last of Thy Prophets, O He who kept the thoughts and feelings of the Prophets flawless.

Dua for 26th Day

O Allah render my efforts, made in this months, worthy of appreciation, my sins forgivable, my deeds acceptable, and my shortcomings coverable, O the Best Hearer.

دعاء اليوم السادس والعشرين

اللهمّ اج'عَل سَع'يي فيهِ مَش'كوراً وذَن'بي فيهِ مَغ'فوراً وعَملي فيهِ مَق'بولاً وعَي'بي فيهِ مَس'توراً يا أس'مَعِ السّامعين.

Dua for 27th Day

O Allah make available for me the blessings of the night of Qadr, render my affairs easy to deal with instead of becoming difficult and cumbersome, take into consideration my apologies, and unburden my back from the heavy load of wrongdoings, O He who is compassionate while dealing with the upright.

دعاء اليوم السابع والعشرين

اللهمّ ار'زُق'ني فيهِ فَض'لَ لَي'لَةِ القَد'رِ وصَيّر' أموري فيهِ من العُس'رِ الى اليُس'رِ واق'بَل' مَعاذيري وحُطّ عنّي الذّنب والوِز'رِ يا رؤوفاً بِعبادِهِ الصّالِحين