Daily Supplications For the Glorious Month of Ramadhan

Dua For 28th Day

O Allah increase my enjoyment and satisfaction, in this month, in the prayers I paray out of my own free will, kindly make haste in quick disposal of my affairs in my interest, let me be near to the "Means of Approach" (Muhammad and Aali Muhammad) who are the select best medium to gain Thy favours, O He who does not get confused on account of the ceaseless demands of the countless beseechers, but attend to each and every supplication.

دعاء اليوم الثامن والعشرين

اللهمّ وفّر حظّي فيهِ من النّوافِلِ واك'رِم'ني فيهِ بإح'ضارِ المَسائِلِ وقَرّبِ فيهِ وسيلتي اليكَ من بينِ الوسائل يا من لا يَش'غَلُهُ الحاحُ المُلِحّين.

Dua for 29th Day

O Allah draw me near to Thy mercy, in this month, and enwrap me with it, keep me alive attached with guidance, having a clear conscience, cleanse my heart from the vulgarity of making false accusations, O He who treats the faithful servants mercifully.

دعاء اليوم التاسع والعشرين

اللهمّ غَشّني بالرّح'مَةِ وار'زُق'ني فيهِ التّوفيقِ والعِص'مَةِ وطَهّر' قل'بي من غَياهِبِ التُّه'مَةِ يا رحيماً بِعبادِهِ المؤمِنين.

Dua for 30th Day

O Allah render my fasts observed in this month worthy of appreciation and acceptance, and a medium to obtain Thy pleasure and the pleasure of the Messenger, let the corollary (Furoo - a consequence or a supplement) acquire strength from the original cause (Usool), for the sake of our Leaders-in-chief, Muhammad and his pure children; (all) praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

دعاء اليوم الثلاثين

اللهمّ اج'عَل' صيامي فيهِ بالشّك'رِ والقَبولِ على ما تَر'ضاهُ ويَر'ضاهُ الرّسولُ مُح'كَمَةً فُروعُهُ بالأصُولِ بحقّ سَيّدِنا محمّدٍ وآلهِ الطّاهِرين والحمدُ للهِ ربّ العالمين