Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis

Imam Ghazzali's Declaration That Abu Hanifa Didn't Read the Salat of Rasulullah (s)

Ghazzali said that all should know that Abu Hanifa did not read the namaz read by Prophet Muhammad Taken from Asthaghsa al Ahfaam quoting Munkhaul, by Allamah Ghazzali Tusi al Iraani page 209 published Majmaa al Juraayn Ludhanan (1276 Hijri)

Imam Ghazzali declaration that Abu Hanifas Fatwas are Kufr

Ghazzali said whoever follows Isthazan he has done a bad act, it is essential we explain Isthazan. Abu Hanifas students said that it is that Fatwa where no logic exists, to have this ideaology is kufr

Taken from Asthaghsa al Ahfaam quoting Munkhaul, by Allamah Ghazzali Tusi al Iraani page 198 published Majmaa al Juraayn Ludhanan (1276 Hijri)

Ghazzalis cursing Fatwas against Abu Hanifa If people were not narrow minded and short of wisdom and didnt do taqleed of Abu Hanifa under Sharia, no rational person would have done his taqleed, thats why Ahlul Sunnah Imams have disparaged and cursed him.

Taken from Asthaghsa al Ahfaam quoting Munkhaul, by Allamah Ghazzali Tusi al Iraani page 200 published Majmaa al Juraayn Ludhanan (1276 Hijri)

Ghazzali said Abu Hanifa was kaafir worse than Yazid

In Ibne Khalikaan has recorded Imam Ghazzali's defence of Yazid as follows:

"cursing any Muslim is not permissible whoever does so is cursed because Yazids being Muslim is Sahih, and his killing of Imam Hussain or issuing his killing is not proven" Wafyaat al yan by Ibne Khalikaan page 413 "Dhikr Imam Ahl'ul Sunnah al Qiya al Harasee" Ghazzali had sought to protect Yazeed by proclaiming that he should not be cursed, BUT at the same time he did not not codemn the fact that Sunni Ulema cursed Abu Hanifa! So in the eyes of Ghazzali Abu Hanifa was worse than Yazid.

Position of Imam Ghazzali's Munhaul in Ahl'ul Sunnah eyes

Ahlaan al Akhyaar min Fuqhaa ai Madhab al Numan at Mukhthar as cited in: "Asthaghsa al Ahfaam" page 195 "Imam of Ahl ul Sunnah Muhammad Sulayman Qufee said Shaykh Abul Hasan Shazli said I saw in a dream the Prophet (s) was taking pride over Musa (as) and Esau (as) and referred to Ghazzali asking them in your Ummah do you have an Aalim like him, they said no". Allamah Kamaladeen Dhimeere also extolled Imam Ghazzali, when such a great scholar condemns Imam Abu Hanifa and notes he was cursed then it means Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam of the Deobandi Nasibis was nothing.

Munhaul was Imam Ghazzali's Book

Here are those scholars who have confirmed that Muhuul was Ghazzalis writing as cited in Asthaghsa al Ahfaam page 205: Abu Muhammad Thudhbun Sad Al Yahfee in his book Marahthul Janaan states When Ghazzali wrote al Muhuul and presented to the Imam of Makka Abu Maali Ziyadeen the Imam said why didnt you wait till I died since your book has overshadowed mine. Abdul Raheem bin Hussain Bazeenudeen Iraqi teacher of Ibn Hajar Asqalani in Tabaqat al Mugheez confirms that it is Ghazzalis book.

Allamah ibne al Jammatha in his book Taqabat Shaafiya confirms its G.

Hussain bin Hasan Qadhi wa Muyathhe.

Hafidh Jalaladeen Suyuti confirms it.

Ibn Taymeeya cited the fact Imam Ahmad and Shafii condemned Abu Hanifas method of Salaat In Minhajj al Sunnah Imam of the Nasibis Ibn Taymiyya states:

The Shia Allamah Hilli cites the fact a Hanafi felt his Salaat was correct, he read it in front of a King who subsequently abandoned his madhab this proves that Hanafi madhabi is false. The King was Sultan Mahmood Ghuznawi who abandoned Hanafi Madhab due to the Hanafi Salaat. This is that Salaat that Shafii, Ahmad and Malik rejected it likewise Minhajj al Sunnah by Ibn Taymiyya taken from "Asthaghsa al Ahfaam" page 184

Abu Hanifa's Salaat was condemned by Scholars Rislala al Mugheez al Khulq by Abu Mualli

Wafeeyathul Ayaan Volume 4 page 113 "Dhikr Mahmood Ghuznawi"

Tarikh Yafii Miratul Jinaan Sayf ul Maslul fi Dhurbul kafaal wal makfuul taken from Istakhza page 180

"Tarikh Yafii Miratul Jinan Ulama of Islam note Guznawi was Hanafi and reaspected Hadith and he would hear Hadith with his people which is why found them in accordance to Shafii Madhab something affected his heart and he inquired which was better of the two, and he said that the two two rakaat Salats are read before him then hed decide on which was better.

Kafaal Muroozi read the Shaafi prayer and read it in such a way showing it in accordance with Wudhu clean dress (under Shaafi principles). Then Faqaal Muroozi read prayer according to Hanafi fiqh he wore coloured dogs skin and a quarter of it was impure and yet he performed Wudu in achohol prepare by dates, as it was summer time he was covered by flies and mosquitos and performed each action of Wudhu in reverse, then he looked towards Kaaba and said Takbeer in Farsi without the intention and then read one verse in Farsi,

and performed like a cock pecking its food, in his Salaams rather saying Tashud he farted loudly, and said Oh King this is Abu Hanifas Salaat. King said that if this is unproven to be Abu Hanifa I will kill you, because such a Namaaz is not accepted by any religion. Hanafis denied that this was Hanafi Salaat. The King said present the books of both Madhabs to me, the King gor a Christian accountant to examine both. After research it was poroven that the Hanafi Salat was just like that of Faqaal Ghuznawi then lefy Hanafi Madhab and became Shaafi.

This event is authentic and has even. It had been confirmed as correct by the Hanafi scholar Abdul Razzaq Hanafi in his book Sayf Maslool fi Dhurbul kafaal wal Mukful. His comments are cited in Astaghsa page 180 where Abdul Razzaq initially said he initially felt it was an exaggeration but when he read Abu Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Sad al Yahfeez Tarikh al Janaan in which the Imam of Makka confirmed the farting episode he knew it was true.

Mulla 'Ali Qari's anger at the farting Salaat of Imam Abu Hanifa

In Rudh Rislala Imam al Harmain, by Mullah 'Ali Qari taken from Asthaghsa al Ahfam page 183: Mulla Ali Qari in his commentary on Abu Hanifas Salaat performed by Murdhooree says that he was aided by his anus and excreted a terrible smell, Muroozee lifted the veils on sanctity and by farting made a mockery of religion and is counted amongst the disgraced people, how could he fart in front of the people including the King, if anyone else did this he would have been declared a kaafir, I wish that with his death this farting incident had been buried with him Muroozee was appearing as a Angel

Wafayat ul ayan Dhikr Fukaar

Tabaqat Fuqaha Shafiiyya Chapter Dhikr Kafaal Tarikh Yaafi Dhikr Kaafa taken from Asthaghsa al Ahfam page 186 We are quoting from Asthaghsa al Ahfam page 186:

Imam Yaafii states that Hadhrath Naasir Umri states that Imam Abu Bakr al Kafaal Muroozee Abdullah bin Ahmad Shaafi was a high ranking Shaafi scholar who died at the age of 90. No scholar of Fiqh has been born like him, we deem him to be an Angel appearing as a man. Imam Shaafi states that this is the same Muroozee who read the farting Namaz in front of Mahmood Ghuznawee and Ibne Khalkaan in Wafeeyath ul Iyan states that Allamah ibne Jamaata (check spelling) cited this at length in Tabaqat Fuquha Shaafiya, this Salaat will be remembered as a mockery till the Day of Judgement

Suyuti condemnation of Imam Abu Hanifa

In "Jazeel al Muwahib fi Ikhtilaab al Madhaib" by Suyuti page 184: Suyuti said:

The most praised Madhab is Shaafi due to its precautions. Due to this whoever reads Shafii Salaat will feel confident. Whoever reads Hanafi Salaat will be confused because it is questionable, on account of the following:

He considers it permissible to perform ablution with alcohol fermented by dates

You can wear dog leather in Salaat

If a part of your clothes has urine on it you can continue with the Salaat.

In Salaat if your penis or anus is exposed you can continue to pray.

If you read Qur'an wrong in Salaat its okay

You can read the Qur'anic verses in Salaat in Farsi

In Ruku and Sujud "Thumaanyeeyuth" is okay

It is permissible to end Salaat by breaking wind"

Imam Abu Yusufs condemation of Abu Hanifa

Munkuul as Istaghza page 241 quoting Imam Mullah Alis Qari Risala in refutation to the Imam of Makka Qamus did unusual thing by extolling Ibn Arabi to such an extenet that the illiterate would assume he was the greatest of creations and with regards to Imam Abu Hanifa he refused his accept his merits.

Dhahabi condemned Abu Hanifa In Meezan page 265 Volume 4 Dhahabi said:

Imam Abu Hanifa is the Imam of Qiyas and Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Nasai and Ibn Adi and other Ulema have rejected him Abdul Qadir Jilani condemned Abu Hanifa

Al Ghaneeya page 90 Volume 1 Part 2 Rasul said my Umamh will be divided in the 73 Sects only will attain Paradise others in Hell.of the 73 Sects there are 10 including la Marhaba is the 10th Fiqh including Fiqha Hanafi

Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilanis deemed Abu Hanifa and his followers to be in the fire Whilst discussing the Sects that are in the Fire, Shaafi scholar- Ghaneeyuth al Talibeen pages 62 63 (printed in Egypt):

There exist 12 sects of the marijee the Jahimiyya, Saleheeya, Shamneeya, Yunuseeya, Yuhnaaniya, Bukharia, Gilania, Shahbibeeya, Hanafeeya, Mahzeeya, Muriseeya, Kharameeya. These are all Marijee as they believe that once an individual has recited the Shahada, no matter how many sins you then commit, you will attain paradise, since iman is connected with heart not woth ones deeds, practices are a part of the Sharia iman reamains stagnant. People cannot supercede others on iman, the iman of Prophets, Angels and ordinary people are equal, iman neither goes up nor down, it does not lessen by words that are recited, even an indivisual fails to practice he remains a momin. Imam Numan bin Thabit stated that iman comprises of recognising Allah, his Rasul (s) and Angels.

Ibn Qutayba condemned Abu Hanifa In al Maarif page 168, Ibn Qutayba said

Abu Yusuf and Muhammad bin Hasan are the people of Marhaba (Zindeeq - sinners) Ibraheem Timmee, Abu Muawiya and Abu Hanifa and his two student Qadi Abu Yusuf and Muhammad bin Hasan In Istakhsa page 224 Ibn Jauzi states Marhaba are Zindeeeq In Istakhsa page 228 quotes a comment that if Abu Ysus allowed acohol via Qiyas if he lived a little longer he would allow relations with women and men ie homosexuality).

Hanafis and Hanbalis have issued takfeer against each other Ishthaksa page 264 quoting Sharh Aqaid Azdeeya Muhsin Kashmiree and Shahabodeen Gazrooni that the Ashari Sunnis have called Hanabali Sunni Kaafir and Hanbalis have called Hanafi kaafir.

Hanafi Fatwa cursing those that oppose Abu Hanifa

Maulana Abdul Hai in his book Fatwa page 155, chapter Taqleed wal ijtihaad states: Ibne Maalik had stated that on matters of Fiqh the people adhere to Abu Hanifa - may Allah curse be on those that have mocked his Fatwas This encompasses the other three Imams who condemned Abu Hanifa.

Wahabies believe everyone else is kaafir In Kitab Shaamee page 339 Volume 3 (Printed Egypt): Abdul Wahabs followers left Najd and illegally occupied Makka and Madina. These Najdis claimed to follow Ibn Hanbal but in fact their aqeedah is that only they are Muslim whoever does not follow their aqeedah is kaafir. It was on the basis of this aqeedah that they considered it halaal to kill the Ulema of Ahlul Sunnah.

Why did we cite these references?

We have in this section sought to prove how divided the Ahlul Sunnah are themselves and shown that throughout history those from different madhabs have spent theit time insulting one another, Muslims have been divided because of these baseless attacks and it is sad that these Nasibis are now seeking to continue this atmosphere of division by targeting the Shia with their campaign of takfeer against them. They go to enormous lengths collecting fatwas against Shia by doing so they feel that they are carrying out some religious duty for the Sunnis, but their mission is without foundation.

The true position on the Shia

The Nasibi Takfeer campaign against the Shia cannot be supported by the Quran or Sunnah The Nasibi can collect as many fatwas against the Shia from the Salafi / Deobandi Imams as they like, the fact of the matter is that these mean nothing since they cannot be supported by the Quran and Sunnah:

We read in Surah Hujuraat verse 14, Allah (swt) says:

"The bedoins say: 'We have believed'. Say to them 'You have not believed, say instead 'We have acceoted Islaam' for true belief has not entered into yout hearts. But if you obey Allah and his Messenger you will not lose any of your good deeds for verily Allah is most forgiving most merciful". These bedoins clearly had defects in their faith and even Allah (swt) did NOT even declare them Kaffir so could you explain to me how your Ulema have issued takfair on millions of Muslims?

Defining a Momin

Furthermore we would appeal to those with open minds to ponder over Surah Baqarah verses 1-5 where the Almighty has defined the meaning of Al-Muttaqin (the righteous). "Alif Lam Mim. This is the Book whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are righteous, who believe in the unseen, and offer prayer, and spend of what We have provided them, And who believe in that which is revealed to thee (Muhammad) and that which was revealed before thee, and who are certain of the Hereafter. They follow the guidance (which comes) from their Lord; and they are the ones who will prosper." These Qur'anic verses inform us of the requirements which, if a person fulfills them, he will be of the righteous people, and whoever is righteous, is a Muslim and a believer.

These requirements are the following:

To believe in the unseen (as we believe in the Creator and the Hereafter without seeing them).

To offer the five daily prayers.

To spend, in the way of God, a portion of the wealth God had provided us (by paying Zakat).

To believe in that which God has revealed to His Messenger Muhammad.

To believe in that which was revealed to all Messengers before Muhammad.

To believe in the Hereafter.

Thus, whoever meets these six requirements, as indicated by the first verse, will be righteous, and as indicated by the last verse, will be well-guided and successful.

Here, we can say that every Muslim who is committed to the principles of Islam will meet all the requirements. Since the Shia like Ahl;ul Sunnah bel;ieve in these principles then on what basis are these Nasibis calling Shias kaafir?

Defining Iman

We read in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, page 19 that Talhah Ibn Ubaydullah reported that a Bedouin had the following dialogue with the Messenger:

The Bedouin: What is Islam?

The Messenger: Five daily prayers.

The Bedouin: Do I have to add to them any prayer?

The Messenger: No, unless you volunteer. And fast in the month of Ramadhan.

The Bedouin: Do I have to add to it any other fast?

The Messenger: No, unless you volunteer. Then he mentioned to him the prescribed charity.

The Bedouin: Do I have to add to it?

The Messenger: No, unless you volunteer.

The Bedouin: By God, I shall not add to these; nor shall I subtract from them.

The Messenger: The bedouin has succeeded if he is true.

These are the requirements to be a Muslim, possessed by Sunni and Shia alike. So rather than blindly following your leaders do some homework.

The Ulema of Ahlul Sunnah have warned against issuing takfeer on Muslims

Imam Abu Hanifa said we dont consider anyone who prays to Qibla to be a kaafir and this is the belief of majority of Ulema (Sharh Muwafaq page 726 (Luckonow) Sharh Maqasid Volume 2 page 269 (Istanbul) Sharh Fiqh Akbar page 189 (Kanpur)

Abu Hanifa wrote in his will The followers of Muhammad can be sinners but they are momin NOT kaafor (al Jahur athul Maneefa Sharh Waseeyul Imam Abu Hanifa page 6 printed Hyderabad Deccan)

Imam Shaafi I do not considfer anyone who prays to be kaafor on account of his sins Al yawaqeeuth wal jawahir Volume 2 page 126 (Cairo) Shara Muwaqif page 726 The Scholars of fiqh are in agreement that it is NOT permissible to vall anyobe kaafoir whp prays in the direction of Qibla (Lucknow)

Shia are Muslim - Fatwa of Grand Mufti Shaltoot

What follows is the Fatwa (religious verdict/ruling) of one of the Sunni world's most revered scholars, Shaikh Mahmood Shaltoot with regard to the Shia. Shaikh Shaltoot was the head of the renowned al-Azhar Theological school in Egypt, one of the main centers of Sunni scholarship in the world.

It should be of interest to know that a few decades ago, a group of Sunni and Shia scholars formed a center at al-Azhar by the name of "Dar al-Taqreeb al-Madhahib al-Islamiyyah" which translates into "Center for bringing together the various Islamic schools of thought". The aim of the effort, as the name of the center indicates, was to bridge the gap between the various schools of thought,

and bring about a mutual respect, understanding and appreciation of each school's contributions to the development of Islamic Jurisprudence, among the scholars of the different schools, so that they may in turn guide their followers toward the ultimate goal of unity, and of clinging to one rope, as the well-known Quranic verse, "Hold fast to the Rope of Allah and do not diverge" clearly demands of Muslims.

This massive effort finally bore its major fruit when Shaikh Shaltoot made the declaration whose translation is appended below. It should be made unequivocally clear as well, that al-Azhar's official position, vis a vis the propriety of following any of the Madhaahib, including the Shi'ite Imami school, has remained unchanged since Shaikh Shaltoot's declaration.

Head Office of al-Azhar University:


Text of the Verdict (Fatwa) Issued by His Excellency Shaikh al-Akbar Mahmood Shaltoot, Head of the al-Azhar University,on Permissibility of Following "al-Shia al-Imamiyyah" School of Thought

His Excellency was asked: Some believe that, for a Muslim to have religiously correct worship and dealing, it is necessary to follow one of the four known schools of thought, whereas, "al-Shia al-Imamiyyah" school of thought is not one of them nor "al-Shia al-Zaidiyyah." Do your Excellency agree with this opinion, and prohibit following "al-Shia al-Imamiyyah al-Ithna Ashariyyah" school of thought, for example?

His Excellency replied:

  1. Islam does not require a Muslim to follow a particular Madh'hab (school of thought). Rather, we say: every Muslim has the right to follow one of the schools of thought which has been correctly narrated and its verdicts have been compiled in its books. And, everyone who is following such Madhahib [schools of thought] can transfer to another school, and there shall be no crime on him for doing so.

  2. The Ja'fari school of thought, which is also known as "al-Shia al-Imamiyyah al-Ithna Ashariyyah" (i.e., The Twelver Imami Shi'ites) is a school of thought that is religiously correct to follow in worship as are other Sunni schools of thought. Muslims must know this, and ought to refrain from unjust prejudice to any particular school of thought, since the religion of Allah and His Divine Law (Shari'ah) was never restricted to a particular school of thought. Their jurists(Mujtahidoon) are accepted by Almighty Allah, and it is permissible to the "non-Mujtahid" to follow them and to accord with their teaching whether in worship (Ibadaat) or transactions (Mu'amilaat).

Signed, Mahmood Shaltoot.

Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Shaykh Muhammad Ghazzalis Fatwa that Shias are Muslim

Ghazzali writing in Dhufaa Anil Aqeedah Al Shareeya Thud Muthaan al Mustharikeen page 256 Someone approached me in anger and said how did that the Shaykh of Azhar give this fatwa that Shia are Muslims, I said what do you know of the Shia after silence he said they are no on our deen, he replied I have seen the fast and pray like we do, he then said in amazement How?

I said to him You should know that they read the Quran and believe in Rasul, perform Hajj, he said I heard that they believe in another Quran and that in disrespect of the Quran they attend Makka, I said to this man you are disabled! People say this to disgrace others.

Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Abu Muhammad Zuhra declared the Shia to be Muslims

Tareekh ul Madhaib il Islameeya page 39 There is no doubt that Shia fiqh is an Islamic one, if the Sabi Sect considers Ali God we these people as out of Islam, Shias are a Musim Sect, for we know that the Shia Ithna Askariyyya consider Sabais kaafir, Ibn Saba was Mohovy there is no doubt that everything thje Shia say is based on the Quran and hadith of Rasulullah (s)

On page 52 he says:

they sit with their Sunni neighbours and near ones with love and do not hate them.

Shaykh Hasan Ayubs Fatwa about the Shia

Of the Islamic Sects Shia is the OLDEST one, there are different Sects some have gone extreme some in the middle way praised Ali ibn abi Talib and dont consider the other Sahaba as kaafor and liars (Tabseethul Aqaid Islameeya page 300)

Imam Ahmad Ibraheems Fatwa that the Shia are Muslim

Imam Ahmad Ibraheem teacher of Shaltoot and Abu Zahra said the Shia Imamia are Muslim they have faith in Allah, Rasul and Quran whatever Muhammad brought (Usul ai Fiqha page 31)

The Shia are an Islamic Sect

Sharh Muwaqif by Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Meer Seyyed Shareeh Jurbani:

Amongst the biggest Islamic Sects the other is Shia, Shia are those that follow Ali and believe after Rasul he was the rightful Imam and Khalifa whether that be spiritual or physical, and they believe that Imamate and Khlifath remains in the family od Ali page 752 (Lucknow print) Abu Saadath Mubarak Ibn Aseer Jazari in Jami al Usul Min ahadith ur Rasul Volume 12 oage 220-221 (gytpt Edition) We are talking about famous Sects, that Muslims affiluiate themselves to these are as follows, Shaafir, Hanafi, Malik, Ahmad and Imaiya.

Fiqh Jafri is a legitimate Islamic Sect

Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Allamah Shaykh Sharawi Azhari in his famous Egyptian Risala Al Ahraam ul Sunnah page 103 periodical number 32932 wrote: The Imam of the Shia Imamiya is Hadhrath Imam Jafer Sadiq who was the teacher of Imam Abu Hanifa. These are the Imamia Jafari about whom we explained before, are those who follow a pure religion and at is with regards to them that our Shaykh Shaltoot issued a fatwa that to adhere to their madhab is permissible because this is a correct Islamic madhab, that is acts as a source of guidance for its adherents, In Egypt we have introduced certain principles of Shia on divorce and inheritance in out Law.

Similarly Dr Umar Farokh Misree Al Faisal al Adad number 30 page 24-25 (printed 1979) said: Islam has many Sects Malikee, Hanafi Shaafee, Hanbali and Jafri Sunni Scholar Allamah Abdul Fataah Abdul Maqsood Misree wrote in Sabeel ul Wahdah page 514 (Egypt edition):

It is my faith that Shia Islam is the true face and sect of Ialam, history is testament that in protecting the Deen the Shia made many great sacrifices that day is not far when all Muslim Sects shall unite on one front Sunni academic Allamah Muhammad Hasan Azmee Principal of Arabic College, Karachi commented: The Shia Imami Ithna Ashariyya testify in Tauheed - that Allah is one, neither is he begotten nor does he beget, no one is like Him, Muhammad (s) was sent by Him, that all Prophets were on the path of truth.

The Shia believe in these things and do not do taqleed on matters of Usul thay believe in all the Prophets, they believe in everthing that Prophets sent. They believe that Ali and his eleven sons were entitled to the Imamate and Leadership (over the Ummah) and that Fatima az Zahra is Chief of the Women of Paradise. These people are correct in their aqeedah, since this is an aqeedah that cannot be deemed kufr nor Fisq (Al Haqaiq ul Khafeeya un al Shia al Fatimeeya page 103 printed Cairo)