Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis

Nasibi Alleged Dreams Prove Their Disrespect of Rasulullah (s) and His Ahlul Bayt (as)

In their efforts to prove their piety to the faithful the leading Deobandi scholars have been particularly fond of quoting alleged dreams. Whilst hadith can be disputed the alleged recipients of these dreams were so pleased with what they saw that they sought it fit to put pen to paper and present these dreams to a wider audience. We would ask our readers to look at these dreams and then decide whether this constitutes respect for the dignity of Rasulullah (s) and his Ahlul bayt (as).

A Deobandi Nasibi Maulana saved Rasulullah (s) from falling in to Hell

The Deobandi scholar Maulana Hussain Ali Bujruwee proudly alleges that he saw the following in a dream: I saw Rasulullah (s) and he took me to the bridge leading to Heaven, I saw him slipping from the bridge and I saved him. Mubsuraath al Bulgha Ahraan, by Maulana Hussain Ali Bujruwee, page 8 Rasulullah (s) came as a Mercy to the World to guide people to the right path, to ensure that they did not suffer eternal damnation in the next world, and here this third rate Deobandi Mullah claims he SAVED Rasulullah (s) from the fire. Those that allege that the Shia deem their Imams superior to Angels should take note.

Rasulullah (s) was taught Urdu by the Nasibis

Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, whilst extolling the virtues of the Deoband Madrassa (The main school of learning in Nasibi ideology in the Indian subcontinent) writes the following:

` Once a great scholar saw the Prophet (saws) in a dream speaking Urdu, he asked him where he learnt to speak Urdu when he was an Arabic speaker, the Prophet (saws) replied I learnt Urdu following my contact with the Deoband Madrassa.

Al Baraheynul Kathahaat, by Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, page 26 (published in Kutubkhana Imdaadeyaa, Deoband, Uttar Pradesh)

Is there no level that the Nasibis will stoop in seeking to deceive the people? They have the audacity to proclaim that they taught the Seal of all Prophets - whose sole mission was to teach mankind. This is the belief of scholars who claim that they and they alone are the upholders of truth. The ordinary Muslim would view seeing the Prophet (s) blessed shoe as better than his life and here we have a Nasibi scholar declaring that not only did he meet the Prophet (s) in a dream but also he attended the Madrassa of the Nasibis! We would like to pose this question to the Nasibi since their Imam ibn Taymeeya said that the devil can appear as the Prophet (saw), how do they know that it wasnt the devil who appeared as the Prophet (saw) claiming to have learned urdu from the Deobandis and not the actual Prophet? Was it not possible that Shaythan had appeared in order to give the Deobandis a false sense of superiority?

Sayyida Fatima (as) embraces a Nasibi Scholar

Allamah Ashraf Ali Thanvi claims to have been inspired by this dream:

"I dreamt that I saw Fatima (ra) taking me to her bosom, thereafter I became good" "Hafazathul Yaumia Thanvi" Volume 6 page 37

Thanvi might not have any shame but we would urge Muslims to think about the status of the person being defamed here, this is the daughter of Rasulullah (s), the Leader of the Women of Paradise (this hadith can be found in Sahih al Bukhari (English translation Volume 4 hadith number 819). Sayyida (as) exemplified piety and perfection and Muslims look to her as the perfect role model as a mother and daughter. Yet this third rate Nasibi claims that Sayyida Fatima (as) would embrace him, a non mahram man! May Allahs curse be upon these people.

The Nasibis assault on Hadhrath Ayesha

Nasibi slander on Hadhrath Ayesha Ibn Kathir writes the following:

Hadhrath Ayesha was accused of illicit relations. Those responsible for spreading this allegation were Hadhrath Abu Bakrs cousin Mustha bin Hasasa and the Prophets sister in law Humna binte Hajash and the poet Hasan bin Thabit. The Prophet ordered that they be flogged and they were punished accordingly"

al Bidayah al Nihaya by Ibn Kathir on page 160, Chapter "Dhir Ahfak" To those Nasibis who say that we slander Ayesha and thus are Kaffirs we invite them to ponder, the first to slander her were the companions hence they are kaffirs!

If you base Iman on love for Hadhrath Ayesha then we should remind the people that the Nasibis are guilty of this insult and yet target the Shias. This can be proven from the next wonderful hadith.

Nasibi attack on Hadhrath Ayeshas dignity

Before analysing the text let us pose the following questions to those with rational minds:

If two of your relatives went to your home and asked your mother about how to perform Ghusl after sex how would you react? Is it not an insult to ask such a question to your mother?

How would you feel if your mother then provided a practical demonstration by removing her clothes and taking a bath? With this in mind we invite you to ponder over this hadith:

Abu Salama b. 'Abd al-Rahman reported: I along with the foster brother of 'A'isha went to her and he asked about the bath of the Apostle (may peace be upon him) because of sexual intercourse. She called for a vessel equal to a Sa' and she took a bath, and there was a curtain between us and her. She poured water on her head thrice and he (Abu Salama) said: The wives of the Apostle (may peace be upon him) collected hair on their heads and these lopped up to ears (and did not go beyond that).

Sahih Muslim, Book 003, Number 0626:

Perhaps the Nasibis would be so kind as to answer these questions:

As the query was with regards to Ghusl after intercourse, could the two men not have obtained the information from one of the male companions?

As the matter was linked to Sexual intercourse both men must have been married so why couldnt they send their respective wives to ask this most delicate question?

Why would Aisha find it necessary to take a bath to demonstrate the point could she not have simply relayed actions verbally with her clothes on?

If there was a net between them that presumable acted as purdah does this not defeat the object of Aisha removing her clothes and demonstrating how Ghusl is performed?

The net clearly was NOT very thick, since they were able to observe that Aisha had placed her hair over her head they could even SEE her ears through it.

Is such a hadith not an insult on the dignity of Hadhrath Aisha?

Alhamdolillah we the Shi'a do NOT believe such hadith that attack the dignity of Hadhrath Aisha, it is unfortunate that Nasibis regard such traditions as Sahih. If those that slander Aisha are kaafir what about those that regard this hadith to be Sahih?

The Shaykhain's attack on Hadhrath Ayesha

We read the following in Sahih Muslim - Book 009, Number 3506:

Jabir b. 'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with them) reported: Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him) came and sought permission to see Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). He found people sitting at his door and none amongst them had been granted permission, but it was granted to Abu Bakr and he went in. Then came 'Umar and he sought permission and it was granted to him, and he found Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) sitting sad and silent with his wives around him.

He (Hadrat 'Umar) said: I would say something which would make the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) laugh, so he said: Messenger of Allah, I wish you had seen (the treatment meted out to) the daughter of Khadija when you asked me some money, and I got up and slapped her on her neck. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) laughed and said: They are around me as you see, asking for extra money. Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him) then got up went to 'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) and slapped her on the neck, and 'Umar stood up before Hafsa and slapped her saying: You ask Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) which he does not possess.

They said: By Allah, we do not ask Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) for anything he does not possess. Then he withdrew from them for a month or for twenty-nine days. Then this verse was revealed to him:" Prophet: Say to thy wives... for a mighty reward" (xxxiii. 28). He then went first to 'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) and said: I want to propound something to you, 'A'isha, but wish no hasty reply before you consult your parents.

She said: Messenger of Allah, what is that? He (the Holy Prophet) recited to her the verse, whereupon she said: Is it about you that I should consult my parents, Messenger of Allah? Nay, I choose Allah, His Messenger, and the Last Abode; but I ask you not to tell any of your wives what I have said He replied: Not one of them will ask me without my informing her. God did not send me to be harsh, or cause harm, but He has sent me to teach and make things easy.

The fact that the Shaykhain attacked their respective daughters is irrelevant BECAUSE they are Umm'ul Momineen of ALL MUSLIMS.

This being the case, Nasibis answer this:

If insulting Ummul Momineen makes you a kaafir what about those that attack them physically?

What sort of respect is this, attacking Rasulullah (s) wives in his blessed presence?

Hadhrath Abu Bakr attacks Hadhrath Ayesha and declares her an enemy of God

Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Abdul Hamid Ghazzali records the following in his classic Ihya Ulum-id-din:

Once there was an altercation between the Prophet and Hazrat Ayesha when they found Hazrat Abu Bakr as judge. Hazrat Ayesha said to the Prophet: You speak but dont speak except truth. At once Hazrat Abu Bakr gave her such a slap that blood began to ooze out from her mouth".

Ihya Ulum-id-din by Imam Ghazali, Volume 2 page 36, Chapter The secrets of marriage English translation by Maulana Fazlul Karim. For those Nasibis who accuse the Shia of criticising Hadhrath Aisha we suggest they analyse this narration carefully. Can you get any greater insult that declaring the mother of the faithful an Enemy of God?

The Nasibis Kufr Fatwa on Hadhrath Ayesha

In the renowned book Mawaddathul Qurba by Imam of Ahlul Sunnah, Sayyid Ali Hamdani we read the following:

Hadhrath Ayesha narrates the Prophet said Allah asked me Whoever doesnt accept Alis khilafath and rebels and fights him as a kaffir and will perish in the fire Someone asked her Why did you rebel and fight him? She replied I forgot this Hadith on the Day of the Battle of Jamal, I remembered it again when I returned to Basra and I asked for Allahs forgiveness, I dont think that I will be forgiven for this sin"

Mawaddatul Qurba by S. Ali Hamdani page 32 under the chapter Mawaddatul Saum

We will all die one day and will reply for our deeds, look at your books and ponder over Hadhrath Ayeshas own admission. Mufti Muhammad Qulli has also recorded this Hadith in "Tashdheed al Muthain" and the Nasibis have expunged these words 'Wa ma asee un youqoon'

Hadhrath Ayesha's kufr Fatwa on Hadhrath Uthman

The pages of history are replete with these words uttered by Hadhrath Ayesha against Hadhrath Uthman:

Kill this old fool (Na'thal), for he is unbeliever"

63 Tarikh by Ibn Athir, v3, p206

Lisan al-Arab by Ibn Masur, v14, p141

al-Iqd al-Farid, v4, p290

Qadi Burhaniddin in Sirathul Halbiyya writes:

"Ameerul Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib prior to Jamal write a letter to Ayesha saying "Only yesterday you said kill Uthman, May Allah kill him, Uthman has become a kaffir"

Sirathul Halabiyya Volume 3 page 356 "Muhjizatha Nabi"

Other classical Sunni sources have also recorded the same words of Imam Ali (as).

The issuing takfir on Uthman by Hadhrath Ayesha has been eulogised in poetry by Ubayd bin Abi Salmah:

"You ordered the murder of Uthman by stating he had become a kaffir".

Tadhkirathul Khawaas al Ummah, Ibn Jauzi page 38 "Dhikr Jamal"

Al Manaqib al Khawazmi page 117

Nasibis should know that kufr Fatwas are not just on Shias but also on your leader Uthman by your mother Ayesha. The issuing of takfir is a very serious matter, Abu Tharr narrates he heard Rasulullah (s) state:

"If somebody accuses another of Fusuq (by calling him 'Fasiq' i.e. a wicked person) or accuses him of Kufr, such an accusation will revert to him (i.e. the accuser) if his companion (the accused) is innocent."

Sahih al Bukhari, Volume 8 hadith number 71

In addition to this we also read that:

Ibn Umar related that the Holy Prophet said: If a Muslim calls another kafir, then if he is a kafir let it be so; otherwise, he [the caller] is himself a kafir.''

(Abu Dawud, Book of Sunna, edition published by Quran Mahal, Karachi, vol. iii, p. 484) Since Ayesha issued takfir upon Uthman then one of them became an infidel. The Nasibis need to decide which of them is the kafir here.

The Nasibi verdict that Hadhrath Ayesha hated Ali (as)

'Ali Muttaqi al Hind records the following:

Hadhrath Ali says Hadhrath Ayesha fought me because firstly being a woman she possessed a weak judgement and secondly she bore enmity towards me and it would open in the same way a pot is opened. She would have never fought anyone other than me in that way.

Kanz ul Ummal, by 'Ali Muttaqi al Hind Chapter 8 Kitab "Mawa azafee katheeya'thul taweela" In the authentic "Umdah al Qari fi Sharh Sahih al Bukhari", by Badr al Din Hanafi we read that:

Hadhrath Ayesha, could not bearing hearing a good thing about Ali, and this is solid evidence of her being an enemy of Ali, for Nasibis to proclaim that the narrators of these Hadith are weak is not a valid excuse, because this is testified in the annals of history. "Umdah al Qari fi Sharh Sahih al Bukhari", by Badr al Din Hanafi Sharrapage 720, Chapter 4 "Hud ul Mareez"

Hadhrath Ayesha's pleasure at the death of Sayyida Fatima (as)

In "Sharh Nahj ul Balagha", Ibn al Hadid records the following:

"When the Prophets daughter died all the wives except Ayesha came to console Banu Hashim and she said that she was unwell and the message which she sent to Hadhrath Ali (as) clearly depicts her joy at this sad occasion".

Sharra Nahj ul Balagha by Ibn al Hadid page 439 Chapter 2

The only way the Wahabis get round these texts is to declare them daif (weak).

The Shi'a position on Hadhrath Ayesha

We do not curse Hadhrath Ayesha; rather we only quote what can be found in the text of the Ahlul Sunnah as well as Allah (swt) words in the Quran. It is sad that when we quote Sunni texts we are called kaffir! Furthermore after a detailed analysis of the Quran and Sunnah it cannot be proven that the standard for determining Iman is Hadhrath Ayesha.

Nasibis rather than attacking the Shia why not answer these questions:

Are the Sahaba and wives of the Prophet (s) EXEMPT from Sharia? If Allah (swt) or Rasulullah (s) state something does that apply to ALL Muslims, or can the Sahaba and the wives of the Prophet (s) ignore these words?

Are the Sahaba liable to punishment if they commit transgression? Now with these answers in mind we should point out that your esteemed books are replete with traditions that make it clear that Rasulullah (s) said: "Loving Ali is the sign of belief, and hating Ali is the sign of hypocrisy."

Sahih Tirmidhi, v5, p643

So Nasibis could you answer us this:

(1) Are these hadith Sahih? (2) Does it apply to all people? (3) Did Ummul Momineen Ayesha hate Ali?

Moving on we also find this hadith:

Zaid bin Arqam narrates:

"Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said regarding 'Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain (Allah be pleased with them all): I am at peace with those with whom you make peace and I am at war with those whom you make war",

  1. Sunan Ibn-I-Majah, English translation by Muhammad Tufail Ansari, Volume 1 page 81;
  2. Fada'il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p767, Tradition #1350;
  3. al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p149

So Nasibis, answer us:

(1) Is this hadith Sahih? (2) Does it apply to all people? (3) What is the position of one who is at war with the Prophet, Muslim, Murtad, Munafiq or Kaafir?