Divine Justice or The Problem of Evil


Throughout the history of thought and action, the justice of God has been a problem that has occupied the mind of nearly every philosopher. The most important reason for this attention is that they have been aware of deprivation, poverty, exploitation and tyrant, amongst human societies. Being aware of these bitter facts, some have, been led to doubt the justice of God, or even doubt the existence of God. Others have tried to somehow justify this seeming contradiction between God being just and the above-mentioned miseries.

This article is a small attempt to prove two points:

  1. God's justice is a reality.

  2. If God is just, it does not mean that individuals have to accept their present social situations; but on the contrary, it will mean that they have to change it.

In the end, I have to thank Muhammad Taqi Ja’fari and Murtadha Mutahhari, Persian philosophers, for lending me their knowledge, and thank Myles Burnyeat, S. M. Noori and S. A. Musawi for encouraging me to write this article.

The Author