Elementary Arabic Morphology 2


  1. What is a conjunct?

  2. What is a sentence with a conjunct called?

  3. What is the pronoun in the sentence with a conjunct called?

  4. How many kinds of conjuncts are there?

  5. What is a specific conjunct?

  6. What are the specific conjuncts?

  7. Are specific conjuncts declinable or indeclinable?

  8. What is a common conjunct?

  9. What are the common conjuncts?

  10. A conjunct is a noun whose meaning is not complete unless there is a sentence after it with a pronoun that relates to it. For example: جاءَ الخادم الذي کلَّمتُکَ عنه (The servant who you talked about came).

  11. The sentence after a conjunct is called a relative sentence.

  12. The pronoun in the relative sentence is called a returning pronoun. There are two kinds of returning pronouns: clear, for example جاء الذي سافر أبوه (the person whose father is traveling came) and hidden, for example جاء الذي أرسلتُ (the person who I sent for came).

  13. There are two types of conjuncts: specific and common.

  14. A specific conjunct is a word used specifically for single, dual, and plural masculine and feminine words.

  15. The specific conjuncts are:

• Masculine:

    1. الّذی (single)

    2. اللّذانِ اللّذَینِ (dual)

    3. اللّذِینَ (plural)

• Feminine:

    1. الّتی (single)

    2. اللّتانِ اللّّتَینِ (dual)

    3. اللّواتی اللاتی اللائی (plural)

  1. Conjuncts are always indeclinable. The dual forms are made indeclinable on an alif if it is in the nominative state, for example اللّذانِ and on a yā' if it is in the accusative or genitive states, for example اللّذَینِ.

  2. A common conjunct is a noun that is used for all the different tenses of conjuncts.

  3. There are three common conjuncts:

مَن which is used for rational beings. For example: أُکرِّمُ مَن یَزُورُني (I respect whoever visits me)

ما which is used for non-rational beings. For example: کُل ما تَشتهیهِ نَفسُکَ (Eat whatever your heart desires)

أيّ which is used for both rational and non-rational beings. For example: أُحِبُّ أيَّ التلامذةِ یدرسُ (I love whichever student who studies)