Elementary Arabic Morphology 3

Comparative and Superlative Nouns

  1. What is a comparative/superlative noun?

  2. How is a comparative/superlative noun formed?

  3. How is a comparative/superlative noun formed from verbs that have more than three letters?

  4. A comparative/superlative noun is a form that indicates a characteristic of something that is greater than something else, for example: یوسفُ أکبرُ من یُونس.

  5. A comparative/superlative noun is formed from triliteral verbs on the form أفعَل. The conditions are that the verb is able to be conjugated, active, complete, positive, able to be compared, and does not indicate color, defects, or trickery, for example: أنتَ أعلَمُ من أخیکَ.

  6. If one wants to form a comparative/superlative from verbs that have more than three letters or from verbs that indicate color, defects, or trickery one must mention its infinitive in the accusative case being a specificative after أشدّ و أکثر or the likes. So it is said: هو أکثر احتراماً لأبیه.