Elementary Arabic Morphology 3


  1. What is a conjunct?

  2. How many types of conjuncts are there?

  3. What is the difference between a specific conjunct and a common one?

  4. What are the specific conjuncts?

  5. What are the common conjuncts?

  6. What are the rulings for man and ?

  7. What are the rulings for dhā?

  8. What are the rulings for ay?

  9. A conjunct is that whose meaning is not complete except by the sentence mentioned after it called a relative clause.

  10. There are two types of conjuncts: specific and common.

  11. Specific conjuncts become masculine and feminine and dual and plural unlike common conjuncts that remain in one form in all cases.

  12. The specific conjuncts are:

• Masculine:

    1. الّذی (single)

    3. اللّذانِ اللّذَینِ (dual)

    5. اللّذِینَ (plural)

• Feminine:

    1. الّتی (single)

    3. اللّتانِ اللّّتَینِ (dual)

    5. اللّواتی اللاتی اللائی (plural)

  1. The common conjuncts are: من ، من ، ذا ، هي.

  2. Man is used for beings with intellect, for example: اِقبَل عُذرَ مَنِ اعتذرَ إلیکَ and is used for beings without intellect, for example: اِغفِر لنا ما فَرَطَ مِنَّا.

  3. Dhā is used for beings with and without intellect and it condition is that it comes after an interrogative man or , not alluding to it or compounded with it, for example: ماذا فعلتَ؟

  4. Ay is for beings with and without intellect and is different from all other conjuncts in that it is always dynamic, for example:یسرُّني أیُّهم هو قادمٌ, except if the pronoun that comes at the beginning of the relative clause is erased, in this case it is indeclinable on a dummah, for example**:یسرُّني أیُّهم قادم**ٌ.