Elementary Arabic Syntax 1

Hiding the Vowel Signs of a Declinable Noun

  1. How many declinable nouns hide their vowel signs?
    There are three types of declinable nouns that hide their vowel signs:
    • A compliment to a prefixed yā' personal pronoun.

• Nouns whose last letter is an alif maqsūrah (ی).

• Nouns whose last letter is a ya' preceded by a kasrah.

  1. Which declinable nouns hide all of their vowel signs?
    All of the vowels are hidden:
    • if the noun is a compliment to a prefixed yā' personal pronoun because it would be difficult to pronounce the vowel. For example: إنّ مَذهني إکرامي لضَیفي (Verily, my creed makes me respect my guest. )

• if the noun's last letter is an alif maqsūrah because an alif cannot take a vowel. For example:

إنّ الهُدی هُدی اللهِ (Verily guidance is Allah's guidance.)

  1. Which declinable nouns hide the dummah and kasrah?
    The dummah and kasrah are hidden in nouns whose last letter is a ya' preceded by a kasrah because of it being difficult to pronounce. For example: حَکَمَ القاضِي عَلَی الجَانِي (The judge sentenced the criminal.)