Elementary Arabic Syntax 2

Adverbial Qualification

  1. What is an adverbial qualification?
    An adverbial qualification is an infinitive which is mentioned after the verb in order to describe the cause of the verb. For example: وَقَفَ الجُندُ إجلالاً للإمیرِ (The army stopped in order to respect the commander.)

  2. Is an adverbial qualification always in the accusative state?
    The adverbial qualification can either be:
    • in the accusative state with the accusative sign, for example: هربتُ خوفاً (I fled out of fear.) This is usually the case when the infinitive does not have an alif-lām and is not prefixed to another word.

• in the accusative state with the genitive sign, for example: ضربتُ وَلدي لتأدیبهِ (I hit my son to teach him manners.) This is usually the case when the infinitive does have an alif-lām and is prefixed to another word.