Elementary Arabic Syntax 2


  1. What is a specificative?
    A specificative is a noun in the accusative state which explains the goal of an unclear word that comes before it. For example: إشتریتُ رَطلاً زیتاً (I bought a bucket of oil.)

  2. How many types of specificatives are there?
    There are two types of specificatives:
    • essential specificatives, which clear up an unclear noun, for example: إشتریتُ رَطلاً عسلاً (I bought a bucket of honey.)

• relative specificatves, which clear up an unclear sentence, for example: طابَ التلمیذُ نفساً (The student was clean, himself.)

  1. How many types of words precede a specificative in the accusative state?
    The words that precede a specificative in the accusative state are:
    • words that denote weight, اشتریتُ رطلاً سمناً (I bought a bucket of lard.)

• words that denote volume or weight of grains, اشتریتُ مُدّاً قَمحاً (I bought a mudd[^1] of wheat.)

• Words that denote area, اشتریتُ ذراعاً أرضاً (I bought a *dhirā‛*15 of land.)

• Numbers from 11 to 99, اشتریتُ عشرین کتاباً (I bought 20 books.)

  1. Is it permissible for a specificative to be in a state other than the accusative state?
    It is permissible to put the specificative of a weight, volume, or area:
    • in the genitive case as a compliment to a prefixed noun, اشتریتُ رطلَ سمنٍ (I bought a bucket of lard.)

• in the genitive case with the preposition min, اشتریتُ رطلاً مِن سمنٍ (I bought a bucket of lard.)

[^1]: An ancient form of measurement.