Environmental Protection in Islamic Shari’ah


1 Al-Bi’ah wa Mishkilatuha (Environment and its Problems) by Rashid Hamad and Muhammad Sa‘id Sabarini, pg.14, reported from book “Insan wa Bi’ah” (Man and the Environment) by Dr. Abdullah Atawi, Dar Izzuddeen, pg. [^14]:

2 Sayyid Abdullah Shabbar, Haqqul Yaqin fi Ma‘arifat Usul al-Din, vol. 1, pg. [^58]:

3 Sharh Tajrid al-I’itiqad, pg. [^270]:

4 Allah Yatajalla fi Asr al-Ilm, Allah Appears in Scientific Era, p. [^42]:

5 Ibid. pg. 62-[^63]:

6 Al-Ilm Yad’u lil Iman, ‘Science calls for faith’ by Christie Morrison, translated by Salih Falaki, p. [^72]:

7 Ibid., pg. [^160]:

8 See “Talawth Mishkilat al-Asr by Dr. Ahmad Madhat Salam, pg. [^26]:

9 Ibid. pg. [^31]:

10 Ibn Qayyim Jawziyya /Al-Amthal fi al-Qur’an al-Karim, pg.78, Darul Ma‘rifa –Beirut.

11 Al-Kafi by Kulaini, vol. 6, pg. [^531]:

12 Tuhf al-Uqul an Aal al-Rasul by Harrani, The Sermons of Imam Ridha (a.s.).

13 Sunan Abi-Dawud, vol. 4, pg. [^51]:

14 Ibid.

15 Sahih Tirmidhi, vol. 10, pg. [^240]:

16 Kanzul Ummal by Muttaqi Hindi, vol. 9, pg. 277 and 278, Hadith No. 26001 and 26007, published by al-Risala Foundation, Beirut in [^1979]:

17 Was’il al-Shi‘a by Hurr Amili, vol. 1, the book of Taharah, pg. 228, Dar Ihyah al-Turahth al-Arabi.

18 Ibid., pg. [^241]:

19 Ibid., pg. [^229]:

[^1] There are juristic details on the laws of ghusl concerning fasting and also on the laws of a menstruating woman, or who is vaginally bleeding (istihadha) or the blood after childbirth (nifas).

[^2] Ghusl al-Haidh is a “ghusl” which is compulsory upon a woman to perform after the stopping of normal menstruation.

[^3] Gusl al-Istihadha is a “ghusl” which is compulsory upon a woman who vaginally bleeds other than “haidh” and “nifas”.

[^4] It is a compulsory “ghusl” which a person must perform, when he or she touches a corpse before it has been duly washed.

[^5] It is a “ghusl” which is compulsory upon a woman who has had a baby and after the stoppage of the delivery blood.

[^6] Sahih al-Bukhari, vol. 3, Bab Fadhl al-Zari’ wa al-Gharis, Chapter on the merit of cultivation and planting, pg. [^135]:

[^7] Ahmad bin Hanbal, vol. 5, pg. [^440]:

[^8] Ibid., vol. 3, pg. [^191]:

[^9] Ibid., pg. [^192]:

[^10] Ibid., vol. 2 pg. [^12]: