Essays On Ghadir

1- Report of the Ghadir Day

This Event took place in the Ninth year A.H. and in continuation of the Hajj rituals in Hajjut-ul- Wida, Last Hajj with Prophet. To the Muslims, Ghadir-e- Khum is a famous place where the Holy Prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h.) completed his final message to mankind with regard to his succession. "0 you esteemed Messenger, impart the guidance that has been revealed unto you from your God; if you do not, you has not imparted His message at all; God will protect you from the evil designs of men.

” (Quran 5:67) The Carvan returning from the Hajjatul-Wida (the last Pilgrimage) of the Prophet Mohammed, (Peace be upon him and his Progeny), was unexpectedly halted. The archangel Jibrael (Gibraiel) had come with the message from Allah. "0 Apostle, Deliver what has been revealed to you from your God, and if you do not, then you have not delivered His message; and Allah will protect you from the people".

In the ninth year of Hijrat, the Holy Prophet undertook the Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca for teaching its religious customs. He undertook this journey during the Hajj season (Month of Hajjah). At a mountain slope, known as Jabal-ur Rahma, in the Arafat desert, he recited an important sermon overflowing with the recognition of Tauheed (Oneness of God) .He gathered all the caravans at a place called Ghadir-e-Khum. He stood at the top of the panels made from placing saddles one above the other. While effectively speaking about the different bounties and praising Allah, testifying to the truthfulness of Qiyamat (last day and judgment) and the life after death, he advised people about the Holy Quran and Ali (A.S.) again, officially and for all the public to see and hear, he introduced his rightful successor and said:

"Whomsoever I have been the Master, Ali is his Master too".

And he cleared and threw light on the responsibility and duty of his friends in the course of history by saying thus:

"O Allah! Befriend him who befriends Ali, and be enemy to him, who is enemy to Ali; and help him who helps Ali; and desert him who deserts Ali." The Place where the Muslims had stepped was Ghadir-eKhum. The Prophet delivered a Sermon and appointed Imam Ali (peace be upon him), as his successor. His words were: "0 Muslims! Who is more worthy [in the eyes of] the believers than their own selves"? The audience replied: "Allah and His Messenger know better". Hearing this, the Prophet declared: "I am the Master (Mawla) of the faithfuls, and I have rights over them even more than what they have over themselves.

Therefore, whoever I am his Mawla, (this) Ali is his Mawla (Master/ Chief)".

The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) had already introduced his Ahl-ulBait on several Occasions as "the ship of Noah", "the strong rope of God", "the door of forgiveness", "and the purified ones" and made "their love incumbent upon his followers". He had similarly, on many occasions, pointed out Ali as "My brother and Successor", "the door of the city of my knowledge", "the most equitable judge", "the embodiment of faith", and having the position with regard to him as "Aron was to Moses".

A renowned historian Ibn Khawand Shah (died 1903) on page 173 of the first volume of his book 'Rawzatus Safa' wrote "When the meeting, held under the serene and blissful atmosphere of the revelation, ended, the Holy Prophet made Imam Ali to sit in a special pitched tent, and ordered the Muslims to proceed, group by group, to congratulate him on his succession. When the men had finished their greetings, the Apostle of Allah ordered the wives to go and offer their congratulations".

According to the narration of Zaid Ibn Arqam, a well-known companion of the Prophet, immediately on receiving the orders of the Prophet the entire crowd with one voice said, "By all means we shall most willingly obey the mandate of God Almighty and His Apostle" and moved towards Imam Ali bin Abi Talib. Omar bin Khattab was the first to Congratulate Hazrat Ali in the following words. “Bakhin bakhin laka yaibn Abi Taleb asbahta Maulaayee Wa Maula Kullau Momineen wa mominaatin.”

"Greetings to you, O son of Abu Taleb! You have dawned as my master and the master of all faithful men and women".

He was followed by Abu Bakr, Osman, Talha and Zubair who were among the first to clasp, the hands of Ali and Swear allegiance. They were followed by the Muhajirs (volunteers), and Ansars (helpers), and then the rest of congregation who swore allegiance to Ali; and congratulated him on his designation as commander of the faithful people. This grand Celebration continued for full three days. (Kitabul Wilayah, by Mohammed bin Jarir Tabari [died 310 A.H.].)

Zaid Ibn Arqam also narrates that after the Prophet's discourse, people advanced, group by group towards the tent especially erected for this ceremony, and amidst the applause of greetings and congratulations they began to swear allegiance to Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.).

This event has established its correctness among various religious and social groups, and almost every school of thoughts has acknowledged its authenticity.

Ghadir points as a living truth, which emerged from the horizon of history, shedding its light, likes the sun, the moon, and the stars in every age and clime.

The investigations of thirty most prominent commentators of Quran and Hadith have confirmed this event.

Talat Abedi (India)