Essays On Ghadir

4- the Meaning of Word "mowla"(leader/ Chief) in Ghadir Day

Al-Ghadir is related to a tradition of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.).This tradition is narrated by many narrators, and is classified as Mutawatir (widely narrated). Hakim Nishaburi has mentioned a tradition, from his chain of narrators, from Zaid bin Arqam.

"When the Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) was returning from the farewell Hajj, he reached Ghadir-e-Khum (the pond of Ghadir)". "He camped at Ghadir and ordered a pulpit to be built with camel saddles and said: "I have been summoned, and it is the moment for me to answer.

The time has come for me, to depart from you. I leave amongst you, two precious things. If you cleave to them, you will never go astray. The Holy Book of God, and my Offspring, the Ahl ul-Bayt. Since they will never abandon you, until they lead you to me, at the sacred shores of Heaven! " "I have been summoned, and 1 shall answer the call. I leave among you two heavy things. One of them is greater than the other, the Book of Allah and my progeny.

Then be careful how you deal with them. And do not forsake them till you reach the Pond of Kauser." Then he said, "Indeed Allah, the Almighty is my Master and I am the master of all the believers." Then he took the hand if Ali and said, "Of whom so ever I am the master, this Ali is his master too. 0 Allah befriend to one who be friends Ali and be enemy to anyone who harbours enmity against him."

"Then whosoever, I am master of, then this man, Ali is his master." "O God! Befriend him, whosoever befriends him. Oppose him, whosoever opposes him. Support him, whosoever supports him. Desert him, whosoever deserts him."

"As God is my Judge! Bear witness for me, that today I surely completed and fulfilled your religion for you, and have successfully conveyed the Message that has been bestowed upon me by Allah. (AI Ghadir, Allamah Amini Vol.l, P. 9-11)

Al Hakim Neshaburi says that this tradition is correct according to the standards of evaluation of Bukhari1 and Muslim2, but they have not recorded it. Although Zahabi has mentioned it in his "Talkhis Al Mustadrak", it has also been mentioned by other reputed Sunni scholars in their books of traditions. Among them are; Qandoozi in "Yanabiul Mawaddah", AI-Maqrizi, Ahmed 1,2 They are two very reputable narrators of the Prophet traditrions, and their collections of traditions called as "Saheehs", are famous references for Islamic traditions.

ibn Khulafa, Mohib Tabari in Riyaz -01- Nazarah, Ibn Khallakan in . "Wafayatul Ayaan", Khatib Baghdadi in Tarikh-eBaghdad, Ibne Qutaybah in "Imamat Wal Siyasah", Ibn Tayimiyyah in his books "Huqooqe Ahlal Bayt", and "Aqeedatul Wasatiya", AI-Masoodi in "Muruj az-Zahab", Balazari in "Ansabul Ashraaf', Ibn Kathir in "Tafsirul Quran Azeem", Ibn Hajar Haithami in "Sawaequl Muhreqa" etc. There are many other scholars and writers who have quoted the tradition of Ghadir in their writings too.

Another notable fact mentioned in authentic historical books is that after the declaration of wilayat of Ali (p.b.u.h.) all those who were present with the holy Prophet proceeded to congratulate Ali. Especially Umar greeted in the following words: "Congratulations to you, 0' Abul Hasan, you have become my Master, and the Master of all believing men and women."

The tradition - "of whomsoever I am the Master, Ali is his Master", is so authentic and has been related by so many scholars in Islam that it has not been possible to deny it. So people who do not feel happy with recognizing the merits of Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.), or to acknowledge his position as Successor of the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) have tried to undermine his position by giving lighter interpretation to the word "Mowla" used by the holy Prophet. Some of them say that Mowla means friend, others say it means helper etc. The real significance of the word Mowla is, however, quite clear from the declaration of the Holy Prophet that "of whomsoever he was the Mowla, Ali is his Mowla".

Evidently, the Holy Prophet can not be called a mere friend or helper of the Muslims. He was their Guide, their Master, and the Head of their state. To say that he was a mere friend or helper is derogatory. Since the Holy Prophet declared Imam Ali to be Mowla as he himself was, it follows that Imam Ali would be Mowla in the same sense in which the Holy Prophet is to be regarded Mowla. Therefore this historic declaration puts a final seal on appointment of Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) as his own Successor, Viceregent and Caliph.

It may be pertinently recalled that, first of all, it was at the close of the "party of Kinsmen" known as "Dawate Zul- Asheera" in Islamic history, that, when the Holy Prophet had invited his chief kinsmen to a feast and disclosed that he was the Prophet of Allah (Rasulullah), and was commanded to invite them to the Divine Message. Then the holy Prophet announced, "This Ali is my brother, my Inheritor, my Successor, and my Deputy over you. You should listen to him and obey him".

Thereafter the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) continued announcing to the people, the high merits and achievements of Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.), and reminding them that Ali was to be regarded as the best, and the most distinguished among the muslim community, after the Holy Prophet, and to be accepted as his Successor over them, after him.

The tradition of Ghadir namely: "Of whomsoever I am the Master Ali (a.s.) is his Master" serve as the last link in the whole chain of the announcements of the virtues and qualifications of Ali (p.b.u.h.).

No such declaration was made about any other person. This day namely the 18th of Zil-Hijja is accordingly celebrated as a day of rejoicing among the lovers and adherents of Imam Ali, and is known as Eid-e-Ghadir.

Rukhsana Mushtaq (Pakistan)