Examples of Imam `ali’s (a.s.) Moral Virtues

Pardoning Talhah

After the Battle of the Camel, Musa ibn Talhah was brought to Imam `Ali who said, “Say three times: I seek forgiveness of Allah and I repent to Him.” Then he was set free. Addressing him, Imam `Ali said, “Go wherever you wish and take for yourself whatever you find of horses and weapons in the camp. But fear Allah in your future life and stay at home.”[^4]

Helping the Orphans

Although Amir al-Mu’minin was aware of the situation in the realm of Muslims and paid special attention to the situation of the orphans, widows and the needy, he would sometimes act like an ordinary person to give lesson to rulers and to the community.

One day, he saw a woman carrying a water-skin on her back. He took the water-skin from her and placed it on his back. When he inquired about her situation, she said, “`Ali ibn Abu-Talib sent my husband to the battle where he was killed. Now I am alone with my children and I have to work for others to make the ends meet.” Imam `Ali returned home but had no peace of mind during the whole night. In the morning, he took a basket, put some meat, flour and dates in it and set out for the woman’s house. Some friends suggested to carry the basket but the Imam said, “Who will carry the heavy load for me on the Judgment Day?” Reaching the woman’s house, he knocked at the door.

  • “Who are you?”

  • “I am the man who brought the water-skin for you. Now I have brought some food for the children.”

  • “May Allah bless you and judge between us and `Ali.”

She opened the door. Entering the house, he said, “I wish to do some good acts. Allow me either to knead the flour and bake it or to look after the children.” The woman said, “I will knead the flour.”

Imam `Ali too cooked the meat and fed the children with his own hand saying to each child while putting morsel in his mouth, “My son, forgive `Ali if he has failed in his duty towards you.” When the bread was ready, the woman said, “O servant of Allah! Put fire in the oven.” He did. When flames rose up, he brought his face near the fire and said, “Taste the heat of fire. It is the punishment for those who fail in their duty towards orphans and widows.”

By chance, a woman from the neighboring house came in. Recognizing him, she cried at the woman, “Woe to you, don’t you recognize the man who is helping you? He is Amir al-Mu’minin!” The widow came forward and shamefacedly cried, “Curse and shame to me. I beg your pardon.” The Imam said, “No, I beg your pardon, for I failed in my duty towards you.”[^5]

Carrying a Heavy Load

Imam `Ali bought dates from the mart of Kufah putting them in a corner of his cloak. People rushed to him to carry the dates, but he refused, saying, “One who has a wife and children is more deserving of carrying them.”[^6]

Bare-Food On Five Occasions

Zayd ibn `Ali reports: `Ali would walk bare-footed holding his sandals in his left hand on five occasions: Feast of fast-breaking (`«d al-Fitr), Feast of Sacrifices (`«d al-A¤ha), Fridays, on visiting the sick, and during funeral service. He would say, “These five occasions are the places of Allah and I would like to be bare-footed therein.”[^7]

Moral Behavior In The Market

Amir al-Mu’minin would always walk by himself in the market, showing the way to those who had lost their way, helping those who were incapable, reciting the following Qur’anic verse to the shop-keepers while passing by them,

تِلْكَ الدَّارُ الْآخِرَةُ نَجْعَلُهَا لِلَّذِينَ لَا يُرِيدُونَ عُلُوًّا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فَسَادًا وَالْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ (83)

As for that future abode, We assign it to those who have no desire to exalt themselves in the earth nor to make mischief and the good end is for those who guard against evil. (28:83)