Fatima (a.s): the Most Paramount Lady of Islam

The Translator’s note:

Due to the high importance of the esteemed character of Fatima (peace be upon her) as a real genuine role model for the wOmmen of the world, I deemed it necessary to translate this book and provide the ground for the readers’ better understanding. The book seeks to introduce the invaluable dimensions of Fatima’s character.

To achieve this end, I put a lot of efforts into the work for about three successive months night and day, hoping that it can deliver me on the Day of Resurrection. In addition, I have attempted to give as transparent and as fair translation of the book as possible, yet still it is not devoid of faults, and I am responsible for anything in the translation that is amiss. I should be very glad to hear from the readers using the book who will find mistakes, or who have comments or suggestions of any kind. Please write me atghq142002@yahoo.com .

As the last word, it is clear as day that the creation of any work usually involves the collaborations and efforts of a variety of persons. This work is no exception. To my intimate friend and advisor, Mr. Heshmatullah Zaheri Sarabi, for giving me the idea of translating the book, I express my deep appreciation. Besides, I seize the opportunity to thank Mr. Masud Meshki for his valuable comments on the translation and Mr. Mehdi Hassanzadeh for all his sincere efforts to publish the book.

In addition, I owe my wife,Tooran Khazraie, a debt of gratitude for encouraging and freeing me from many of life’s daily demands, so that I could translate freely. Without their support, this translation simply would not exist.

Mehdi Ghasemi,

April, 2004