Fatima (a.s): the Most Paramount Lady of Islam

Fatima (peace be upon her) as a measure:

Scales is an instrument for measuring and the facts are assessed by it. In materialism, for measuring goods, volume, weight, and a period of time, the special measuring instruments are utilized. In spirituality, measuring is possible through samples and symbols. For instance, the level of somebody’s understanding is measured through comparison with an intelligent person; the level of somebody’s piety is measured through comparison with a pious person; the level of sOmmebody’s intelligence and talent is measured through comparison with a talented and bright person; and the level of sOmmebody’s generosity and humanity is measured through comparison with a generous person.

Fatima (peace be upon her) is a complete measure for evaluating the ladies’ deeds, and according to the infallible, “she is measure”. Fatima’s spirit power, unique courage, elevated thoughts, and excellent dispositions are all and all measures and samples. Her chastity, piety, faith, nobility, honor, housekeeping, rearing the children, abstinence from sublunary luxury, material and spiritual aspects and even her death are all measures for us.

In the history of the wOmmen world, we do not know a woman like her to be the measure and sample. All Fatima’s attributes make her more adorned than others and give a distinguished face to her.