Fatima (a.s): the Most Paramount Lady of Islam

Fatima’s Purposefulness:

Fatima (peace be upon her) is a noble woman with purpose, and due to this fact she did not take any color and did not come to agreement with injustice. Although she was young, and like other youth in youth crisis, had got some ambitions, she never stopped her purpose and did not commit any offence.

She tolerated the hardships to obtain her purpose even under the severe torture of the enemy. In general, her marriage to Ali (peace be upon him) signified her purpose, because she knew that Ali (peace be upon him) was not a kind of man who tried to make her happy as the society expected. She married the one, who was always in the battlefield to achieve his mission.

Under the protection of her purpose, she was not willing to be captured by hypocrisy and deceits, lose her sobriety and vigilance; and because of her purpose, she was far from the adversity and did not heed the world allurement. She was unique in her purpose, and we do not know anybody like her in different periods of history.