Fatima (a.s): the Most Paramount Lady of Islam

Fatima’s Jihad and Struggle:

During her short life, especially in the last three months of her life, Fatima (peace be upon her) had a great jihad, an effective and vital jihad; a jihad which has been unique in the history of women’s lives, and due to this fact, it has been registered in the history. She proved that struggle is not all by sword and arrow. SOmmetimes, it is aggressive and sometimes, quiet. Sometimes, struggle is achieved by the application of silence, lack of attention, and disagreement, and sOmmetimes by the application of aggression.

She was aware that struggle has damages, and even may result in death. Being aware of these aspects, she accepted the struggle and its resultant damages.

She knew that sOmmetimes the struggles do not achieve the result immediately, but sometimes, the seed of a movement is planted and its fruit will be obtained after decades or even centuries. Therefore, she never gave up and did not evade struggling until she had power in her body. She continued her struggles along with Ali (peace be upon him) and sometimes independently. She argued with the word of logic and defamed them and then proved she was right although she was prohibited from her right.