Fatima (a.s): the Most Paramount Lady of Islam

The Exigency of Presenting Samples:

The presentation of samples is vital both for the adolescents and the adults. The young generation are affected by the adults, and the adults leave impression on the children, and naturally, every one of us takes effect from the one we love.

The language of samples sound clearer and livelier than the language of books and writings. I am to say that what is seen leaves more effect on us than what is heard.

Though seeing, we even feel the facts, as our heart looks for what our eyes have perceived.

The Divine religions have presented samples before they take action. The instructors also endeavor to present their syllabus and educational systems through examples.

The samples are effective in the society construction or deconstruction, due to the fact that human beings are by nature the hero-worshippers. All of us try to discover our ideals in the other persons or objects, and then admire and show resemblance to them.

Our practical experience in both our personal and social life is a living proof to this claim. Study the behavior of your child; to whom does his acts resemble, and whose behavior is embodied in his manner? This is more or less case in the adults, too. In other words, anyone take steps to adopt a hero who embodies higher qualities.