From Marriage to Parenthood The Heavenly Path


Most of the sources used to produce this manual are not available in English. Below is a summary of the works researched and translated:

  1. The Adornment of the Allāh (SwT) Conscious (°alliyatul Muttaqīn)
    By Allamah Muĥammad al-Bāqir (as) Majlisi
    Published in Iran, 1374 (1995)

  2. A Code of Practice for Muslims in the West
    Abdul Hadi Al-Hakim
    Published by Imam Ali (as) Foundation (1999)

  3. Heavenly Flower (Rayĥān-e Beheshtī)
    By Sima Mikhbor
    Published in Iran, 1382 (2003)

  4. Islamic Laws (English Version of Tawďhīul Masā`il)
    According to the Fatawa of Ayatullāh al-Udhmā Sayyid °Alī al-Husainī as-Sīstānī
    Published by The World Federation, 1994

  5. Marriage and Morals in Islam
    Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi
    Published by The Islamic Education and Information Centre

  6. A Mother’s Prayer
    Compiled by Saleem Bhimji and Arifa Hudda
    Published by Islamic Publishing House, 2004

  7. The Noble Qur`an (Al-Qur`an Al-Karim)
    English Translation by Sayyid °Alī Quli Qarai
    Published by The Centre for Translation of the Noble
    Qur`an, 2003

  8. The Relations and Requirements of Mothers and Embryo
    (Niyāzhā wa Rawābith Mādarān wa Janīn)
    By Mohsen Majaraju
    Published in Iran, 1382 (2003)

  9. The Sexual Requirement and Matrimony Relations
    (Niyāzhā wa Rawābith Jinsī was Zanāshuī)
    By Mohsen Majaraju
    Published in Iran, 1382 (2003)