Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech


Rage الحدَّة

  1. Rage is a bout of insanity because its possessor regrets [afterwards], but if he does not feel regret, then his insanity is firmly established.

1ـ اَلحِدَّةُ ضَرْبٌ مِنَ الجُنُونِ، لأنَّ صاحِبَها يَنْدَمُ، فَإنْ

لَمْ يَنْدَمْ فَجُنُونُهُ مُسْتَحْكَمٌ.

  1. Repel [your] rage, think about the proof and protect yourself from nonsense - you will be safe from slip-ups.

2ـ دَعِ الحِدَّةَ، وتَفَكَّرْ فِي الحُجَّةِ، وتَحَفَّظْ مِنَ الخَطَلِ

تَأمَنِ الزَّلَلَ.