Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech



  1. The severest of hardships is [having] evil offspring.

1ـ أشَدُّ المَصائِبِ سُوءُ الخَلَفِ.

  1. Hardships are the key to reward.

2ـ اَلمَصائِبُ مِفْتاحُ الأجْرِ.

  1. Reward with Allah, the Glorified, is to the extent of the hardship undergone.

3ـ اَلثَّوابُ عِنْدَاللّهِ سُبْحانَهُ وتَعالى عَلى قَدْرِ المُصابِ.

  1. The hardship of [lacking] patience is the greatest of hardships.

4ـ اَلمُصيبَةُ بِالصَّبْرِ أعْظَمُ المَصائِبِ.

  1. Hardships are divided equally among the creatures.

5ـ اَلمَصائِبُ بِالسَّوِيَّةِ مَقْسُومَةٌ بَيْنَ البَريَّةِ.

  1. Hardship in religion is the greatest of hardships.

6ـ اَلمُصيبَةُ بِالدّينِ أعْظَمُ المَصائِبِ.

  1. The reward for [bearing] hardship is greater than the extent of the hardship [itself].

7ـ اَلثَّوابُ عَلَى المُصيبَةِ أعْظَمُ مِنْ قَدْرِ المُصِيبَةِ.

  1. Indeed you are the target of calamities and the object of sicknesses.

8ـ إنَّكُمْ هَدَفُ النَّوائِبِ، ودَريئَةُ الأسْقامِ.

  1. At times, tribulation may abase [a person].

9ـ قَدْ تُذِلُّ الرَّزِيَّةُ.

  1. When you see that Allah, the Glorified, is continuously testing you [with hardships], then [know that] He has woken you [from your slumber of negligence].

10ـ إذا رَأيْتَ اللّهَ سُبْحانَهُ يُتابِـعُ عَلَيْكَ البَلاءَ فَقَدْ


  1. When hardships distance themselves, solace draws near.

11ـ إذا تَباعَدَتِ المُصيبَةُ، قَرُبَتِ السَّلْوَةُ.

  1. When you see your Lord continually testing you [with hardships] then be grateful to Him.

12ـ إذا رَأيْتَ رَبَّكَ يُوالي عَلَيْكَ البَلاءَ فَاشْكُرْهُ.

  1. When you fear the difficulty of an affair then be firm against it, it will yield to you; and deceive time about its calamities, it will become easy for you.

13ـ إذا خِفْتَ صُعُوبَةَ أمْر فَاصْعُبْ لَهُ يَذِلُّ لَكَ، وخادِعِ

الزَّمانَ عَنْ أحْداثِهِ تَهُنْ عَلَيْكَ.

  1. When tribulations come to you then sit and accept them, for indeed your standing up and confronting them will only aggravate them.

14ـ إذا أتَتْكَ المِحَنُ فَاقْعُدْ لَها فَإنَّ قِيامَكَ فيها زِيادَةٌ


  1. When adversity takes you by surprise, then seek refuge in patience and in seeking assistance [from Allah].

15ـ إذا فاجاكَ البَلاءُ فَتَحَصَّنْ بِالصَّبْرِ والاِسْتِظْهارِ.

  1. Through discomforts, Paradise is attained.

16ـ بِالمَكارِهِ تُنالُ الجَنَّةُ.

  1. Through calamities, happiness is spoiled.

17ـ بِالفَجايِـعِ يَتَنَغَّصُ السُُّـرُورُ.

  1. The harm that one faces in calamity is to the extent of [the loftiness of] one’s rank.

18ـ بِقَدْرِ عُلُوِّ الرَّفْعَةِ تَـكُونُ نِكايَةُ الوَقْعَةِ.

  1. It is with great difficulty that lofty ranks and perpetual bliss are attained.

19ـ بِالتَّعَبِ الشَّديدِ تُدْرَكُ الدَّرَجاتُ الرَّفيعَةُ والرَّاحَةُ


  1. The trial of a man is proportionate to his faith and religion.

20ـ بَلاءُ الرَّجُلِ عَلى قَدْرِ إيمانِهِ وَدينِهِ.

  1. The tribulation of a man is in his submission to avarice and [false] and hope.

21ـ بَلاءُ الرَّجُلِ في طاعَةِ الطَّمَعِ والأمَلِ.

  1. Reward descends in proportion to the hardship [that one bears].

22ـ تَنْزِلُ المَثُوبَةُ عَلى قَدْرِ المُصيبَةِ.

  1. Three things are from the greatest tribulations: a very large family, an overwhelming loan and unrelenting sickness.

23ـ ثَلاثٌ مِنْ أعْظَمِ البَلاءِ: كَثْرَةُ العائِلَةِ، وغَلَبَةُ

الدَّيْنِ، ودَوامُ المَرَضِ.

  1. The reward for hardship is proportionate to the patience exhibited in it.

24ـ ثَوابُ المُصيبَةِ عَلى قَدْرِ الصَّبْرِ عَلَيْها.

  1. Continual strife is from the greatest tribulations.

25ـ دَوامُ الفِتَنِ مِنْ أعْظَمِ المِحَنِ.

  1. Sometimes you may be the cause of your own misfortune.

26ـ رُبَّما دُهيتَ مِنْ نَفْسِكَ.

  1. To the extent of the hardship, there is reward.

27ـ عَلى قَدْرِ المُصيبَةِ تَـكُونُ المَثُوبَةُ.

  1. Every time the value of a thing that is competed becomes great, the difficulty of losing it increases.

28ـ كُلَّما عَظُمَ قَدْرُ الشَيْءِ المُنافَسِ عَلَيْهِ عَظُمَتِ

الرَّزِيَّةُ لِفَقْدِهِ.

  1. One who does not prepare himself to confront hardships [with patience and supplication], the hardships befall him [while he is unprepared for them].

29ـ مَنْ لَمْ يَتَعَرَّضْ لِلنَّوائِبِ تَعَرَّضَتْ لَهُ النَّوائِبُ.

  1. One who starts complaining about the hardship that has befallen him is actually only complaining against his Lord.

30ـ مَنْ أصْبَحَ يَشْكُو مُصيبَةً نَزَلَتْ بِهِ فَإنَّما يَشْكُو


  1. One who turns his attention away from this world, hardships become easy for him [to bear].

31ـ مَنْ لَهِيَ عَنِ الدُّنيا هانَتْ عَلَيْهِ المَصائِبُ.

  1. One who hits his hand on his thigh in times of hardship has nullified his reward.

32ـ مَنْ ضَرَبَ يَدَهُ عَلى فَخِذِهِ عِنْدَ مُصيبَة فَقَدْ أحْبَطَ


  1. One who exaggerates small hardships, Allah tries him with great ones.

33ـ مَنْ عَظَّمَ صِغارَ المَصائِبِ اِبْتَلاهُ اللّهُ بِكِبارِها.

  1. One who faces successive calamities acquires the merit of patience through them.

34ـ مَنْ تَوالَتْ عَلَيْهِ نَـكِباتُ الزَّمانِ أكْسَبَتْهُ فَضيلَةَ


  1. One of the greatest hardships for the virtuous is having to socialize with the wicked.

35ـ مِنْ أعْظَمِ مَصائِبِ الأخْيارِ حاجَتُهُمْ إلى مُداراةِ الأشْرارِ.

  1. How great is the hardship in this world when accompanied by the severe indigence of tomorrow (i.e. the Hereafter)!

36ـ ما أعْظَمَ المُصيبَةَ فِي الدُّنيا مَعَ عِظَمِ الفاقَةِ غَداً.

  1. A hardship that befalls others and has reward for you is better than the hardship that befalls you while its reward and recompense is for others.

37ـ مُصيبَةٌ في غَيْرِكَ لَكَ أجْرُها خَيْرٌ مِنْ مُصيبَة بِكَ

لِغَيْرِكَ ثَوابُها وَأجْرُها.

  1. A hardship from which good is expected is better than a blessing for which gratitude is not expressed.

38ـ مُصيبَةٌ يُرْجى خَيْرُها خَيْرٌ مِنْ نِعْمَة لايُؤَدّى شُكْرُها.

  1. Be happy with tribulation and pleased with affliction [as you will gain great reward for it].

39ـ كُنْ بِالبَلاءِ مَحْبُوراً، وبِالمَكارِهِ مَسْرُوراً.

  1. The worst of adversities are those in which there is no reckoning [and recompense].

40ـ أكْرَهُ المَكارِهِ فيما لايُحْتَسَبُ.

  1. Verily great reward accompanies great trials; so when Allah, the Glorified, loves a community, He tries them.

41ـ إنَّ عَظيمَ الأجْرِ مُقارِنٌ عَظيمَ البَلاءِ، فَإذا أحَبَّ اللّهُ

سُبْحانَهُ قَوْماً اِبْتَلاهُمْ.

  1. The one who exposes himself to affliction puts himself in danger.

42ـ المُتَعَرِّضُ لِلْبَلاءِ مُخاطِرٌ.

  1. Tribulation follows behind ease [and comfort].

43ـ اَلبَلاءُ رَديفُ الرَّخاءِ.

  1. Many a person is shown sympathy for an affliction that is [actually] his cure.

44ـ رُبَّ مَرْحُوم مِنْ بَلاء هُوَ دَواؤُهُ.

  1. Many a person who is afflicted is made stronger by his affliction.

45ـ رُبَّ مُبْتَليً مَصْنُوعٌ لَهُ (إلَيهِ) بِالبَلْوى.

  1. The distress of tribulation [one faces] is proportionate to the blessings [one receives].

46ـ عَلى قَدْرِ النَّعْماءِ يَكُونُ مَضَضُ البَلاءِ.

  1. Tribulation may come suddenly.

47ـ قَدْ تُفاجِئُ البَلِيَّةُ.

  1. Every tribulation other than the fire [of hell] is [a means to] wellbeing.

48ـ كُلُّ بَلاء دُونَ النَّارِ عافِيَةٌ.

  1. For every heart there is anguish.

49ـ لِكُلِّ كَبَد حِرْقَةٌ.

  1. When you are tested, be patient.

50ـ إذا اُبْتُلِيتَ فَاصْبِرْ.

  1. How many a person is tested with blessings!

51ـ كَمْ مِنْ مُبْتَلًى بِالنَّعْماءِ.

  1. How many a person is blessed through tribulation!

52ـ كَمْ مِنْ مُنْعَم عَلَيْهِ بِالبَلاءِ.

  1. Do not consider yourself secure from tribulation in your times of safety and comfort.

53ـ لاتَأْمَنْ مِنَ البَلاءِ في أمْنِكَ ورَخائِكَ.