Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech

Error And Deviation

Error and deviation-الضلال والضّلالة والغواية

  1. The most destructive thing is persistent deviation.

1ـ أهْلَكُ شَيْء اِسْتِدامَةُ الضّلالِ.

  1. How many a deviation has been embellished by a verse from the Book of Allah just as a bronze dirham is embellished by a coat of silver.

2ـ كَمْ مِنْ ضَلالَة زُخْرِفَتْ بِ آيَة مِنْ كِتابِ اللّهِ كَما

يُزَخْرَفُ الدِّرْهَمُ النُّحاسُ بِالفِضَّةِ المُمَوَّهَةِ.

  1. It is enough of an error for a person to command others to do what he does not do [himself] and forbids them from that which he does not refrain from.

3ـ كَفى بِالمَرْءِ غَوايَةً أنْ يَأمُرَ النّاسَ بِما لا يَأْتَمِرُ

بِهِ ويَنْهاهُمْ عَمّا لا يَنْتَهي عَنْهُ.

  1. For every deviation there is a cause.

4 ـ لِكُلِّ ضِلَّة عِلَّةٌ.

  1. What is there after truth except error?

5ـ ما ذا بَعْدَ الحَقِّ إلاّ الضَّلالُ.