Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech

Being Cheerful And Smiling

Being Cheerful and smiling البِشْر، البَشاشة وطِلاقَةُ الوَجْه

  1. Cheerfulness is one of the two forms of hospitality.

1ـ البَشاشَةُ أحَدُ القَرائَيْنِ.

  1. Cheerfulness is [a form of] kindness.

2ـ اَلبَشاشَةُ إحْسانٌ.

  1. Cheerfulness is a trap for [ensnaring] affection.

3ـ اَلبَشاشَةُ حِبالَةُ المَوَدَّةِ.

  1. Adopt cheerfulness for it is indeed a trap for [ensnaring] affection.

4ـ عَلَيكَ بِالبَشاشَةِ فَإنَّهُ حِبالَةُ المَوَدَّةِ.

  1. There is no cheerfulness with annoyance.

5ـ لابَشاشَةَ مَعَ إبْرام.

  1. Cheerfulness cools down the fire of opposition.

6ـ اَلبِشْرُ يُطْفِئُ نارَ المُعانَدَةِ.

  1. Cheerfulness is the first gift [that can be given].

7ـ اَلبِشْرُ أوَّلُ النَّوالِ.

  1. Cheerfulness is the trait of the free.

8ـ اَلبِشْرُ شيمَةُ الحُرِّ.

  1. Cheerfulness makes companions affable.

9ـ اَلبِشْرُ يُوْنِسُ الرِّفاقَ.

  1. Cheerfulness renders goodness without any expense.

10ـ اَلبِشْرُ إسْداءُ الصَّنيعَةِ بِغَيْرِ مَؤُنَة.

  1. By cheerfulness and keeping a smiling face, the act of giving becomes virtuous.

11ـ بِالبِشْرِ وبَسْطِ الوَجْهِ يَحْسُنُ مَوْقِعُ البَذْلِ.

  1. Your cheerfulness is your first righteous act and your promise is your first gift.

12ـ بِشْـرُكَ أوَّلُ بِرِّكَ ووَعْدُكَ أوَّلُ عَطائِكَ.

  1. Your cheerfulness shows the nobility of your soul and your humility points to your righteous character.

13ـ بِشرُكَ يَدُلُّ على كَرَمِ نَفْسِكَ، وتَواضُعُكَ يُنْبِئُ عَنْ

شريفِ خُلْقِكَ.

  1. Being cheerful is the first gift and the easiest [form of] generosity.

14ـ حُسْنُ البِشرِ أوَّلُ العَطاءِ، وأسْهَلُ السَّخاءِ.

  1. Cheerfulness is one of the two glad tidings.

15ـ حُسْنُ البِشْر أحَدُ البِشارَتَيْنِ.

  1. Cheerfulness is the disposition of all those who are [truly] free.

16ـ حُسْنُ البِشْرِ شيمَةُ كُلِّ حُرّ.

  1. Being cheerful is one of the signs of success.

17ـ حُسْنُ البِشْرِ مِنْ عَلائِمِ النَّجاحِ.

  1. The cause of affection is cheerfulness.

18ـ سَبَبُ المَحَبَّةِ ألبِشْرُ.

  1. Smiling with cheerfulness, [practicing] benevolence, [performing] righteous actions and bestowing greetings invites the love of the people.

19ـ طِلاقَةُ الوَجهِ بِالبِشرِ والعَطيَّةِ وفِعْلِ البِرِّ وبَذْلِ

التَّحيَّةِ داع إلى مََحَبَّةِ البَريَّةِ.

  1. Increased cheerfulness is a sign of benevolence.

20ـ كَثْرَةُ البِشرِ آيَةُ البَذْلِ.

  1. A cheerful face is better than a serious, frowning face.

21ـ وَجْهٌ مُسْتَبْشِرٌ خَيْرٌ مِنْ قَطْوب مُؤثِر.

  1. Cheerfulness is one of the two gifts.

22ـ اَلبِشْرُ أحَدُ العَطائَيْنِ.

  1. Cheerfulness is a delightful countenance and a radiant disposition.

23ـ اَلبِشْرُ مَنْظَرٌ مُونِقٌ،وَ خُلْقٌ مُشْرِقٌ.

  1. Cheerfulness is kindness, frowning is meanness.

24ـ اَلبِشرُ مَبَرَّةٌ، العُبُوسُ مَعَرَّةٌ.

  1. Cheerfulness is the beginning of righteousness.

25ـ اَلبِشرُ أوَّلُ البِرِّ.

  1. Keeping a cheerful face is a trait of the free.

26ـ الطَّلاقَةُ شيمَةُ الحُرِّ.

  1. Cheerfulness is the first gift.

27ـ اَلبِشرُ أوَّلُ النّائِلِ.