Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech

The Qur’an

The Quran-القرآن

  1. The Qur’an is the better of the two forms of guidance.

1ـ اَلْقُرْآنُ أفْضَلُ الهِدايَتَيْنِ.

  1. Excel in your recitation of the Qur’an, for it is indeed the most beneficial (or the best) of stories, and seek cure from it, for it is the cure for [what is in] the breasts.

2ـ أحْسِنُوا تِلاوَةَ القُرْآنِ فَإنَّهُ أنْفَعُ (أحْسَنُ) القَصَصِ،

واسْتَشْفُوا بِهِ فَإنَّهُ شِفاءُ الصُّدُورِ.

  1. Follow the light that is not put out and the face that does not become old, and surrender and submit to its command, for indeed you will not go astray with submission [to it].

3ـ اِتَّبِعُوا النٌّورَ الَّذي لايُطْفَأُ، والوَجْهَ الَّذي لايَبْلى،

واسْتَسْلِمُوْا، وسَلِّمُوا لأمْرِهِ، فَإنَّكُمْ لَنْ تَضِلُّوا مَعَ التَّسليمِ.

  1. The best reminder is the Qur’an, through it the breasts are expanded and the souls are illuminated.

4ـ أفْضَلُ الذِّكْرِ القُرْآنُ، بِهِ تُشْرَحُ الصُّدُورُ وتَسْتَنيرُ


  1. Verily the outer aspect of the Qur’an is elegant and its inner aspect is profound [in meaning]; its marvels do not end, its wonders do not cease, and the darkness [of ignorance and misguidance] is not removed except through it.

5ـ إنَّ القُرْآنَ ظاهِرُهُ أنيقٌ، وباطِنُهُ عَمِيقٌ، لاتَفْنى

عَجائِبُهُ، ولاتَنْقَضي غَرائِبُهُ، ولا تُكْشَفُ الظُّلُماتُ إلاّ بِهِ.

  1. Verily this Qur’an is the adviser that does not deceive, the guide that does not lead astray and the speaker that does not lie.

6ـ إنَّ هذا القُرْآنَ هُوَ النّاصِحُ الَّذي لايَغُشُّ، والهادِي الَّذي

لايُضِلُّ، وَالمُحَدِّثُ الَّذي لايَكْذِبُ.

  1. Reflect upon the verses of the Qur’an and learn lessons from it, for indeed it is the best imparter of lessons.

7ـ تَدَبَّرُوا آياتِ القُرْآنِ واعْتَبِرُوا بِهِ فَإنَّهُ أبْلَغُ


  1. Learn the Qur’an, for it is indeed the spring of the hearts and seek a cure from its light, for verily it is the cure of the hearts.

8ـ تَعَلَّمُوا القُرْآنَ فَإنَّهُ رَبيعُ القُلُوبِ، واسْتَشْفُوا

بِنُورِهِ فَإنَّهُ شِفاءُ الصُّدُورِ.

  1. Hold fast to the rope of the Qur’an and take counsel from it, consider as permissible what it permits and forbidden what it forbids, and act on its injunctions and rulings.

9ـ تَمَسَّكْ بِحَبْلِ القُرْآنِ وانْتَصِحْهُ، وحَلِّلْ حَلالَهُ،

وحَرِّمْ حَرامَهُ، وَاعْمَلْ بِعَزائِمِهِ وأحْكامِهِ.

  1. The charm of the Qur’an are [in the surahs] al-Baqarah and Aāl ‘Imrān.

10ـ جَمالُ القُرآنِ البَقَرَةُ وآلُ عِمْرانَ.

  1. He (‘a) said about the Holy Qur’an: it is an intercessor whose intercession is accepted and it is a speaker whose speech is affirmed.

11ـ وقال َـ عَلَيْهِ السّلامُ ـ في ذِكْرِ القُرْآنِ: شافِعٌ مُشَفَّعٌ

وقائِلٌ مُصَدَّقٌ.

  1. The outward aspect of the Qur’an is elegant and its inward aspect is profound.

12ـ ظاهِرُ القُرْآنِ أنيقٌ، وباطِنُهُ عَميقٌ.

  1. You must take this Qur’an, accept what it has permitted, stay away from what it has forbidden, act on its definitive [and clear] verses and refer its unclear verses to the one who knows their meanings; for indeed it is a witness over you, and it is the best thing that you can petition with.

13ـ عَلَيْكُمْ بِهذَا القُرْآنِ، أحِلُّواحَلالَهُ، وحَرِّمُوا

حَرامَهُ، واعْمَلُوا بِمُحْكَمِهِ، ورُدُّوا مُتَشابِهَهُ إلى عالِمِهِ، فَإنَّهُ شاهِدٌ عَلَيْكُمْ، وأفْضَلُ ما بِهِ تَوَسَّلْتُمْ.

  1. In the Qur’an is the information about what was before you, the news about what will come after you and the rulings regarding your present time.

14ـ فِي القُرآنِ نَبَأُ ما قَبْلَكُمْ، وخَبَرُ ما بَعْدَكُمْ، وحُكْمُ

ما بَيْنَـكُمْ.

  1. The Qur’an is sufficient as a caller [towards the right path].

15ـ كَفى بِالقُرْآنِ داعِياً.

  1. Let your nightly conversation partner be the Qur’an.

16ـ لِيَكُنْ سَميرُكَ القُرْآنَ.

  1. There is no poverty for anyone after the Qur’an nor is there any affluence for anyone before it.

17ـ لَيْسَ لأحَد بَعْدَ القُرْآنِ مِنْ فاقَة، وَلا لأحَد قَبْلَ

القُرْآنِ غِنىً.

  1. One who feels at ease with the recitation of the Qur’an does not become lonely by the separation of his brothers.

18ـ مَنْ أنِسَ بِتِلاوَةِ القُرْآنِ لَمْ تُوحِشْهُ مُفارَقَةُ


  1. One who takes the word of Allah as a guide is directed to that which is most upright.

19ـ مَنِ اتِّخَذَ قَوْلَ اللّهِ دَلِيلاً هُدِيَ إلَى الَّتي هِيَ


  1. One for whom the Qur’an intercedes on the Day of Judgment, its intercession for him is accepted, and one about whom it complains shall testify to [and affirm] it.

20ـ مَنْ شَفَعَ لَهُ القُرْآنُ يَوْمَ القِيمَةِ شُفِّعَ فيهِ، ومَنْ

مَحَلَ بِهِ صُدِّقَ عَلَيْهِ.

  1. One who deems what the Qur’an has forbidden to be permissible does not believe in it.

21ـ ما آمَنَ بِما حَرَّمَهُ القُرْآنُ مَنِ اسْتَحَلَّهُ.

  1. None has sat in the company of this Qur’an but that he has risen with an increase or a decrease – an increase in guidance or a decrease in [spiritual] blindness.

22ـ ما جالَسَ أحَدٌ هذا القُرْآنَ إلاّ قامَ بِزِيادَة، أوْ نُقْصان،

زِيادَة في هُديً، أوْ نُقْصان في عَمَيً.

  1. He said about the Qur’an: It is a light for one who seeks illumination by it, a witness for one who disputes with it, a success for one who argues by it, knowledge for one who is attentive and a judgment for one who judges.

23ـ قال في ذِكْرِ القُرْآنِ: نُورٌ لِمَنِ اسْتَضاءَ بِهِ، وشاهِدٌ

لِمَنْ خاصَمَ بِهِ، وفَلَجٌ لِمَنْ حاجَّ بِهِ، وعِلْمٌ لِمَنْ وَعى وحُكْمٌ لِمَنْ قَضى.

  1. In describing the Qur’an [he said]: It is what prevents the desires from deviating towards the forbidden and the uncertainties and opinions from causing doubt.

24ـ في وَصْفِ القُرْآنِ: هُوَ الَّذي لاتَزيغُ بِهِ الأهْواءُ،

وَلاتَلْتَبِسُ بِهِ الشُّبَهُ وَالآراءُ.

  1. In describing the Qur’an [he said]: It is the decisive word and not a jest. It is the articulator of the practice of justice and the enjoiner of virtue. It is the strong rope of Allah and the wise reminder. It is the trusted revelation of Allah and His strong rope. It is the spring of the hearts and the fountains of knowledge. It is the straight path. It is guidance for the one who follows it and an adornment for the one who beautifies himself with it. It is a protector [from sin] for the one who seeks protection by it and a firm rope for the one who holds on to it.

25ـ في وَصْفِ القُرْآنِ: هُوَ الفَصْلُ لَيْسَ بِالهَزْلِ، هُوَ

النّاطِقُ بِسُنَّةِ العَدْلِ، والآمِرُ بِالفَضْلِ، هُوَ حَبْلُ اللّهِ المَتينُ، والذِّكْرُ الحَكيمُ، هُوَ وَحْيُ اللّهِ الأمِينُ، وحَبْلُهُ المَتينُ،وَ هُوَ رَبيعُ القُلُوبِ، ويَنابيعُ العِلْمِ، وهُوَ الصِّراطُ المُسْتَقيمُ، هُوَ هُدىً لِمَنِ ائْتَمَّ بِهِ، وَزينَةٌ لِمَنْ تَحَلّى بِهِ، وعِصْمَةٌ لِمَنِ اعْتَصَمَ بِهِ، وحَبْلٌ لِمَنْ تَمَسَّكَ بِهِ.

  1. Do not seek a cure from other than the Qur’an, for indeed it is a cure for all ailments.

26ـ لاتَستَشْفِيَنَّ بِغَيْرِ القُرْآنِ، فَإنَّهُ مِنْ كُلِّ داء شاف.

  1. He said describing the Qur’an: Its marvels do not end and its wonders do not cease, and doubts do not get cleared save by it.

27 ـ وقالَ في وَصْفِ القُرْآنِ: لاتَفْنى عَجائِبُهُ، ولاتَنْقَضي

غَرائِبُهُ، ولاتَنْجَلى الشُّبَهاتُ إلاّ بِهِ.

  1. The people of the Qur’an are the people of Allah and His special servants.

28ـ أهْلُ القُرْآنِ أهْلُ اللّهِ وخاصَّتُهُ.