Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech


Ingratitude-كفران النعمة والكفور

  1. Doing good to an ingrate is from the greatest of crimes.

1ـ اِصْطِناعُ الكَفُورِ مِنْ أعْظَمِ الجُرْمِ.

  1. Being ungrateful for a blessing causes it to be taken away and being thankful for it causes it to last.

2ـ كُفْرُ النِّعْمَةِ مُزيلُها وشُكْرُها مُسْتَديمُها.

  1. Ingratitude for blessings makes one stumble and strips away the blessings.

3ـ كُفْرانُ النِّعَـمِ يُزِلُّ القَدَمَ ويَسْلُبُ النِّعَمَ.

  1. Ungratefulness for a blessing is vileness, and accompanying a fool is [a cause of] misfortune.

4ـ كُفْرُالنِّعْمَةِ لُؤْمٌ، وصُحْبَةُ الأحْمَقِ شُؤْمٌ.

  1. Being ungrateful for a blessing is the cause of its removal.

5ـ كُفْرُ النِّعْمَةِ مُزيلُها.

  1. The one who is unthankful for blessings is ungrateful for the bounty of Allah.

6ـ كافِرُ النِّعْمَةِ كافِرُ فَضْلِ اللّهِ.

  1. Ingratitude for blessings is the thing that brings [divine] retribution.

7ـ كُفْرُ النِّعَمِ مَجْلَبَةٌ لِحُلُولِ النِّقَمِ.

  1. The one who is ungrateful for blessings is dispraised in the sight of the Creator and the creation.

8ـ كافِرُ النِّعْمَةِ مَذْمُومٌ عِنْدَ الخالِقِ والخَلائِقِ.

  1. Ingratitude for blessings is not a success [rather it is a failure].

9ـ لَيْسَ مِنَ التَّوْفيقِ كُفْرانُ النِّـعَمِ.

  1. There is no blessing with ingratitude.

10ـ لانِعْمَةَ مََعَ كُفْر.

  1. Verily ingratitude for blessings is vileness and accompanying the ignorant is [a cause of] misfortune.

11ـ إنَّ كُفْرَ النِّعْمَةِ لُؤْمٌ ومُصاحَبَةَ الجاهِلِ شُؤْمٌ.

  1. Blessings are stripped away by ingratitude.

12ـ اَلنِّـعَمُ يَسْلُبُهَا الْكُفْرانُ.

  1. The bane of blessings is ingratitude.

13ـ آفَةُ النِّـعَمِ الكُفْرانُ.

  1. The cause of alteration [and removal] of blessings is ingratitude.

14ـ سَبَبُ تَحَوُّلِ النِّـعَمِ الكُفْرُ.

  1. In ungratefulness for blessings is [the cause of] its removal.

15ـ في كُفْرِ النِّـعَمِ زَوالُها.

  1. Whoever is ungrateful for blessings, [divine] retribution comes upon him.

16ـ مَنْ كَفَرَ النِّـعَمَ حَلَّتْ بِهِ النِّقَمُ.