Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech



  1. Attain certitude (or proficiency) and you will be successful.

1ـ أيْقِنْ (أتْقِنْ) تُفْلِحْ.

  1. The best faith is certitude.

2ـ أفْضَلُ الدّينِ اليَقينُ.

  1. The root of patience is [having] definite certainty about Allah.

3ـ أصْلُ الصَّبْرِ حُسْنُ اليَقينِ بِاللّهِ.

  1. The root of indifference towards worldly pleasures is certitude, and its fruit is felicity.

4ـ أصْلُ الزُّهْدِ اَلْيَقينُ، وثَمَرَتُهُ السَّعادَةُ.

  1. Certitude is worship.

5ـ اَلْيَقينُ عِبادَةٌ.

  1. Certitude is light.

6ـ اَلْيَقينُ نُورٌ.

  1. Certitude is the symbol of faith.

7ـ اَلْيَقينُ عُنْوانُ الإيمانِ.

  1. Certitude is the best [means of] indifference towards [the pleasures of] this world.

8ـ اَلْيَقينُ أفْضَلُ الزَّهادَةِ.

  1. Certitude is the pillar of faith.

9ـ اَلْيَقينُ عِمادُ الإيمانِ.

  1. Certitude is the gown of the sagacious.

10ـ اَلْيَقينُ جِلْبابُ الأكْياسِ.

  1. Certitude eliminates doubt.

11ـ اَلْيَقينُ يَرْفَعُ الشَّكَّ.

  1. Certitude bears the fruit of indifference towards worldly pleasures.

12ـ اَلْيَقينُ يُثْمِرُ الزُّهْدَ.

  1. Certitude is the cornerstone of religion.

13ـ اَلْيَقينُ رَأْسُ الدّينِ.

  1. Certitude is the best worship.

14ـ اَلْيَقينُ أفْضَلُ عِبادَة.

  1. Verily I am upon complete certitude from my Lord and do not have any doubt about my religion.

15ـ إنّي لَعَلى يَقين مِنْ رَبّي، وغَيْرِ شُبْهَة في ديني.

  1. Through certitude worship becomes complete.

16ـ بِاليَقينِ تَتِمُّ العِبادَةُ.

  1. The fruit of certitude is asceticism [and indifference towards worldly pleasures].

17ـ ثَمَرَةُ اليَقينِ الزَّهادَةُ.

  1. The cornerstone of religion is true certitude.

18ـ رَأْسُ الدّينِ صِدْقُ اليَقينِ.

  1. The cause of sincerity is certitude.

19ـ سَبَبُ الإخْلاصِ اَلْيَقينُ.

  1. Cling to certitude and eschew doubt, for there is nothing more destructive for a person with regards to his religion than the prevailing of doubt over his certitude.

20ـ عَلَيْكَ بِلُزُومِ اليَقينِ، وَتَجَنُّبِ الشَّكِّ، فَلَيْسَ

لِلْمَرْءِ شَيْءٌ أهْلَكَ لِدينِهِ مِنْ غَلَبَةِ الشَّكِّ عَلى يَقينِهِ.

  1. Cling to certitude and God-wariness, for indeed these two will deliver you to the Garden of [everlasting] Refuge.

21ـ عَلَيْكُمْ بِلُزُومِ اليَقينِ والتَّقْوى، فَإنَّهُما

يُبَلِّغانِكُمْ جَنَّةَ المَأْوى.

  1. The strength of one’s certitude is [proportionate] to the extent of one’s faith.

22ـ عَلى قَدْرِ الدّينِ تَكُونُ قُوَّةُ اليَقينِ.

  1. The highest form of certitude is sincerity.

23ـ غايَةُ اليَقينِ الإخْلاصُ.

  1. Certitude is sufficient as worship.

24ـ كَفى بِاليَقينِ عِبادَةً.

  1. The certitude of one who is extravagant in his wants and exerts himself in acquisition [of wealth] it is not true.

25ـ لَمْ يَصْدُقْ يَقينُ مَنْ أسْرَفَ فِي الطَّلَبِ، وأجْهَدَ نَفْسَهُ

فيِ المُكْتَسَبِ.

  1. If your certitude was sound, you would not have exchanged the everlasting for the evanescent, nor would you have traded the lofty for the lowly.

26ـ لَوْ صَحَّ يَقينُكَ لَمَا اسْتَبْدَلْتَ الفانِيَ بِالباقِى،

ولابِعْتَ السَّنِيَّ بِالدَّنيِّ.

  1. One who has certitude is successful.

27ـ مَنْ أيْقَنَ أفْلَحَ.

  1. One who has certitude is saved.

28ـ مَنْ أيْقَنَ يَنْجُ.

  1. One whose certitude is firm, has hope.

29ـ مَنْ حَسُنَ يَقينُهُ يَرْجُ.

  1. One who has certitude works diligently.

30ـ مَنْ يَسْتَيْقِنْ يَعْمَلْ جاهِداً.

  1. One who is certain about [divine] reward does good [deeds].

31ـ مَنْ أيْقَنَ بِالجَزاءِ أحْسَنَ.

  1. One whose certitude is strong does not [have any] doubt.

32ـ مَنْ قَوِيَ يَقينُهُ لَمْ يَرْتَبْ.

  1. One who is certain about the Hereafter does not covet this world.

33ـ مَنْ أيْقَنَ بِالآخِرَةِ لَمْ يَحْرِصْ عَلَى الدُّنْيا.

  1. One whose conviction is firm, his worship becomes good.

34ـ مَنْ حَسُنَ يَقينُهُ حَسُنَتْ عِبادَتُهُ.

  1. One whose certitude is true does not [have any] doubt.

35ـ مَنْ صَدَقَ يَقينُهُ لَمْ يَرْتَبْ.

  1. One whose certitude is sound abstains from dispute.

36 ـ مَنْ صَحَّ يَقينُهُ زَهِدَ فِي المِراءِ.

  1. One whose heart does not have certitude, his actions do not submit to it.

37ـ مَنْ لَمْ يُوقِنْ قَلْبُهُ لَمْ يُطِعْهُ عََمَلُهُ.

  1. One who has certitude is hopeful.

38ـ مَنْ أيْقَنَ رَجا.

  1. How great is the felicity of one whose heart is filled with the coolness of certitude.

39ـ ما أعْظَمَ سَعادَةَ مَنْ بُوشِرَ قَلْبُهُ بِبَرْدِ اليَقينِ.

  1. Certitude is an excellent dispeller of doubt.

40ـ نِعْمَ الطّارِدُ لِلشَّكِّ اَلْيَقينُ.

  1. Sleeping with certitude is better than praying while in doubt.

41ـ نَوْمٌ عَلى يَقين خَيْرٌ مِنْ صَلاة في شَكّ.

  1. One who sells certitude for doubt, truth for falsehood, and the Hereafter for this world is destroyed.

42ـ هَلَكَ مَنْ باعَ اليَقينَ بِالشَّكِّ، والحَقَّ بالباطِلِ، والآجِلَ


  1. Do not turn your certitude into doubt and your knowledge into ignorance.

43ـ لاتَجْعَلُوا يَقينَـكُمْ شَكّاً، ولا عِلْمَكُمْ جَهْلاً.

  1. He who has no certitude has no faith.

44ـ لاإيمانَ لِمَنْ لايَقينَ لَهُ.

  1. Certitude is evinced by the shortening of hopes, sincerity in action and indifference towards the pleasures of this world.

45ـ يُسْتَدَلُّ عَلَى اليَقيـنِ:بِقَصْرِ الأمَلِ، وإخْلاصِ العَمَلِ،وَ

الزُّهْدِ فِي الدُّنْيا.

  1. Certitude is corrupted by doubt and the onslaught of vain desire.

46ـ يُفْسِدُ اليَقينَ الشَّكُّ، وَغَلَبَةُ الهَوى.

  1. The weapon of the possessor of certitude is patience in [times of] hardship and thankfulness in well-being.

47ـ سِلاحُ المُوقِنِ:اَلصَّبْرُ عَلَى البَلاءِ، والشُّكْرُ فِي


  1. Have certitude and you will become strong.

48ـ كُنْ مُوْقِناً تَكُنْ قَويّاً.

  1. Whoever possesses certitude does good [deeds].

49ـ مَنْ أيْقَنَ أحْسَنَ.

  1. Those who possess certitude, the dedicated [and sincere] ones and the altruistic ones are from the people of the Elevations.[^1]

50ـ اَلْمُوقِنُونَ، والْمُخْلِصُونَ، والمُؤْثِرُونَ مِنْ رِجالِ


  1. The possessor of certitude is the most sorrowful of all people about [the condition of] his soul.

51ـ اَلمُوقِنُ أشَدُّ النّاسِ حُزْناً عَلى نَفْسِهِ.

  1. Where are the possessors of certitude who have cast off the attires of vain desire and cut themselves off from the ties of this world?

52ـ أيْنَ المُوقِنُونَ، الَّذيْنَ خَلَعُوا سَرابيلَ الهَوى، وقَطَعُوا

عَنْهُمْ عَلائِقَ الدُّنْيا.

[^1]: The People of the Elevations are those referred to in Q7:46.