Hajj Rituals

Rami of Jamarat

The thirteenth obligation in Hajj is rami of the three jamarat, the First (Oola), Middle (Wusta) and Last (Aqabah), on the eleventh and twelfth [of Thil Hijjah], and, as a matter of precaution, also on the thirteenth, if its eve was spent in Mina. It must be done in person; hiring an agent is not permitted, except for a good reason.

Rule 431: It is obligatory to start rami of the First Jamrah , then the Middle and finally the Last. If this order is not followed, even due to an oversight or ignorance of the rule, the procedure must be repeated to achieve the proper sequence.

However, if one forgets or misses a Jamrah and throws four stones at the subsequent one before realising, he may complete the seven; there is no need to repeat the rami of the subsequent one.

Rule 432: The obligations already set out under 'The Fourth Obligation - 1 Rami of Jamratil Aqabah', above, apply to the stoning of all the Jamarat.

Rule 433: The stones must be thrown at the Jamarat during the day. The exceptions to the rule are those excused on grounds of ill health, fearing danger to their life, or any other valid reason, since they are permitted to carry out rami at night instead of day time.

Rule 434: If a person fails to perform rami on the eleventh through ignorance or oversight, it is obligatory on him to make up for it on the twelfth by way of qadha.

If a person forgets to do so on the twelfth, he must make up for it on the thirteenth. As a matter of precaution, the one who deliberately fails to perform rami is in the same boat as the ignorant.

Also one should, as a matter of precaution, differentiate between ada' and qadha obligations; the qadha must precede the ada'; the qadha at the beginning of the day, and the ada' at zawaal, as a matter of preferred precaution (al ahwatil awla).

Rule 435: If a person fails to perform rami due to oversight or ignorance and remembers after reaching Makkah, it is obligatory on him to return to Mina to perform it.

If he had forgotten to perform rami on two or three days, he must, as a matter of precaution, observe an interval between rami for the different days.

If he recalls after leaving Makkah, it is not obligatory to return to Mina, but he must perform the qadha in the following year in person, or by an agent, as a matter of preferred precaution.

Rule 436: The pilgrim who cannot perform rami in person, such as the sick, should hire an agent to do it on his behalf. It is preferable that he should be present at the place of jamarat to witness his agent in action, if possible.

If the agent is performing rami on his behalf at a time when there is no hope of recovery, yet the pilgrim subsequently recovers, he should, as a matter of precaution, perform rami in person. However, if he is not able to hire an agent because of ill health, his guardian or any other person can perform rami on his behalf.

Rule 437: Failure to perform rami does not invalidate Hajj, even if it was deliberate. However, it is obligatory to perform it qadha in person or by an agent in the following year, as a matter of precaution.