Hazrat Zahra (s.a) and the Heart - Rending Episode of Fadak

Part Four: Fadak and the Imams of the Prophets Family (p.b.u.h.)

One of the matters very worthy of attention is that after the primary usurpation, not even one of the Imams ever interfered in the matter of Fadak. Nor did Ali (p.b.u.h.) in the inner workings of his government interfere, nor did the other Imams. This was while persons like “Omar ibn Abdul-Aziz” and even “Mamoon” suggested that it be returned to one of the Imams. This is really question provoking. What was the reason for this position with regard to the matter of Fadak?

Why didn’t Ali (p.b.u.h.), at a time when the whole Islamic realm was under his subservience, give back this right to its original owners? Or for an example, why didn’t Mamoon give Fadak back to Imam Moosa al-Reza (p.b.u.h.), despite all of his show of devotion regarding the Prophets family? On the contrary, turning it over to some of “Zaid ben Ali ben al-Hossein” grandchildren as representatives of Bani Hashem.

Amir al Momeneen Ali (p.b.u.h.) has said all there is to say in a short discourse, where he says:

“Of course, all that we had in our possession under this sky was Fadak, but a group of people felt greedy for it and the other party withheld themselves from it. Allah is after all the best Arbiter.

In practice, that great man showed that he didn’t want Fadak as a means for income or an economic source, and at the time when the matter of Fadak was propounded by himself and his wife it was for the stabilization of the matter of the guardianship, and to prevent diversive ways in the groundwork of the Prophets caliphate. Now that the dye had been cast and Fadak had taken on a material countenance, what benefit was there in obtaining it.

Sayyid Morteza, the great Shia scholar and researcher has a meaningful word on this matter, saying:

“When the post of the caliphate came to Ali (p.b.u.h.) they spoke to him about the return of Fadak, he said;

English Interpretation:

“I’m ashamed before God, to return it to it’s original owners, that which Abu Baker prohibited and Omar agreed with.”( lbn Abi al-hadid volume 16, page 252, English interpretation by the translator)

In reality, he shows with this remark both his greatness, and his little regard for Fadak as a material investment and source of income, and also introduces the principle thwarters of this right!

As to why some of the caliphs, who apparently wished to show devotion to the Prophets family (p.b.u.h.), turned over Fadak to the grand children of Zaid ibn Ali, for example, or other unknown persons as representatives of Bani Hashem instead of the Imams themselves, there are two probable reason:

  1. The guardian Imams (p.b.u.h.) were never willing to accept Fadak because at that time this had more of a material nature than a meaningful one, and maybe gave the impression of attachment to the world instead of spiritual distinctions. By another interpretation, accepting it under those conditions was unworthy of the guardian Imams (p.b.u.h.). In addition to that, it would also tie their hands in their struggle against the oppressing caliphs. This was because each time they wished to rise up against them, they had to give up Fadak. (Just like in the affair of the repossession of Fadak by “Abu jaa’far” Caliph Abbasi from “Bani al-Hassan”. It has been reported that after the uprising of some of them against the caliph’s government, he took Fadak from all of them.)

  2. The oppressive Caliphs also preferred that the material resources of the Imams not be increased.

Just as it is well known in the celebrated story of Haroon that when he came to Medina he showed unusual respect for Imam Moosa ben Jaafar (p.b.u.h.), in a way that was surprising to his son Mamoon. However, when it came time for gift giving, the gift that he sent to the Imam (p.b.u.h.) was unusually meager. Mamoon was mystified by this matter and upon questioning his father for the reason behind it, his father gave an answer which was in brief something like; “We must not do something to help them gain power and tomorrow rise up against us!”