Hazrat Zahra (s.a) and the Heart - Rending Episode of Fadak

Part Seven: A summing up and Conclusion

The sorrowful saga of Fadak, and the storms which encompassed this apparently small village throughout history, well show that a great plot was under way to set aside the prophet’s family (p.b.u.h.) from the scene of the government and caliphate, and to ignore the position of the Imamat and guardianship.

From the beginning and especially during the time of Bani Umayeh and Bani Abbas, the players in the political scene tried to exclude the Ahl al-Bait (p.b.u.h) in every way. They tried to take from them every privilege, which could have possibly resulted in their victory. Where conditions required it of them they used their names and titles but refrained from returning what was their due right!

We know that during the rule of Bani Abbas and Bani Umayeh the extent of the Islamic world and the wealth and treasures of the public treasury were so great, as to be previously unknown of, or less known of, in the history of Islam. In view of this, the village of Fadak was very insignificant, but still devilish considerations would not permit them to return this right to its owners and put an end to this playing with Fadak.

The saga of Fadak in reality is a page in the history of Islam which shows, on one side, the rank and esteem of the Prophet’s descendents, on another side, their innocence and, on yet another, the plots which where formed by their enemies against them.

The End

Other Publications by the same author

The Most Individual Lady of the world, Fatimah Zahra (p.b.u.h.) by: Ayat - Allah Makarem Shirazy.

Famous Epic Prose, by: Ayat - Allah Makarem Shirazy.